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Bret Hart Comp. Set Matches


This is the REAL Bret Hart collection. It is a 14 video and 3 DVD set that has 203 matches, promos and moments that made Bret Hart the greatest technical wrestler of all time. This is truly a 1 of it's kind. I guarantee that you won't find another Bret Hart collection like this on the net or anywhere in the world. It's truly a must have for any Bret Hart fan. After you watch this amazing collection, you will know without question that you just watched the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!

I have broken down the matches into 14 videos and 3 DVDs and gave each one a different title to document Bret's amazing career.

World Titles - This video includes EVERY World Title win and loss that Bret has ever had.

WWF Pay Per Views- This is a 4 video set that includes EVERY WWF Pay Per View match that Bret ever wrestled on.

WCW Pay Per Views- This video has EVERY WCW Pay Per View match that Bret ever wrestled on.

Birth Of The Hart Foundation- This video includes matches, promos and moments including the forming of the legendary Hart Foundation, many confrontations with Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and much more.

Hart Foundation v. America- This video includes matches, promos, the war with DX and Bret leaving the WWF.

WCW TV- This is a 2 video set that includes over 35 matches, many in ring promos and interviews and other moments of Bret's during his time there starting from his debut on Nitro all the way through his 2 year stay there.

Excellence of Execution- This video includes over 20 classic matches that showed why Bret is in indeed, The Excellence of Execution.

Bret Hart Shoot Interview- This is a excellent shoot where Bret talks about all points of his career including all his legendary feuds, matches, Owen, and his side of what happened in Montreal. This video also includes 8 great matches.

Hart Foundation Shoot Interview- This DVD is the first ever shoot interview of the legendary Hart Foundation. Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart talk about how they met, how they came to the WWF and were thrown together as a team with no plan for them, but ended up becoming one of the greatest teams in wrestling history.

Poetry in Motion- Another video that has many great Bret matches.

The Hart Foundation 1985-1987- This 2 DVD set showcases one of the greatest teams of all time, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart, The Hart Foundation. This set includes many rare, classic tag team and single matches and is truly a must have for any fan of The Hart Foundation.

Bret v. Owen- This video includes many of the legendary matches that Bret & Owen had against each other. This was truly an amazing feud that produced so many great matches and memories. Owen is so terribly missed and this great video relives the great emotions that this amazing feud produced.


World Titles -

World - Ric Flair v. Bret Hart
World- Bret Hart v. Yokozuna (WrestleMania 9)
World- Yokozuna v. Bret Hart (WrestleMania 10)
World- Bret Hart v. Bob Backlund (Submission,Survivor Series 94)
World- Diesel v. Bret Hart (Suvivor Series 95)
World- Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels (IronMan, WrestleMania 12)
World- Bret Hart v. Steve Austin v. Vader v. Undertaker (Final 4 match, IYH 13)
World- Bret Hart v. Sycho Sid
World- Undertaker v. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 97)
World- Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series 97)
World- Bret Hart v. Chris Benoit (Trny final, Mayhem 99)
World- Bret Hart v. Goldberg (very rare, night after Starrcade 99)

W.W.F. PPVs 1-

Battle Royal (WrestleMania 2)
Hart Foundation & Danny Davis v. British Bulldogs & Tito Santana (WrestleMania 3)
Hart Foundation, Demolition, Islanders, Bolshevicks, New Dream Team v. British Bulldogs, Strike Force, Young Stallions, Rougeau Bros.,Killer Bees (Survivor Series 87)
Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble 88, wasn't aired on PPV)
Battle Royal (WrestleMania 4)
W.T.T.- Demolition v. Hart Foundation (SummerSlam 88)
Hart Foundation, British Bulldogs, Powers of Pain, Rockers, Young Stallions v. Demolition, Brain Busters, Bolshevicks, Rougeau Bros, Conquistadors (Survivor Series 88)
Hart Foundation & Jim Duggan v. Rougeau Bros. & Dino Bravo (Royal Rumble 89)
Hart Foundation v. Greg Valentine, Honky Tonk Man (WrestleMania 5)
Hart Foundation v. Brain Busters (SummerSlam 89)
Bret Hart, Jim Duggan, Hercules, Ronnie Garvin v. Randy Savage, Greg Valentine, Earthquake, Dink Bravo (Survivor Series 89)
Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble 90)
Hart Foundation v. Bolshevicks (WrestleMania 6)
W.T.T.- Demolition v. Hart Foundation (2 of 3 falls, SummerSlam 90)
Hart Foundation, Dusty Rhodes, Koko B.Ware v. Undertaker, Ted DiBiase, Rhythm & Blues (Survivor Series 90)
Royal Rumble match (Royal Rumble 91)
W.T.T.- Hart Foundation v. Nasty Boys (WrestleMania 7)
I.C.- Mr. Perfect v. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 91)
Bret Hart, Rowdy Roddy Piper, British Bulldog, Virgil v. Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase, Mountie, Warlord (Survivor Series 91)

W.W.F. PPVs 2-

I.C.- Rowdy Roddy Piper v. Bret Hart (WrestleMania 8)
I.C.- Bret Hart v. British Bulldog (SummerSlam 92)
World- Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series 92)
World- Bret Hart v. Razor Ramon (Royal Rumble 93)
Bret Hart v. Razor Ramon (King of the Ring 93)
Bret Hart v. Mr. Perfect (King of the Ring 93)
Bret Hart v. Bam Bam Bigelow (King of the Ring 93)
Bret Hart v. Doink (SummerSlam 93)
Bret Hart v. Jerry Lawler (SummerSlam 93)
Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Keith Hart, Bruce Hart v. Shawn Michaels, Red Knight, Blue Knight, Black Knight (Survivor Series 93)
W.T.T. - Bret & Owen Hart v. Quebecors (Royal Rumble 94)
Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble 94)
World- Bret Hart v. Diesel (King of the Ring 94)
World- Diesel v. Bret Hart (Royal Rumble 95)


Bret Hart v. Bob Backlund (I Quit, WrestleMania 11)
Bret Hart v. Hakushi (IYH 1)
Bret Hart v. Jerry Lawler (IYH 1)
Bret Hart v. Jerry Lawler (King of the Ring 95)
Bret Hart v. Issac Yankem (SummerSlam 95)
Bret Hart v. Jean Pierre Lafite (IYH 3)
World- Bret Hart v. British Bulldog (IYH 5)
World- Bret Hart v. Undertaker (Royal Rumble 96)
World- Bret Hart v. Diesel (cage, IYH 6)
Bret Hart v. Steve Austin (Survivor Series 96)
World- Sycho Sid v. Bret Hart (It's Time)
Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble 97)
Bret Hart v. Steve Austin (Submission, WrestleMania 13)

W.W.F. PPVs 4-

Bret Hart v. Steve Austin (Revenge of the Taker)
Hart Foundation in ring promo (King of the Ring 97)
Hart Foundation v. Steve Austin, Road Warriors, Ken Shamrock, Goldust (Canadian Stampede)
World- Bret Hart v. Patriot (Ground Zero)
World- Bret Hart v. Undertaker (One Night Only)
Bret Hart, British Bulldog v. Vader, Patriot (Flag match, Badd Blood 97)

W.C.W. PPVs -

Bret Hart v. Ric Flair (Souled Out 98)
Bret Hart v. Curt Hennig (Uncensored 98)
Bret Hart v. Randy Savage (Slamboree 98)
Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan v. Rowdy Roddy Piper, Randy Savage (Great American Bash 98)
T.V.- Booker T v. Bret Hart (Bash at the Beach 98)
War Games 98 (Fall Brawl 98)
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Sting (Halloween Havoc 98)
U.S.- Diamond Dallas Page v. Bret Hart (WW3 98)
Bret Hart v. Lex Luger (Halloween Havoc 99)
Bret Hart v. Sting (Semi-Finals, Mayhem 99)
World- Bret Hart v. Goldberg (Starrcade 99)

Birth Of The Hart Foundation -

Bret Hart v. Mantaur
Bret Hart v. Hakushi
Bret Hart v. Waylon Mercy
Bret Hart v. Issac Yankem (cage,no ending)
Bret Hart v. Goldust
World- Bret Hart v. Undertaker
Bret Hart v. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Bret & Steve Austin satellite face to face
In ring promo the night after the It's Time PPV
Bret Hart v. Razor Ramon
Bret Hart, Savio Vega v. Steve Austin, Faarooq
Bret Hart v. Vader
In Ring promo night after Royal Rumble 97, yells at Vince and quits
Gorilla Monsoon offers Bret a spot in the Final 4 match, Bret comes back & accepts, Austin comes out
Bret comes to the ring during a Shawn Michaels in ring interview being conducted by Vince in Toronto
Bret Hart v. Vader
Bret Hart v. Mankind (jip)
Bret does commentary for Steve Austin v. Vader, Undertaker attacks Bret
Bret Hart v. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
In Ring interview
World- Sycho Sid v. Bret Hart (cage)
In ring promo night after WrestleMania 13, Bret turns heel as he bashes American Fans, HBK comes to the ring & Bret attacks him
Bret interupts Owen v. Bulldog and all 3 re-unite
Bret interupts an Austin in ring promo
I.C.- Rocky Maivia v. Bret Hart
Austin in ring promo, he calls out Bret, Bret doesn't come and Austin tries to break into his locker room
Street Fight- Bret Hart v. Steve Austin
Owen, Bulldog & Brian Pillman promo, Austin runs in
Promo in a wheelchair, bashes American fans
I.C. Title - Rocky Maivia v. Owen Hart
Undertaker v. British Bulldog (start & end only, Austin interferes, Jim Neidhart returns)
Hart Foundation in ring promo
HBK in the ring, Bret comes on the tron & Hart Foundation jump HBK
End of Austin v. Neidhart, Bret attacks Austin
Hart Foundation promo
Bret in ring promo in a wheelchair, HBK comes out, famous promo where Raw goes off the air as Bret is "shooting" on him
Bret & HBK promo, Bret challenges HBK for King of the Ring 97, and HBK responds with the infamous "Sunny Days" comment
Bret, Austin & HBK promo, Bret cancels the King of the Ring match

Hart Foundation v. America -

Bret promo in Edmonton the night after the Canadian Stampede
Bret Hart v. Goldust
Hart Foundation promo
Hart Foundation promo in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Flag Match - Bret Hart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog v. Steve Austin, Undertaker, Dude Love
Hart Foundation promo (The Pittsburgh Enema promo)
Bret Hart v. Patriot
No Holds Barred- Bret Hart v. Vader
W.T.T.- Headbangers v. Bret Hart, British Bulldog
Bret Hart v. Goldust
Hart Foundation, DX & Sgt. Slaughter promo
Hart Foundation & DX promo (MSG Curtain Call footage is shown)
Bret Hart v. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Bret Hart v. Faarooq
World- Bret Hart v. Ken Shamrock
"Why Bret Why" Interview w/Vince conducted by Jim Ross
Wrestling With Shadows documentary

W.C.W. TV 1 -

NWO says that Bret is their newest member
Bret debuts in W.C.W.
Bret gives Hulk a head in a box
Bret in ring interview
Bret interupts Ric Flair's interview
Bret in ring interview, Flair interupts
Ric attacks Neidhart, Bret comes down
Ric in ring interview, Bret interupts
Bret in ring interview
Bret in ring interview, Bryan Adams debuts & NWO attacks Bret
Bryan Adams in ring interview, Bret comes down
Bret interview
Bret Hart v. Bryan Adams (Bret's W.C.W. in ring Nitro debut)
Rick Rude & Curt Hennig attack British Bulldog, Bret comes down
Rude & Hennig attack Neidhart, Bret comes down
Bret interferes in Sting v. Nash
Bret Hart, Sting v. Kevin Nash, Randy Savage
End of Hulk v. Savage for the World title, Bret turns heel
Bret in ring interview
Bret & Hulk face to face in the ring
Bret in ring interview
Piper & Savage face to face, Bret comes down
Bret in ring promo
Bret in ring promo, asks Sting to join the NWO
NWO Hollywood in ring promo
Bischoff interviews Bret, he asks Benoit to join
Bret attacks Savage, both NWOs fight
Bret in ring interview
Bret Hart v. Chris Benoit
Bret Hart v. Fit Finlay
Bret in ring promo
Bret attacks Mysterio & Guerrera
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Diamond Dallas Page
Bret's 1st promo as U.S. Champion
Bret & Sting confrontation
Bret asks to be Sting's partner
W.T.T.- Giant, Scott Hall v. Bret Hart, Sting
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Lex Luger
U.S.- Lex Luger v. Bret Hart (jip)
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Diamond Dallas Page
In ring promo, Stevie Rays joins NWO Hollywood
Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan v. Sting, Lex Luger
Bret in ring promo, some NWO come down & Sting comes down
Bret Hart, Lex Luger v. British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart
Bret in ring interview
Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell call Bret out, Bret comes and they attack him
Bret Hart v. Hulk Hogan
Sting attacks Bret in his dressing room
Bret Hart v. Sting (backstage fight)
Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan v. Sting, Warrior
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Sting
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Diamond Dallas Page
Bret in ring interview, Luger comes out
Bret attacks Lex during Lex v. Giant
Bret in ring interview

W.C.W. TV 2 -

Bret Hart v. Chris Benoit
Bret in ring interview
Bret Hart v. Dean Malenko
Bret in ring interview, DDP comes out
U.S.- Diamond Dallas Page v. Bret Hart
Bret in ring interview
Bret in ring interview
Bret backstage interview
Bret Hart v. Booker T
U.S.- Bret Hart v. Rowdy Roddy Piper
Bret Hart v. Will Sasso
Bret in ring interview
Bret in ring promo, calls out Goldberg, he comes out and spears Bret, Bret is wearing a steel plate
1st in ring interview since Owen's death
In ring promo, challenges Hogan
Bret Hart, Ric Flair v. Sting, Lex Luger, Diamond Dallas Page
Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan v. Sting, Lex Luger
Bret Hart v. Chris Benoit - Owen Hart tribute match
interview w/Bret after the match
World- Sting v. Bret Hart
U.S.- Goldberg v. Bret Hart (also 1st rd. of World Title trny)
U.S.- Ladder Match- Bret Hart v. Goldberg v. Scott Hall v. Sid Vicious
Bret Hart v. Kidman
1st promo as World Champion
World- Bret Hart v. Jeff Jarrett
Cage- Bret Hart, Chris Benoit v. Goldberg,Sid v. Hall, Nash
World- Bret Hart v. Lex Luger
W.T.T.- Creative Control v. Bret Hart, Goldberg
Bret in ring promo, Goldberg comes out, Outsiders challenge them
W.T.T.- Bret Hart, Goldberg v. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall
World- Bret Hart v. Goldberg
NWO in ring promo
World- Bret Hart v. Chris Benoit
Scott Steiners retirement speech (jip) NWO kick him out of the ring
NWO attack Sid, Scott Steiner joins the NWO
Bret Hart v. Terry Funk
World- Bret Hart v. Kevin Nash - Bret's last match
Bret in ring promo, Goldberg comes out

Excellence of Execution -

Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels
Bret Hart, Randy Savage v. Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels
Bret & Owen Hart v. Steiner Bros.
Bret on The King's Court
Bret Hart v. Diesel
40 Man Battle Royal, 1st in history
Feature on Bret's art talent
I.C.- Bret Hart v. Rick Martel
I.C.- Bret Hart v. Rick Martel
Bret Hart v. Rick Martel
Hart Foundation v. Powers of Pain
Hart Foundation v. Honky Tonk Man, Dino Bravo
Hart Foundation v. Rockers
W.T.T.- Hart Foundation v. Strike Force
Battle Royal (Owen is also in this match, as the Blue Blazer)
Hart Foundation v. Rougeau Bros.
I.C.-Ladder- Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels
World- Bret Hart v. Kamala
I.C.- Bret Hart v. I.R.S.
I.C.- Bret Hart v. Skinner
Bret Hart v. Barbarian
I.C.- Bret Hart v. Barbarian
Bret Hart v. Steve Austin (jip)
Bret Hart v. Terry Funk (Funk's WrestleFest)

Hart Foundation 1985-1987 -

Disc 1-
The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs
The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs
Bret Hart vs. The Dynamite Kid
Jim Neidhart vs. Davey Boy Smith
The Hart Foundation vs. The Killer Bees
The Hart Foundation & Barry Orton vs. The Killer Bees & Paul Orndorff. (Clip of the ending)
The Hart Foundation vs. The Killer Bees
Bret Hart vs. Ricky Steamboat
The Hart Foundation in a "Wrestler vs. NFL Battle Royal" that also included Andre the Giant, Bruno Sammartino, The Iron Sheik, Big John Studd, Ted Arcidi, Tony Atlas, The Killer Bees, Hillbilly Jim, King Tonga, Pedro Morales, Danny Spivey, Jimbo Covert, Bill Fralic, Russ Francis, Ernie Holmes, Harvey Martin & William Perry
The Hart Foundation & Jimmy Hart on TNT's "The Mating Game."
The Hart Foundation vs. The Rougeau Brothers
The Hart Foundation vs. The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
Bret Hart vs. Raymond Rougeau
The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs

Disc 2 -
The Hart Foundation interview
The Hart Foundation vs. The Killer Bees
The Hart Foundation & The Honkytonk Man vs. Davey Boy Smith, Tito Santana & The Junkyard Dog
The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs. (Title change)
Video recap of the Danny Davis suspension angle
The Hart Foundation vs. Jim Powers & Jerry Allen
The Hart Foundation vs. The Killer Bees
The Hart Foundation, Jimmy Hart & Danny Davis vignette. (Mean Gene Okerlund guides us on a tour of the Hart Foundation's office)
The Hart Foundation interview
The Hart Foundation vs. Tito Santana & Danny Spivey
The Hart Foundation & Danny Davis vs. The British Bulldogs & Tito Santana(WrestleMania 3)
The Hart Foundation & Danny Davis vs. Hulk Hogan & Billy Jack Haynes in a "Handicap Match."
The Hart Foundation interview
The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs
The Hart Foundation & The Honkytonk Man attack Randy Savage
The Hart Foundation interview
The Hart Foundation vs. The Young Stallions
The Hart Foundation vs. Strike Force (Title change)
Bret Hart vs. Randy Savage. (This is a definite classic)
The Hart Foundation & The Honkytonk Man vs. Strike Force & Randy Savage in a "Steel Cage Match." (This is a fun match)

Bret v. Owen -

Bret v. Owen (WrestleMania 10)
World- Bret v. Owen (cage,SummerSlam 94)
No Holds Barred- Bret v. Owen
Bret, Razor Ramon, Savio Vega v. Owen, Yokozuna, Hakushi
World- Lumberjack- Bret v. Owen (Owen pins Bret)
Bret & Bulldog v. Owen, Neidhart
World- Bret v. Owen
Bret v. Owen (Bret's 2nd match back in 96 after 6 mth. layoff)

Poetry in Motion -

Hart Foundation v. British Bulldogs
Hart Foundation v. Killer Bees
Bret Hart v. Ricky Steamboat
Bret Hart v. Ted DiBiase
Hart Foundation v. Rockers
Bret Hart v. Bam Bam Bigelow

This is my own personally made compliation set of the greatest technical wrestler of all time, Bret Hart. It is truly a one of a kind collection that is a must have for all Bret fans, it's a great way to look back and pay tribute to Bret and relive all his classic matches and moments.