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A Portrait of my Home, a Great Place to work!





Process Memo

My Neighborhood

For the past 18 years I have lived and grown in the same house. My home to me consists of not only of my actual house but even more so the surrounding area. My family moved into my former neighborhood when I was only a few months old. The neighborhood then had only four of five houses spaced out along a circular road with nothing but trees and fields in between. As the neighborhood grew more and more up and coming families moved in bringing with them their children. For me this meant many new friends.

I can still remember the day when probably my best friend first moved in and we instantly got along as young children usually do. We passed are days exploring the woods surrounding are neighborhood, We watched as a once almost entirely wooded neighborhood had its trees torn down and ground flattened for a nice bed of grass to rest.

Although now my neighborhood seems so small and I feel as if I could go walk through every trail and path we made blindfolded, when I was young it was a massive maze of new and interesting opportunities to explore and play.
My friends and I were always the kids who cut through everybody’s yard and ran through the yards that people didn’t like us going using as a path. Every yard we went through my friends and I had created some image of the owner purely based on how they reacted to are trouble making. We had the whole neighborhood ranked on an imaginary scale depending on how courteous they were to us. Every individual in the neighborhood would be given some a nick name of sorts going Mr. Bob and Mr. Fudge, to the dog guy who for one reason or another seemed to hate every child he saw.

One of the things I enjoyed most of all was skateboarding in my neighborhood. We would spend hours out in front of our houses skateboarding on the road with my dog Lucky who followed everywere we went Even right now as we speak my dog is wondering the neighborhood, greeting people with a smile and a sniff and bothering anybody. I learned to ride my first bike in this neighborhood. We had legends of beasts of dogs that would tear you apart you weren’t careful going through certain yards and even a legend of waterfall guarded by a tremendous snake that we all claimed to have seen. Building tree forts and harassing the younger children in the neighborhood. We eventually built up a reputation as troublemakers, which we at the time had no problem with. All in all I look back on my neighborhood as the greatest times of my life.