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Buy Me A House

Hi this is another site on the internet like so many others. This one is hoping to make enough money for a deposit on a house. If the whole house can be paid for then even better. You know the drill if you want to give me money then click the paypal button. You can use your credit card or your paypal account if you have one. Thanks for your help.

1st August 08 - Bought a New Domain Name.

Just yesterday the 31st of July 08 bought the domain name so am putting it here to help with google rankings if it does. Been Playing World Of Warcraft abit. Got a level 70 Mage and a Level 70 Druid. The next expansion pack Wrath of the Lich King comes out around November this year with a level cap increase to 80 so that will be cool. Haven't made any money through donations in like 2 years of trying so am nowhere closer to buying a house. Would u like to donate then click the paypal button and use your credit card. My most active site can be found at so visit there though it's not very exciting either.

2 May 07 - Thought I'd Add Some Text To This Page. This Is The Beginning Sorta. Buy Me A House.

Just above was where the text used to end and it then went onto the links and stuff. This is new text because obviously the page needed more and because it will help with search engines, i'm listed with google but there was no information on the page so it never got any hits. Ok. So I have to write some text so I can be found by search engines and with the text I have to try and convince people to give me money. The writing the text part is easy.

My story is a sad story but it's getting better. I need a house for everything that a house provides like comfort and security. A house will help with my sad story and will be some closure in some respects. Actually if you give me money through Paypal then I could spend it on anything to be honest. Everything I get is one step closer to having a house. You need everything that goes with a house as well, furniture, electronics, transportation. This is not really working I can't think of anything to help people decide to give me money. It's harder than I think. I'll leave it here for now. I would like money because I need a house and everything that goes with a house because i'm a sad story. I'm not talented or skilled or intelligent, as could possibly be witnessed by this website which is a disadvantage. I dunno maybe i'll just add to this page over time like a blog but my other sites are blogs to mostly. This was more text for search engines which won't help at all because I haven't said anything.

My name is Darcy. I'm 29 years old I live in New Zealand and i'm just starting to create websites to try and make money for a house. Imagine me in a house, yup I know.


This is my old Immortality War on Death Blog site before I transfered to a new host.

This is my newest and second blog. It's trying to make money and stuff as well. Todays date is 02 May 07. The blog was made about 4 days ago from that date.

Pro Begger - Pro Beggar

This is my main website with over 500 music videos.