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Strategy, hacks, and helpful links

This section will cover strats for Protoss Terran and Zerg. These arnt just off the top of my head ive used these many times and they have worked over and over again. There are many more other than the ones im posting on this site(if u'd like to know more email me or check the links below)but here are a few that have worked for me.


This strategy is basically for over powering your enemy early in the game.... At the begining of the game take the 8th probe you build and make 1 - 2 pylons - after these are formed (keep in my mind you should have at least 3 probes building in your nexus at all times) build 2 gateways. You might only have enough minerals for 1 but should have enough for the 2nd gateway shortly after creating the 1st. while these are forming keep makeing probes - (this is key) and start your gas. Take the next 2-3 probes and put them on gas. As soon as the gateways are done forming start making zealots one at a time.Afteer starting your first 2 zealots make the cybernetics core. Start mining on another gas location and keep making probes. At this point you should build a fordge and get 2-3 more pylons. and 2 more gateways

Key to winning

  • Finacial stability
  • Offensive units
  • Constant pressure

Some Links You Might Be Interested In

BroodWar's Zero Gamerz Site (some nice downloads strats, and cheats)
BroodWar's Newest DL's and Patches
Map hacks , Bots - All your Starcraft needs (hacking is for pu$$ys)
