Chapter Seven

Lauren sat at her desk, her head resting in her hands. Papers were scattered around her in a highly unorganized fashion, her red grading pen lay discarded across the paper closest to her elbow. She tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but grading a hundred essay tests just didn’t seem like an activity worthy of her thoughts.

Ethan. Yes, he was definitely a worthy thought subject. Fantasizing about him probably wouldn’t end with graded tests, but what the hell. She had plenty of time to grade tests over the weekend.

She collected the papers and shoved them into a tattered blue peachy folder. She pulled her purse up to her desk, loading her grading pen, and removing her cell phone. She checked her missed calls box. Nothing. She shook her head. Not even her mom had called.

She leaned back in her chair, pressing her speed dial.

“Lauren? What’s going on?”

She grinned. The sound of his voice somehow made her feel giddy every time she talked to him. “Not much. I tried to be a good teacher today. I stayed after school and tried to grade all my tests. Then I was going to copy off all my papers for next week, but I didn’t even get through half of the tests and got distracted…”

“Uh oh, what distracted you this time?”

“Hey, it’s not like I get this distracted every day, you know. Just today, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

“Oh really? Well, I hope you had good thoughts about me.” Lauren could hear the smile in his voice.

“Oh they were. Like for example you going with me to homecoming tonight and then helping me chaperone the dance. Because I am the youngest teacher there and I will have no one to dance with if you don’t go.”

Ethan chuckled. “Oh, I’m sure that one Joe kid would love to spend the night dancing with you.”

Lauren cringed. “Please tell me you are joking. Come on, it’ll be fun. There’s pizza and stuff at the football game, and I know for a fact you like to watch football. I already convinced Chelsea and Andrew to go to the game, at least. Then afterwards I will completely ignore the fact that I am supposed to prevent the kids from inappropriately grinding on each other and dance with you.”

“You know I’m just joking. Of course I will be there. I mean, we haven’t seen each other since like, two hours ago today when I brought you lunch.”

Lauren leaned forward and tapped her fingers on her desk. “Okay, mister, the sarcasm can go. Did Mike call you about your book tour schedule yet?”

“Ugh, please don’t mention the tour. Yes, Mike left me a voicemail with my schedule. And I am not happy with it at all. If the schedule doesn’t change, I am just not going to go. They have me working over Christmas and New Years. Well, not actually working, but I wont be anywhere near enough to home to make it back here. I was really looking forward to spending the holidays relaxing here at home with you.”

Lauren smiled at the thought of the two of them decorating a Christmas tree and camping out next to his gigantic fireplace. “Well, I don’t work over Christmas break. Maybe I could fly out and we could spend the holidays together wherever you are.”

Ethan huffed. “I know, I just had this all planned out in my head…”

Lauren raised her eyebrows. “You already had CHRISTMAS all planned out? Ethan, it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet. What all did you want to do?”

She was greeted with a few seconds of silence. “Well, I just wanted it to be special. Anyway, I couldn’t get a hold of Mike, so I left him a message letting him know I hate the schedule.”

Lauren shook her head. “Ethan, you would hate the schedule even if you didn’t work over the holidays. But I do hope you can get out of it. Well, I suppose I should head back home and change. Are you going to come over before the game or are we meeting there?”

“I was thinking of picking you up. Do you want to eat something or just eat at the game?”

She shrugged, then remembering he couldn’t see her, “Um, pizza actually doesn’t sound that bad, but if you want to eat something else before we go that’s cool too. I am not really picky about food, you know.”

“Well, we can figure that out later. I am going to go leave more messages for Mike and I will be at Chelsea’s around six, all right? See you then.”

  “Bye Ethan.”

Lauren was smiling. That was pretty much how she ended every conversation with Ethan. She was amazed at how comfortable she felt being with him. The past few weeks she had spent almost every second of her spare time with him, catching up, getting reacquainted. It felt great to have him back in her life. It was hard sometimes to comprehend that he was real, after so many years of daydreaming what might have happened between them if she had just told him from the beginning how she felt.

She stood and stretched. Looking regretfully at her large folder of un-graded papers, she picked up her purse and left for her car. A quick glance at her watch told her she had two hours to get home and prepare for homecoming. She passed by the gym, loud music blaring over the sound system. The entire cheerleading squad had stayed late, running through their halftime performance. Banners had been painted, and the dance committee was hard at work setting up for the dance in the hallway while they waited for the okay to move into the gym.

Lauren smiled and nodded at one of the Ashley’s from her last period class, who was busy setting up the ticket booth.

Lauren walked out of the double doors and into the late afternoon sunshine. For Oregon, the weather had been unusually dry and sunny. Lauren sure didn’t mind; it meant that it shouldn’t be too cold at the football game.

Lauren dug through her purse for her keys as she walked towards her car. She moved to unlock her door, and the sight of something stuck under her windshield wiper caught her attention. It was a single red rose. She carefully picked it up, wondering who could have left it. Ethan could have done it after he brought her lunch as a surprise. There was no note or anything attached to it. She looked around the parking lot.

“I see you got my flower,”

Lauren felt the hairs on her neck stand at attention. She whipped around to face Ryan. “Get away from me, Ryan. I have a restraining order against you.”

Ryan rolled his eyes and snorted. “Yeah, that was a bitch move if I’ve ever seen one. You act like I am some horrible wife-beating scum. I didn’t go and do anything this stupid when you decided to fuck that asshole behind my back.” He took a step towards Lauren.

Lauren held her keys out defensively. She was suddenly very thankful to Andrew and Chelsea for the self-defense moves they had been teaching her. She had no idea what Ryan was capable of. To make matters worse, she was completely alone in the parking lot; everyone was either gone or inside the school.

Ryan stopped his forward movements when he saw the fear in her eyes. He sniffed and shook his head. “You are a fucking bitch, Lauren Paisley. It’s because of you everyone in this god damned town thinks I am nothing but a drunk. And now you are making damn sure everyone thinks I am some sort of fucking pervert following you around. Well for your information, I haven’t been following you. I do things like grocery shop and go out on Friday nights too. I have to fucking eat too. Because I am not some pretty, rich, mama’s boy who has his servants do all his fucking errands for him, you know. We could have been good together, you and me. We still can be, Lauren. Just ditch that son of a bitch and come back to me.”

Lauren was shaking. She was frantically trying to scan the parking lot for anyone who could come to her aid without turning her back on Ryan. No one. “I know you cut the brakes on Chelsea’s car, Ryan. What makes you think that I would want to go anywhere near someone who tried to kill me?”

Ryan blinked. “I never tried to kill you.”

Lauren narrowed her eyes. “Oh sure. So you haven’t been sitting around for almost three weeks planning out how to finish what you started?”

Ryan slowly shook his head and narrowed his eyes. “If I wanted you dead, Lauren, you already would be. I’m fucking telling you I never tried to kill you.” His voice was low, the words sounded strained through his gritted teeth.

There was a ringing in Lauren’s head and her heart seemed to stop beating. She reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out her cell phone while one handedly holding Ryan off with her car keys. She blindly punched in Andrew’s speed dial.

Ryan shook his head and stepped away. “Fine. Go ahead and call the damn cops. What are you going to tell them this time? I attacked you with a flower? One day, Lauren, you’ll see. It’ll be you and me. Just like it’s always been. Ethan might have blinded you for a while, but one day you’ll come around.” He turned and walked away, leaving Lauren standing next to her car.

“This is Andrew.”

Lauren took a calming breath. “Andrew? It’s Lauren. Where are you at?”

“Uh, I just finished responding to a call out near Chelsea’s. Why?”

Lauren opened her car and locked herself inside. “Well, I just had a run in with Ryan…”

Andrew turned on his siren and flipped a u-turn. “Is he still there? Lauren, are you alright?”

Lauren leaned back in her seat and sighed. “I’m fine. He didn’t do anything but try to talk to me. But I still have the restraining order. It doesn’t expire until tomorrow…”

“You’re sure he didn’t try to hurt you? He didn’t touch you at all?”

Lauren rubbed her arms. “No, Andrew. He just wanted to talk. But, he really crept me out. He told me that if he wanted me dead, I already would be.”

Andrew furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “Lauren? I’ll be there in five minutes. Just stay where you are.”

Lauren turned on her radio and listened quietly while waiting for Andrew’s squad car. The conversation with Ryan kept repeating itself over and over in her head. He hadn’t really threatened her. And she had been surprised to see the absolute look of shock and anger cross his face when she accused him of trying to kill her. She had never known Ryan to be very good at lying or acting, so she was pretty sure his reaction had been genuine.

She didn’t want to think about Ryan anymore. She just wanted to be left alone.

Andrew parked his car next to hers. Lauren got out and leaned against her door. “Thanks for coming, Andrew.”

Andrew walked around his car to stand in front of her. “No problem. So he actually told you that you would be dead if he really wanted you to be?”

Lauren nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m sorry this is happening.” Andrew rubbed his eyes and dug out a notepad. “Okay, walk me through everything that happened.”

After unlocking the front door, Lauren dropped everything into a pile on the floor and locked herself in. She kicked off her shoes and plopped down on the sofa. She was suddenly very tired, and didn’t feel up to homecoming or chaperoning the dance. 

She leaned her head back on the arm of the chair and curled her feet up on the other cushion. She let her eyes rest, her eyelids fluttering shut. She let her muscles relax, enjoying the warm heavy feeling of sleep as it washed over her tired body.

Ethan paced on the front porch. It wasn’t like Lauren to not answer her cell phone. Her car was parked in the driveway, but he had been knocking on the front door for the past five minutes and there had been not even one sign of movement from inside the house the whole time.

He reached for his phone, dialing Chelsea’s number. She picked it up on the first ring. “What?”

Ethan raised his eyebrows. “Wow. I hope you don’t always answer your phone like that. I was just wondering if you had a spare key to your house anywhere. Lauren’s car is here, but she isn’t answering her cell phone and she isn’t answering the door.”

“Wait, are you absolutely sure she’s there, Ethan?” 

“Chelsea, I don’t like the concern in your voice. Did something happen?”

She sighed into the phone. “Yeah. Ryan Jones happened. He approached her after school today. Andrew went to get her statement, but since then has been searching for Ryan. He said she went home after that. But with Ryan missing… check under the flower pot for the key.”

Ethan felt his heart skip a beat. He easily found the key and opened the door. He opened the door and glanced around the dim room. He stepped over a pile of papers and a purse he recognized as Lauren’s. He walked into the living room and felt his breathing return to normal. She was sound asleep on the couch. “Chelsea? Lauren is fine. She’s just asleep.”

“Yeah. I am glad to hear that. Andrew and Frank just brought in Ryan, so I’m going to have to let you go. Tell Lauren we will meet you guys at the game as soon as we can get away from here. I will probably have a shit load of paperwork to deal with, but we will see you guys.”

Ethan disconnected and kneeled in front of the sofa. Lauren looked peaceful. She was curled up against the back of the couch, lying on her side, her lips slightly parted; a few loose strands of hair covered her face. He smiled and moved to brush the hair away. “Lauren? Sweetie, wake up.” She groaned and rolled away from the sound of his voice. Ethan smiled and stood. He leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. “Lauren? Come on, it’s time to get up.” He pushed her shoulder.

Lauren moaned and swatted his hand away. “Go away. I’m sleeping.”

Ethan laughed. “Yeah, I see that. But if you don’t wake up now, you are going to make us late for the football game.”

Lauren shot up and looked around the room. “Oh shit. What time is it? I was just resting my eyes for a little while, and I fell asleep.”

He checked his watch. “It’s almost six. The game starts at seven, so we have an hour to eat and be there.” He watched her stand and wipe the sleep from her eyes. “So was there anything that you wanted to talk to me about?”

Lauren turned to face him. “Um…well, it sounds like you already heard.”

Ethan put his hands on her shoulders. “I want to hear it from you.”

Lauren closed her eyes. “I just want to forget about it, Ethan. I just want this to stop.”

Ethan pulled her into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder and breathed him in. He rubbed slow circles on her back. “I wish I could tell you this was all over, baby. But until that day comes, I want to know about it when he tries to approach you. Because I will snap him into pieces if he ever even thinks about hurting you again.”

Lauren leaned into his embrace. “He was waiting for me when I went out to my car. He was trying to convince me to get back together with him. I confronted him about Chelsea’s car… Ethan, he said he didn’t do it.”

Ethan snorted. “Of course he’s going to say he didn’t do it.”

Lauren shook her head. “I don’t know. He seemed really surprised and kind of upset that I accused him of wanting me dead. But then, he also said…”

Ethan pulled out of their embrace to hold her at arms length. “Lauren, tell me.”

She cringed. “He also said, if he wanted me dead, I already would be. What the hell is that all about?”

Ethan’s expression turned cold. “I’ll tell you what it means. It means that he thinks he can walk around threatening my girlfriend. Lauren, did he say anything else?”

Lauren shook her head. “No. He just walked away.”

Ethan cocked an eyebrow at her. “You sure that’s all?”

“Yes. He just walked away, then I called Andrew, who took my statement, copied the information off my restraining order, and then he went off to look for him. I came back here and fell asleep on the couch.” Lauren pulled him back into her arms.

Ethan ran a hand through her hair. “Andrew just brought in Ryan like fifteen minutes ago. I called Chelsea to ask where she keeps her spare key, since you were out cold on the couch and wouldn’t let me in. She said they might be late getting to the football game, but they are still planning on going. You need to put on something warm for the game. It’s starting to get really cold outside.”

Thankful for a change of subject, Lauren smiled. “I figured the good weather wouldn’t hold out. So did we ever decide whether to eat now or just eat at the game?”

Ethan smirked and leaned forward until their lips were almost touching. “I don’t care. I’m really hungry, though.”

Lauren felt Ethan’s breath on her lips, causing her heart to flutter. “Oh yeah? Me too. So what do you think about pizza?”

“Oh, I think pizza is great.”

She pushed herself out of his embrace. “Well then let me grab my coat and we can go get some.” She trotted off to grab her coat out of the entryway coat closet.

Ethan groaned and sank into the couch. “You didn’t even let me kiss you.”

Lauren laughed. “Well, you were being a big tease.”

“Well, yeah. But you know you liked it.”

“Sure I did. But I am hungry.” Lauren shrugged on her coat and picked her purse up from the floor.

Ethan stood and walked out the front door. “Yeah. So am I.”

Lauren locked the door behind them and they made their way to Ethan’s car. “Well unlike you, I am hungry for food.”

Ethan beeped open the doors and they climbed in. “Okay, fine. We’ll get some food. But you owe me a kiss before this night is over.”

Lauren rolled her eyes and giggled. “As long as there is food involved.”

Ethan backed out of the driveway and drove towards the nearest Pizza Hut. Forty minutes later, they had both eaten and were standing in line to get their football tickets. “It feels so weird to be here. It’s been a long time.”

Lauren nodded in agreement. “I’m really glad I decided to wear this coat. My other one would not have been warm enough.”

Ethan draped his arm across her shoulders. “Are you cold?”

”Only a little. Mostly it’s just my hands that are cold.”

  Ethan reached and held her hands in his. “Better?”

Lauren smiled. “Yeah.” A vibrating sensation in her pocket alerted her to her cell phone ringing. She dug it out and flipped open the case. “Hello?”

“Hey Lauren, it’s Chelsea. We are now on our way to the game.”

  “Wow, that was fast.”

Ethan looked at her curiously. “Who is it?”

“Chelsea.” She whispered.

“Yeah, it went a lot faster than we thought it would. Andrew said Ryan didn’t even put up a fight when he arrested him. The only hang up was having to fill out all the paperwork. But Ryan is in jail for the weekend, with a court date scheduled on Monday afternoon in Newport for violating his restraining order.”

Lauren sighed. “So do I have to tell my principal that I need Monday off?”

“It would be a good idea for you to be there, yes. Anyway, have you guys bought tickets yet?”

Lauren looked at the long line ahead of them. “Not yet. Although we are getting close to the front of the line. Only fifteen more people to go. Hey, why don’t I just buy your guys tickets and you can pay me back later so you don’t have to stand in line?”

“Hey that would be sweet. We are just pulling into the parking lot, looking for somewhere to park. So where can we meet? At the gate?”

“Yeah, sure. Just walk around the line and we’ll let them know we have your tickets. See you in a few minutes.”

The line slowly moved forward until they were next in line. Lauren recognized the cashier as another one of the Ashley’s in her class. “Four adults please.” Ethan handed over some cash and received the tickets. They walked through the entrance that lead to the bleachers. A few seconds later they spotted Chelsea and Andrew pushing their way towards the gate. Ethan handed them their tickets and they made their way to the overcrowded bleachers.

“I can’t believe I forgot to bring my gloves. Look, it’s so cold out here I can see my breath.”

Andrew rolled his eyes. “You absolutely can’t complain one more time about the gloves, Chelsea. I told you to bring them. I even asked you if you had them. But you still forgot them. There’s only so much I can do to remind you about stuff like this.”

Lauren laughed. “It’s alright, Chelsea, I don’t have gloves either.”

Chelsea raised an eyebrow. “Maybe not, but you are looking mighty toasty over there in your ski coat all cuddled up next to Ethan. Who is keeping your fingers from getting frostbitten like a good boyfriend.”

Andrew narrowed his eyes. “Hey, now. You better watch it missy. I don’t like your tone.”

Chelsea put her hands on her hips. “What are you going to do about it?”

Andrew smiled devilishly then leaned forward to kiss her deeply.

They slowly pulled apart. Chelsea was flushed.

Andrew grinned. “There. Now you shouldn’t be cold anymore.” 

“Whew. That kiss was not meant for public viewing. You two should take it somewhere where all these kids wont see you. Like under the bleachers. Or, you know, in the backseat in the parking lot.”

Chelsea turned her full attention to Ethan. “Excuse me? What did you just say?”

Ethan smiled innocently. “I said you two should go somewhere more private. There are kids around, you know.”

Chelsea narrowed her eyes. “That is not what you said, Ethan.”

“Whoo! Touchdown!” The crowd erupted into applause. The band began playing the fight song, and the cheerleaders lead the crowd in a spirit-full rendition of “go fight win.”

Chelsea’s rants were lost in the noise. “Andrew Lawrence. Did you tell Ethan about homecoming?”

Andrew tried pretending he didn’t hear her. She pinched his side. “Ouch! Hey that kind of hurt.”

“Did you tell him about homecoming?”

Andrew rubbed his side. “No, he guessed correctly and I didn’t tell him otherwise.”

Lauren leaned forward with a smile. “Yeah, Chelsea, I’m pretty sure we all figured it out on our own. You two thought you were being all sneaky, but we all knew you two didn’t take forty five minutes to buy popcorn.”

Chelsea blushed. “Hey look at that. They got the extra point.”

“Nothing like a good football game on a cold Friday night,” Andrew remarked as the foursome waded their way through the crowd, making their way towards the gate. Andrew’s arm was around Chelsea’s shoulders as she huddled closer to him in attempt to stay warm. “And the night’s just starting. We still have a date,” he said, rubbing Chelsea’s arm vigorously. 

“I don’t think I can feel my nose,” Chelsea said blandly. She touched her nose, which was bright red, tentatively.

Lauren chuckled. “You look like Rudolph.” Before Chelsea could retort, Lauren went on. “I can’t believe how cold it has got over the past few weeks.”

“Well, it’s going to be plenty warm in the gymnasium with five hundred teenagers crowding the floor,” Ethan said. He was behind Lauren, his hands on her shoulders, gently kneading. He leaned forward so his lips were a breath away from her ear. “We could always ditch, Ms. Paisley. No one would notice, I promise. We could go somewhere and…. warm up.” He laid a kiss just behind her ear.

Despite the shivering cold, Lauren was suddenly very warm. She wanted nothing more than do steal away with Ethan instead of chaperoning the homecoming dance. But her principal, Alan Cooper, would expect her to be there, and no doubt search her out periodically throughout the evening. “As good as that sounds,” She said, “My presence is required by Mr. Cooper.”

They came to the gate, where the crowd split. The adults headed for their cars and the teenagers for the gymnasium. Chelsea and Andrew turned to them. “We’ll catch you guys later,” Andrew said with a wave.

“Don’t have too much fun,” Lauren called out as she and Ethan followed the teenagers towards the gym.

“Oh I wont.” Lauren slapped Ethan on the arm.

“Shush up. We can dance too, you know. As long as I have time to pry the hormonal teenies off of each other.”

Ethan laughed. “If I had my way you wouldn’t.”

Lauren led him through the side entrance, using her key to unlock the door. A line had already begun to form outside the main entrance. Lauren locked the door behind them and they walked hand in hand to the teachers lounge. They hung their coats and Lauren put her purse under her coat.

”So. I suppose we better get to the gym.”

Lauren smiled. “Yeah. It really isn’t going to be that bad, Ethan.”

Ethan offered his hand again. “I know. I just want to spend some alone time with you.”

Lauren kissed him on the cheek. “We will have some alone time. After the dance.”

They walked into the darkened gym, which was littered with balloons and scattered chairs. Loud music pumped through the speakers, vibrating the air around them. They made their way towards a small group of adults next to the refreshment table.

“Ms. Paisley, good to see you.”

Lauren introduced Ethan to Mr. Cooper, who had been their principal, and a few other teachers who had either volunteered or had drawn the short sticks. They excused themselves and walked around the gym. They had opened the front doors and kids began to slowly trickle into the room.

Ethan pulled her into his arms. “So are you going to dance with me or what?”

Lauren smiled. “Perhaps.”

“Lets show all those old people you work with just how cool you are.”

Ethan led her out onto the dance floor among the crowds of teenagers. “Too bad they are playing crappy music. They should put on some Jason Mraz. That guy makes some cool music.”

“Ethan, I am supposed to be working, you know,” Lauren protested as he spun her around.

He smiled. “And what better way to make sure these kids aren’t sexing each other up than to be in the middle of it all?” He pulled her back to him and they swayed to their own rhythm.

“Well, I just can’t argue with that logic.”

“Hey! Ms. Paisley! How’re you doing?”

Lauren turned to see Joe Schiedland from her first period class standing behind her. “Um, I’m doing well. Did you catch the football game?”

He nodded excitedly. “Yeah, we creamed those guys. So do you think I could cut in?”

“Sorry, she’s my date. But I’m sure someone with your charm shouldn’t have any problems finding a nice girl your own age to dance with,”

Joe looked at Ethan with mild surprise. He probably hadn’t even noticed Ethan standing there. “Yeah, I already have a date. I’m not sure where she went.”

Lauren regained her composure. “Well, you should go find her. Have fun tonight, Joe.”

Ethan watched with mild amusement as he walked back towards his group of friends. “I told you he wouldn’t mind dancing with you all night. Although I would mind.”

Lauren shook her head. “That is just so wrong. I can’t believe he really asked me to dance. That would violate probably a million ethics codes of being a teacher.”

Ethan chuckled. “I know why he asked you. You are the youngest, most beautiful teacher in the entire school. I’m sure lots of guys in your classes have crushes on you.”

Lauren shuddered. “New topic, please.”

He practically beamed. “If we hadn’t come to the dance, you wouldn’t have had to deal with Joe Schiedland.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Oh shut up and just dance with me.”

The DJ switched to a slower song. Lauren rested her head on Ethan’s shoulder and they slowly swayed to the music. 

“I need to be around you, I want to fall into your eyes, I love to feel you close to me,” Ethan let his fingers absently twirl a few loose strands of her hair, and rested his cheek on her head.

“But there's no peace of mind, I live to hear you laughing, I long to feel your hands fall down along the side of me,” Lauren wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, bringing him closer.

“A change of life is hard to find, there's no peace of mind, if you ever need somebody, if you ever need somebody to love you, if you ever need somebody, you can count on me.” 

The two were so lost in each other they were still swaying to their own slow rhythm when the song ended, hardly noticing the DJ had switched back to the rap play list.

Chelsea used her keyless entry to find her car and paused when she reached the SUV. “Honestly, Andrew, I can’t feel my appendages. Will you drive?”

Andrew smiled and took the keys she offered. “You’re actually letting me drive? You would never let me drive Henry.” 

Chelsea climbed into the passenger seat and hunkered down into her coat. “You never wanted to drive Henry. You always made fun of him.” When Andrew turned the ignition and started the truck, Chelsea immediately turned on the heat. She thrust her hands at the fan, rubbing her palms together and letting the heat sink in. “Ah, so much better.”

Andrew leaned over to kiss her lightly. “You know, there’s an alternate solution to that problem.” He moved a strand of hair out of her face. “We could climb in the roomy back seat and reenact Homecoming of our senior year.”

“I am not having sex in the backseat of my car, Andrew,” Chelsea said sternly. “Now, you promised me this date, so we’re going to go on it. Don’t try to weasel out of it again.”

Andrew returned to his side of the truck. “Alright, cheese factory, here we come!”

Chelsea hit him playfully and laughed. “No cheese.”

Andrew looked at her with a smile, his eyes twinkling. “No cheese.”

Twenty minutes later, they were seated at a table for two at Mariucci’s Restaurant overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Andrew had made reservations the week before, securing one of the best tables in the restaurant. It was relatively secluded, far from the kitchen, and had a spectacular view of the ocean. The restaurant itself was a sight to see. It was decorated in everything characteristically Italian. Vines crept up the walls and black and white photos of Venice, Florence, and Rome filled up the rest of the wall space. The lights were low, but a candle on the table and the small lights that hung in the vines made the atmosphere very intimate.

After they ordered food and wine, Andrew leaned over the table to take Chelsea’s hand in his. “You know, this is our first date in almost six months.”

Chelsea sighed. “I know. We haven’t really been able to get out. With work and everything else piling up…well, we’ve been busy.”

The waiter approached them with their wine, and Andrew nodded his approval. He waited until the man had left before replying. “We’re here now. And it’s just the two of us.” He played with her fingers. “Tell me about work. How are you doing on the restraining order?”

Chelsea shook her head. “This is going to be tough. We have little to no evidence that Ryan Jones is a threat to Lauren. He hasn’t been physical with her, and he doesn’t even have the criminal record to suggest he is a physical threat. For weeks I’ve been scrounging up details and putting together the report, but today Ryan helped us out a lot.”

“He messed up,” Andrew said. “By violating the temporary restraining order and spending a few nights in jail, he poses more of a threat than just a simple harasser. He broke the law.”

“Exactly,” Chelsea replied, nodding her head. “Hopefully a judge will see it that way. In the mean time, he’ll be spending some time in jail.”

“You’ll convince the judge,” Andrew said, smiling and kissing her hand, “I’m sure of it.” He leaned closer so their noses were inches apart. “If not, just tell me the name of the judge, and I’ll get my buddy in Newport to boot his car.”

Chelsea laughed. “I don’t think a boot is going to solve our problem. Unless that iron boot is on Ryan Jones so he has to stay home all day. And all alcoholic beverages are out of reach.”

“That would be a solution,” Andrew said with a half smile. “Anything else? Does Anne still want to jump my bones?” 

Chelsea cringed, but smiled. “Anne thinks you are a hunk. She wants to know if you have a brother.”

Andrew leaned back in his chair. “A hunk, huh? I am, aren’t I?”

Chelsea studied him, a small smile on her face. He certainly was, she thought. She often thought he would have made a good model, perhaps an underwear model. She certainly liked looking at him in his underwear. He had an excellent body and kept in perfect shape for the Sheriff’s Department; something she had fallen in love with, along with his chocolate eyes, sharp mind, fun-loving nature, loving heart, and gentle touch. Plus, he let her ring the siren in his police car.

But she wasn’t about to inflate his ego. “Well, for a farmer’s son, growing up with three sisters and sixty cows, I’d say you turned out alright. For a hick.”

His eyes narrowed, but there was a smile in them. “I am not a hick. And don’t you badmouth our cows; you know you love our cheese. In fact,” he went on, “I think you are the hick, Chelsea. You stubbornly drove and fawned over an ugly pickup for ten years of your life, grew up with two very hick-like brothers who also drove ugly pickups, you go to honky tonks and like country music, and you know how to square dance.”

She leaned forward, elbows on the table, hands folded in contemplation. “Well, Deputy, that all depends on what your definition of ‘hick’ is, now isn’t it?”

Andrew threw back his head and laughed. “I swear; you are such a lawyer.”

“Well, that’s good thing,” Chelsea said with a smile. Moments later, their dinner was served, and they spent the evening talking about the chances of the Denver Broncos to make it to the Super Bowl this year.

“I still think they’ll screw it up somehow,” Chelsea said as they left the restaurant. “Consistently, they have started out well in the first half of the season and ended, well, mediocre. I think the Broncos will make it to the playoffs, but lose first round.”

“Oh ye of little faith,” Andrew said as he beeped her truck. “As a true Bronco fan, I believe they will go all the way this season. Jake Plummer as quarterback, mustache and all.”

Chelsea climbed in the passenger side. “Wanna bet?”

Andrew threw her a daring smile. “Fifty bucks.”

“Done,” Chelsea said and they shook on it. Andrew backed out of the parking lot and turned towards the highway.

“Where are you going? I live that way,” she said, pointing her thumb to the back of the truck.

“I know where you live. There’s one more place I’d like to go. You wanted a romantic evening, and I plan on making it so romantic, it’s ‘absolutely ridiculous’. So sit tight,” Andrew said. A few minutes later, he parked at a deserted outlook over Devils Lake and turned to Chelsea. “Do you remember this place?”

Chelsea looked out over the glassy dark water. The moon cast an eerie light across the water and caused her to shiver. She remembered it all right, but she was surprised Andrew did. Her heart nearly burst with the love she felt for him.

He got out of the car and came around to her side, opening the door for her. “You do remember, I can see it on your face.” He helped her out of the car, all the while her eyes fixed on his. He led her to the railing and held her hands in his, partly for warmth, partly for comfort. “This is where I first told you I loved you.”

She could have cried. The memory flooded her and she slowly leaned into him, allowing his arms to encircle her.

“Do you remember that night?” he asked gently as he ran a hand down her hair. “It was a month after your parents died. You wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t show any emotion. You were like a zombie all month.” He kissed the top of her head. “It was the summer of our sophomore year in college. I thought I had lost you, Chelsea.”

Chelsea felt warm tears slide down her cheeks, landing on Andrew’s shirt. She wrapped her arms around him inside his coat and let the silent tears fall. She could remember that summer all too clearly.

She remembered being told the news that her parents had been involved in a car accident. It was rainy; the roads were very slick, Sheriff Hargrove had said. He had said much more after that, but Chelsea didn’t hear. She had simply shut down. Her brothers were scattered around the country with their respective families, so she had been alone. Except for Andrew. He had been there, that was all she could remember of that summer. Even at the funeral, with her brothers there, she had felt so alone. But then Andrew would wrap his arm around her shoulders and she would feel something warm inside her again.

Andrew pulled her gently away from him. “I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said, wiping tears away with his thumb.

“No,” she said and gave a shaky laugh. “It just brings back memories, Andrew. Sad ones,” she said and touched his cheek, “and sweet ones.”

Andrew covered her hand on his cheek with his. “I took you here. The whole drive you were silent, staring out the window. Then when we got here, you started to cry.”

“I remember it all just hitting me,” Chelsea said, “and you were there, Andrew. You were there for me when there was no one else. I loved you for that. I love you still.” She smiled. “Guys aren’t supposed to remember things like this.”

“I won’t tell the guys at the station if you don’t,” he said. “I love you, too, Chelsea.” He kissed her deep, warm, and lovingly. The chill in her bones faded under the heat of his touch.

When they eased apart, Andrew leaned his forehead on hers. “Do you remember the first time we kissed?”

Chelsea chuckled at the memory. “We were in the third grade. Bobby Modeena called me a prissy, so you hit him. And I let you kiss me on the tire swing.”

Andrew shook his head. “While that is true, I’m talking about the first real kiss. Our junior year in high school. I was all bent out of shape because you were dating Peter Clark. We were friends at the time, but I had this secret crush on you. After three weeks of hell, watching him put his punk hands on you, I couldn’t take it anymore.”

“You hit him,” Chelsea said in mock disgust. “Is that how you solve problems Deputy?”

Andrew kissed her on the nose. “Only when you’re involved.” Seeing her shiver, he pulled her closer inside his jacket. “You were so mad at me. You came over to my house that night and yelled at me. I couldn’t help myself; I kissed you to shut you up.”

She remembered being completely stunned by his kiss. As a teenager, the feelings she had had were foreign to her, but now she saw that she felt the love right at the beginning. So it took them awhile to realize it, but it was worth the wait, she decided. She hoped now that if she waited patiently enough, he would ask to marry her. Sometimes Andrew moved as slow as the cows his parents raised.

“You’re the only man I’ve ever loved, Andrew,” she said quietly.

Andrew let his lips linger on the top of her forehead. “You’ve been there for me, too, Chelsea. When my parents split up in high school, you took me out for ice cream. Not much of a solution, but I was grateful. When I broke my leg in college and couldn’t go to the national championships, you stayed with me. Every night, you let me lay next to you in bed, sometimes even make love to you. And I love you for those things, Chelsea. Those things and more.”

Chelsea pulled away to frame his face with her hands. “This has been the most romantic night in so many years, Andrew. Thank you.”

Andrew touched his lips to hers. “Things are about to get more busy. Sheriff Hargrove had to lay off a few more secretaries and another deputy today. Funding is tight. I’ll be working longer hours.” He crooked a finger under her chin. “That won’t stop me from seeing you, but this might be our last real date for a while. Let’s make it last.”

Chelsea smiled seductively. “Come home with me, Andrew.”

“I was planning on it.” With one last look at the lake, Andrew led Chelsea to the truck and opened the door for her. When he got in and turned the ignition, he glanced at Chelsea, who’s eyes were fixed on the lake, lost in thought.

The four of them had many memories involving Devils Lake. Tears, laughter, and love surrounded the lake. Yet unbeknownst to them, something more sinister frequented the lake as well. Something that would test their love and friendship, and make their lives a living hell. 

Chapter Eight

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