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Building The Body

Blogs and Forums

Kevin's Forum

Note that this site is new and still going under upgrades.

(10/09/2006) - Summary of Kevin's Forum

The ideas present in this blog dealt with building the body topic. It focused on cosmetic surgery to alter physical a person’s physical appearance. Genetic research designed to give a better understand of human genetics in order to move close to making the perfect human. The topic of steroids in competitive sports was also discussed in the forum.

On the conflict of Genetic Research, only 42% of the post addressed the topic. They all agreed that genetic research can benefit mankind. The knowledge could be used to create replacement organs and cure rare diseases. One statement was that people don’t understand “that stem cell research does not mean that one day we are going to be cloning the "perfect" man to create an all powerful army to dominate the world.” This is the fear most people have on the genetic research topic.

Steroids were discussed in 71% on the post. It was disproved in all of them mainly for causing harm to the body and giving and unnatural advantage. One post approved of steroid usage stating that “anabolic steroids has done nothing but wonders for the world of competitive sports.” This view shows that steroids make sports more entertaining. Still 80% of the post disagreed strongly with steroid usage in competitive sports.

Cosmetic surgery was the most popular discussion on the forum; spoke about in 85% of the post. The main argument went with the fact that it is a personal choice. It was approved with restrictions in some post. That it should be used to better a person, but not just to alter appearances of a normal person. There was an argument claiming that physical altercations could be beneficial, such as breast reduction. One post stated “God made you the way you are. Each individual is perfect in their own way.” This was the only post on the board to call in religion into the topic. This topic had the most altered views on the board as well.

I take the same position as the majority did on the subjects on the forum. I am for genetic research for the cures it could provide. I am against steroid usage in competitive sports because I feel that they give an unnatural advantage. I believe cosmetic surgery is a personal choice. I am for it without any restrictions.

The fact that religion was not brought up more on the forum was a surprise. I expect it to bring up a debate, but it did not. It was not even mention in genetic research, and only once in the cosmetic surgery postings. Religion did not play a major factor in the forum debate.

© of Kevin Smith, The Building the Body Group, English 1101, Heneghan.