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Work journal of a crazy girl
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
Chronicles of a Crazy Girl 2
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Insatiable- Darren Hayes
So today I've been stressed out. Completely. We started the RIBT planning today, and it's hard work just organizing the binders. xx The tournament chart is going to hell too... we have to rewrite it so that it goes around Scona's times. Do they really have to play?

I guess that I know why my spare's going now. Sigh.

On a lighter note, or heavier, depending on your outlook, there was an assault in the school today. Full article can be found here. I think that this is simply preposterous about how this has happened. What kind of freak needs to come into a school to go tothe bathroom, and a girls' one at that? Believe me, I'm so mad about this. I'm gonna have to do something about this- maybe create HSATAOYU (high schoolers against the assault of young 'uns). Notice the sarcasm? I believe that the city- and EPS- is simply trying to cover this over. Mr.Beaton won't even comment. Wouldn't it be just as simple to say 'I'm sorry, we've made a mistake, please come again?' It's human error!

HOMG. Onto other things. Last night I was talking online to Wolfie (I'll put the conversation up later. =3 ) and we traded phone number. Guess who should call but Wolfie! If you're reading this, Wolfie, (xD fat chance)then you might want to attribute this all to heartache. But anyways. His voice sounds like Barry White. HOMG. I think I'm in love. =^^=;

Posted by planet/blueberrychibi at 3:42 PM MST
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Monday, 8 January 2007
First day of school? WTF?
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Dance Hip Hop- Various Artists
HOMG. School has already started and I'm already stressed out. Not like that, though. Wink. I'm not a mommy.

Yet. And I never plan to be.

So today has already been INSANE. In Biology we just got notification of a unit test a week and a half away, and I have to rewrite a lab. On top of that, I have an English project due (today- I'm gonna diiiie...) and I've also got a Math unit test tomorrow. Add to that a chemistry project to be finished- TONIGHT- and a French project to be finished tonight as well. School sucks.

I'm glad that I have my spare. Which I use to update my blog. ;) And that semester one ends in a week and a half. Yay for all good things, ie, my friends (couldn't live without them), pizza, and RIBT. Which is only a month away.

Which I'm taking charge of, by the way. Add more stuff to my plate, why don't cha?

Gaia's been hellish as well lately, mainly 'cause I've become bored of the GCD (Wyf left and so did Chax. That's so sad! ;_;) and the GD's trollish, as usual. All this sex stuff.

Makes me wish I was a moderator. But then I'd be even more stressed.

Why, Gaia, why must you abandon me! ;_;

Posted by planet/blueberrychibi at 11:11 AM MST
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