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Will Come-all-Ya (Kamala) Harris Drain the Lobby Swamps 2021 When Joe Biden Steps down as sitting president for various reasons?

REPRESENT-US ! Smash Lobbies!


Politicians are supposed to represent us. But most Americans have a near-zero impact on public policy. America's corrupt political system is a complex problem. The American Anti-Corruption Act is a comprehensive solution. The American Anti-Corruption Act sets a standard for city, state, and federal laws that break big money's grip on politics. It will:

Stop political bribery by making it illegal for lobbyists to lobby a politician and donate to their campaign. You can lobby, or you can donate, but you can't do both.

End secret money so Americans know who is buying political power.

Fix our broken elections so the people, not the political establishment, are the ones in control.

Bring conservatives and progressives together to pass Anti-Corruption laws in cities and states across America.

In communities across America, RepresentUs members –progressives, conservatives, and everyone in between – are working together to pass local Anti-Corruption Acts. Member-led RepresentUs chapters are leading the fight to protect our communities from the corruption that plagues Congress. Every town, city, state, and county has a unique political makeup, so every Anti-Corruption Act is uniquely tailored to the needs of each community.

2020/2021 -- U.S.A. SEE SAW OF POWER

Don't Repeat this Nightmare 2021

Don't worry Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and democrat leaning super lobbyist Joe Lieberman are doing their damned best to sacrifice themselves on your behalf, even if it will cost them their billions and their lives. With them on your side, with the leadership of their Great New Post Covid19 "Blue Collar" Party Leader, Joe Biden, it will be easy for You and Friends and Family along with these trusted politicians to defeat a one man POWER JUGGERNAUT like Donald the TV/Twitter Entertainer Bad Guy Trump . Funny how the media ascribes to Trump so much more Presidential power than Obama was credited with. Trump was CLEARLY intimidated by the Military and CIA his first 90 days in the WH, and he has no training as lawyer or as legislator nor intelligence agency director savvy, he is not even in the top 200 U.S. billionaires club. Yet voters, rather than deconstruct LOBBIES at their very heart and to learn from Cov19 shutdown and CLOSE DOWN the 2020 Elections by refusing to vote for either a Democrat or a Republican that have no appeal to anyone with more than just influenza mucous filling up their skull cavity, the political dynamics of the people appears to be mostly a very puerile tantrum to pin omnipotent powers to Trump -- like pinning the tail on the donkey in a children's party game. If we can shut down schools and shops and jobs and food production for three months, we can shut down the 2020 Election and study the new ideas and dynamics which this arouses in a stupified voting public, and work our way out of it the same as out of this Cov19 matrix.

YOU were given only two monopoly POLITICAL MAFIAS to win the Wipe House 2020 Elections, the "Trumpanzees" or the "Transpansies"? You have only these two choices. Neither is effectively AntiWar nor AntiLobby -- The COVID-19 mutant virus finds 70-82+ year olds the most delectable and preferred QUICK human meal on their host menu .... which means a vast majority of our "elected" very very OLD lobby purchased ruling class members. Which man on the horribly limited voting ticket is more of a bloated-belly-up LobbyFist, prostrating himself on the engineered stage & altar of American Life's elite hidden Illuminated Orders, TRUMP or BIDEN? 

Here are the current ages of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate & House: "LOBBY DICTATORSHIP USA" SMASH LOBBIES before they SMASH you .... these old oligarchs regardless of their party affiliation will SOCK IT TO YOU! Biden 78 y/o, Trump 74 y/o, Pelosi 79 y/o, Hillary 73 , Sanders 79, Bloomberg 79, Elizabeth Old Squaw Warren 71, Dianne Feinstein 87, Pat Roberts 84, Eddie Bernice Johnson 85, Jim Inhofe 86, Richard Shelby 86, Orrin Hatch 86, Chuck Grassley 87, Don "Young"— 87 y/o, Sander Levin 89, Sam Johnson 90, Mitch McConnell 79, Chuck Schumer 71, Patrick Leahy 80-- 2021 senior rest home in US Senate & Congress!

The average age of the Democratic House leadership is 72 years old, whereas the average age of Republican House leadership is 48 years old. Looking BACK at the 2020 elections, 21 of the 33 Senators running for reelection will be 65 or older. Here is a long long list of super old timers in both House & Senate still living and many in office crooning 'DEM BONES'.


Just imagine if such a POWER CONSOLIDATION in the uppermost federal government were Falun Gong CHINESE Americans or Louis Farrakhan NOI (Nation of Islam) BLACK Americans! There would be an uproar and hundreds of headlines asking if a cabal was running our multicultural & multiracial Ship of State! If you Google each one of these names in this photo, its clear they are Jews embedded in Israeli goals & missions! Even Merrick Garland! Should We the People just look away out of fear of AIPAC media condemnation and blacklisting, for asking the obvious?


NEO-CON/AIPAC/THEOCRACY Roster of Cabinet Level Names (backgrounds)

(Janet Yellin, Secretary of Treasury; Merrick Garland, Attorney General; Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security; Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence; Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff; Antony Blinken, Secretary of State; Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State; Victoria Nuland, Secretary of State for Political Affairs; Eric Lander, Office of Science & Technology Policy; David S. Cohen, CIA director)




still one of my very favorite all time American-themed movies, more applicable today than ever, especially in a meaningless Presidential Erection Year (MSM would have us believe both Trump and Biden have hard-ons to make American Workers Flush With Money Again!) >New development in 2020 U.S. (UnderSurveillance) Elections? NEXT STOP!......Next stop, CityofLondon elite ancient secret societies, "Assault on TEMPLE STREET"

"B. Traven and His Circle of Luciferian Friends", as published in 1996 in LONDON ELECTRONIC WHIP by Bryan Adrian




Here are three links, perhaps the most deeply revealing three assessments of what is wrong in USA today, and especially applicable to the utter lack of representation of the People in American government today. Dismember and disembowel and dismantle the lobbies ASAP, and OUTLAW them, as they stand today. This would be far more productive than hate speech, fringe protests for marginal micro-minority PC social rights, taking on the police head on, or voting in a rigged and fixed system. Don't forget, over 99% of all Congresspersons and state senators are controlled by the lobbies also. First, to read and inflame you, Lee Drutman on "How Corporate Lobbyists Conquered American Democracy"…/how-corporate-lobbyis…/390822/ and then this telling piece on how the Israeli AIPAC lobby is the number one enemy of U.S. democracy and sovereign government (not Russiagate) and , followed by a video by Bill Moyers "United States of ALEC" on how lobbies even bully fully our local state congresspersons against your interests. We need to go back to pre-1970s "trade associations" infrastructure and harshly revolt against the lobbies that replaced them and that are killing us more today than any enemy we conjure up to blame, otherwise.


Who Still Doubts that both of the duopoly political parties in USA are not equally controlled by the same foreign and/or megalithic Big 15 Lobbies?

Financial regulatory measures –never truly put into practice -- were commonplace avoidance procedures on Wall Street under Obama’s two terms. It was just lip service. Go to any serious newspaper, New York Times, or another paper of record, and it is easy to find hundreds of articles which examine from 2008 to today, how nothing was really done -- excepting some CNN and other corporate TV news networks praising to high heavens the insincere words of the "reformers," on the heels of Crash of 2008.

Republicans by their very nature are rarely allowed to talk in a way openly discrediting and naming a large corporation or bank charging, it with bad acts, and get reelected. So you get the pink & purple prose from the only other party, Democrats, owned by the very same lobbies and elite powers that control the Republicans, having nothing to do whatsoever with the representative needs of the People.

Today one can still buy and sell toxic CDs and black magic derivatives (debt transformed into fraudulent negative value "assets") in even greater amounts still today than ever before, and nobody's hands in finance will be slapped or cut off. Maybe some politicians made histrionic theater to appear "strenuously working to deregulate". But in real practice and real effects, “same ole same ole,” you might say.

If you want to single out Democrats for doing something really good -- on the same level which use to be for Labor and Workers and civil rights in the 50s to 80s --in the Democratic Party, today the party has devolved into mostly elevating transgender and LGBT and illegal immigrants matters, to Olympian heights, as if such identity politics applies to all of us equally and brings cohesion and relief to American people, in their struggle for jobs and health and freedom from one-click surveillance; nor does the Democratic party any longer represent a voice to speak for them when up against infallible law enforcement authorities, who can justify just about anything they want to do against you, in these times.

Did you know that for the last 20 years when wide open illegal immigration became a powerful social engineering tool for the elite 1%, neither Republican nor Democrat congresspersons have since, changed the laws to catch up with the times, which define and disallow illegal immigration. Why are they so remiss to not adjust the laws to the current actions of the courts and law enforcers? For nearly two decades, the same laws which had long been on the books of the nation, making illegal immigration illegal, all those laws still just sit and exist on our law books, making a mockery of our current practices.

If immigration nowadays is in most cases never to be illegal, why the chicanery and cowardice to not rewrite the laws? If illegal immigration is still by law illegal, how are we to respond to other "illegal" acts? Can we just litter when we are running out of time to find a trash bin? Punch a car salesman in the face for selling someone a lemon and when they take it back, the salesman of course could not give a crap, so one can just bust him in the teeth, saying “it is illegal to punch him same as immigrants with no legal residency are “illegal”, so who’s to stop me from knocking out this parasites teeth”?

Very odd however, how quickly it is becoming illegal by law to criticize Israel, a land which has forcefully been championing apartheid and in defiance of UN laws now, for at least 4 decades. If a person does not endorse or support Republicans in any way, nor feel any particular empathy for any of them in office, hey, that does not in and of itself make Democrats acceptable, just because they are the only opposition to Republicans. In all other respects, the people of the United States really don't have any political tools, except being a member of one party and loathing the other. A kind of paralysis and death that's time must surely be running out.

Shouldn't Americans be revolting against job losses and their sleeping annual economic growth rate, with their money being bled out by the Fed Reserve for the luxury of international banksters, same as in France with their central bank, yet about a hundred French cities this week revolted against Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild backed union-busting new laws being bullied through French Parliament, along with Temp Agency laws also taking hold soon, making it French EZ and 1-2-3 simple to throw out long term French workers with pensions and good wages, and replacing them with temps from global temp agencies. Americans are too polarized by us versus them identify politics issues, to take similar action against household economic dislocation and federal financial fraud, at the highest levels of government. They need to get their opposition together today, before it is too late tomorrow.

PARIS PROTESTS against Macron draconian Rothschild bankster savaging of French Unions

Check out what NATO is doing in your neighborhood, here -->

Bernie Sander's legacy: climbed slowly up the power ladder to be senator of a state over 95% white; entire state has population just over half a million; defense department contracts keep it flush with money for welfare for whites.

Post Nov. 8th ELECTION Advisory to all the suckers who were herded into voting for an avatar of the unvanquished LOBBIES -- even Bernie Sanders was a contrived sock puppet, same as Trump and Hillary. DON'T EVER BE FOOLED AGAIN!

BOYCOTT both BODIES OF CONGRESS and protest against national
AIPAC foreign control of Senate and House -- force a shake down of the duopoly of the lobbies.

Gandhi leading the natives of India against the British Empire hegemony and apartheid, rallying the passive resistance against the 400 year rule of the British Empire AND the East India Trade Company, a private global monopoly not so different from today's AmCham lobby, American Chamber of Commerce cartel of multinational megacorporations around the globe. It is very revealing that in 2019 Americans are no where near this level of resistance, but the French YELLOW VEST are beyond this Gandhi inspired Hindu Rebellion ...and growing stronger and stronger every day!

James Corbett's one hour video on "9/11: INSIDE ROBBERY OF $50 TRILLION DOLLARS--FOLLOW THE MONEY!"

CHRIS HEDGES writes in Truth Dig Jan. 1, 2017

"The Trump transition team is busy anointing its coterie of kleptocrats. The appointment of Betsy DeVos (from a family with a net worth in excess of $5 billion) to become secretary of education means she will oversee the more than $70 billion spent annually on the Department of Education. DeVos—the sister of Eric Prince, who founded the notorious private security firm Blackwater Worldwide—has no direct experience as an educator. She promoted a series of for-profit charter schools in Michigan that make money but have had dismal academic results. She sees vouchers as an effective tool to funnel government money into schools run by the Christian right. Her goal is to indoctrinate, not educate. She calls education reform a way to “advance God’s kingdom.” Trump has already proposed using $20 billion of the department’s budget for vouchers. The American system of public education, already crippled by funding cuts, will be destroyed if Trump and DeVos succeed. The Veterans Administration spends $152.7 billion a year on veterans’ benefits that include general health care and treatment in VA hospitals. Last week Trump publicly weighed allowing veterans to use the for-profit health care system. Cleveland Clinic CEO Toby Cosgrove (annual salary $2.3 million) is one of the front-runners to head the VA. “We think we have to have kind of a public-private option, because some vets love the VA,” he added. “Definitely an option on the table to have a system where potentially vets can choose either/or or all private.” Rep. Tom Price, a Georgia Republican (net worth $13 million), has been selected by Trump to be secretary of health and human services. He plans to abolish Obamacare. He said he expects the House to push for Medicare privatization “within the first six to eight months” of the Trump administration.

Steve Mnuchin (net worth $40 million), a former partner at Goldman Sachs and the president-elect’s choice to lead the Department of the Treasury, told Fox Business that “getting Fannie and Freddie out of government ownership” is one of the Trump administration’s top 10 priorities. This is also the stated goal of Trump’s choice for budget director, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (net worth $3 million), a Republican from South Carolina. The privatization of the government-backed mortgages would see financial institutions authorized to issue mortgage-backed securities that carry a government guarantee. If the mortgages failed under the privatization scheme, the taxpayer would foot the bill. If the mortgages succeeded, the banks would get the profit. The privatization plan amounts to the institutionalization of the 2008 government bailout for big banks. It could cost the taxpayer billions.

The biggest pot of gold is the $2.79 trillion contained in or owed to the Social Security fund. The kleptocrats will work hard under Trump to divert this money into the hands of hucksters and crooks on Wall Street. Tom Leppert (net worth $12 million), the former mayor of Dallas, whom Trump is expected to name to head the Social Security Administration, not surprisingly advocates the privatization of Social Security and Medicare. The infusion of this kind of liquidity into an overheated stock market would probably bring on a crash that would evaporate perhaps as much as 40 percent of the Social Security fund, rendering it insolvent.


GANDHI guided the people of India to use passive resistance on a grand scale, to free themselves from the grip of British Imperialism. Americans also need some leaders to guide them to NOT VOTE in this November election. A passive NON VOTING protest will NEGATE the dubious and unaccountable and poorly representative national ballot results between Hillary and Trump, two candidates who represent an American Globalization Imperium symbolizing NO JOB LEFT BEHIND IN USA and NO CHECKS AND BALANCES on Pentagon nor Crazed Cops. Ask yourself honestly, are the American people as equal to the task as the people who Gandhi led in India, and does the USA have at least a few popular role models to lead them in their passive resistance? Jill Stein is not near the experience level of Ralph Nader nor Dennis Kucinich, and all votes for such candidates over the decades have proven to be an act of futility. DON'T VOTE and force a shake down of the duopoly of the corporate lobbies.

The U.S. government has NGOs [non-government organizations] fanning all around the globe, seeking to convert the nations not yet "vassalized," to unilaterally pray to the religion of U.S. brand corporate-democracy, which in its creed is really nothing more than mostly anti-Russian and anti-Syrian and pro-Israel ranting. At the top of their NGO endowment list, are those promoting LGBT rights. In their universe, such high and dry themes and issues tower tall above workers rights, labor opportunities, widely available low cost or no cost healthcare, anti-trust trade laws, civilian associations to monitor police abuses, etc., which our NGOs abroad rarely if ever advocate. It is deeply disturbing paradox that the United States does not have hundreds of NGOs from Europe and Japan and other democracy practicing nations, monitoring our own U.S. elections, helping Black Lives Matter deal with cops and the courts, and corruption in military contractors' deals with Pentagon and former Pentagon millionaires/billionaires.

America needs NGOs from many other effective democracies breathing down her own government's back, more than any other nation, but do you see any? Once upon a time, a few European NGOs monitored Texas elections, and found widespread abuses and sleight of hand ballot and voting violations, but suddenly they were dismissed and sent packing back across the Atlantic. What does this tell everyone in the world about the legitimacy of American democracy as practiced today? Soon the only American labor market jobs above waiter/waitress, senior rest home minion, temp nurse, and fast food slinger, will be among three choices: lobbyist; NGO agent, or military, police or Homeland Security officer or grunt.

These urgent times beg all of us to find a way to rescue ourselves and exploit the unique freedom Americans still have, to write-in a name on the 2016 presidential election ballot, in the primaries and for the final big bang. Not to show off to your friends that you voted for Mickey Mouse or Angelina Jolie or Deep Throat, but to use Twitter and Facebook and social media, as effectively as many third world millions have already done more swiftly than Americans [and they are not even earning $200 per month]. These third world people utilized in their Arab Spring & Kiev uprisings, our own social media technology, better than ourselves. They even had the blessings of our State Department, which in many ways sponsored and heralded their uprising as 'democracy building revolutions'. Well, what about a FB and Twitter 2016 SPRING UPRISING for Americans, who seem to be more accustomed to complain and watch the nation crumble, rather than use the new and effective social media tools? All these social networking tools have been used by many nations more effectively than they have been in the country of their invention! Even NATO forces in USA have boasted of using social networking software and communications to great success during the anti-NATO protests in Chicago [ ]. Why are Americans too enfeebled to stand U.S. electoral politics on its own ugly and fatuous head and get a proven honest fighter for people's rights and to do it swiftly.

Koch Industries produces through Koch Membrane Systems a vast amount of the chemicals that go into all pharmaceutical products. They are essentially a feeder for Big Pharma. The Koch Institute at MIT also has a strategic partnership with Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Ortho-McNeil-Janssen is a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson. During the health care debate, pharmaceutical interests made a deal with the Obama Administration that limited their givebacks in the bill, in a cozy exchange for stopping much larger intrusions on their industry, like reimportation of drugs from Canada or any foreign nation, or bulk purchasing to save money in Medicare. […] Americans for Prosperity organized hundreds of rallies against health care reform across the country. While that effort proved seemingly unsuccessful, the sweet Obama deal with the pharmaceutical corporations that help fund Koch Industries, held strong and firm in their favor. Much like with financial reform failures since the Crash of 2008, Koch and their offshoots pushed to kill the pharmaceutical reform bills from the outside, while working on the deep state inside, to secure plenty of exemptions to make the ultimate Obama reform still extremely profitable for the overall company.

Re-Importation of Pharmaceutical drugs/medicines back into USA at much lower prices was outlawed and banned by Obamacare Democrats and Tea Party Republicans -- here is how it all began-- (and ended; CLICK HERE to read Jan 2017 article on HOW OBAMA WAS BEST FRIEND OF BIG PHARMA!

from MOTHER JONES, Feb 2015 The deal Big Pharma cut during the legislative battle over Obamacare: The pharmaceutical companies agreed to support the law and accept about $80 billion in cost-cutting measures over the next decade, and the White House granted the industry lucrative concessions to protect its profit margins. These industry-favoring measures include provisions preventing the government from negotiating lower drug prices for Medicare and Medicaid and blocking Americans from importing cheaper prescription drugs from abroad. Those concessions were costly to taxpayers and consumers, but they were part of the grand bargain hammered out between the White House and Big Pharma. This accord ensured the industry would use its formidable lobbying clout to pass Obamacare—not destroy it.

from PRO PUBLICA, Feb 2017 -- As it readies for battle with President Trump over drug prices, the pharmaceutical industry is deploying economists and health care experts from the nation’s top universities. In scholarly articles, blogs and conferences, they lend their prestige to the lobbying blitz, without always disclosing their corporate ties, resulting in Big Pharma Quietly Enlists Leading Ivy League Professors to Justify $1,000-Per-Day Drugs

Most Americans haven’t seen what’s coming, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a devious many tentacled LOBBY feeding group. ALEC was co-founded by conservative activist Paul Weyrich, who also co-founded The Heritage Foundation. In 2012 ALEC was the subject of an Occupy movement protest, an Internal Revenue Service complaint by Common Cause, and calls for attorney general investigations in several states.

Nobel economist laureate Dixie Southerner JAMES BUCHANAN (foto above) has been recently discovered to be the intellectual linchpin of the Koch-funded attack on democratic institutions, argues Duke historian Nancy MacLean. Koch Brothers have long been major donors to Tea Party & George Mason U and University of VA coffers. In June 2017 MacLean published ‘Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America’. It focused on the southerner Nobel winner James McGill Buchanan and his work in public choice theory, and on Charles Koch, also on George Mason University, and the libertarian movement in the U.S. She argued they have undertaken "a stealth bid to reverse-engineer all of America, at both the state and national levels back to the political economy and oligarchic governance of midcentury Virginia, minus the segregation."

A World of Slaves Is In Store for We The People, founded on the plantation imbred chauvinism of South Carolina's early 1800s patriarch John Calhoun, bolstered and bouyed by today's Koch Brothers billions along with the Democrat & Republican politicians and legislators BOTH owned by lobbies and/or puppeted under the powerful sway of domestic & foreign intelligence agencies, especially those of Israel & Saudi Arabia.

Most Americans haven’t seen what’s coming and as Stanley Kubrick coined, have their Eyes Wide Shut. (5 minute interview with Nancy MacLean, Phd, here )

At this very moment, the Kochs’ State Policy Network and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a devious many tentacled LOBBY feeding group that connects corporate agents to conservative lawmakers to produce legislation (laws especially lenient with Big PhRMA & Hospital Owner & Petroleum Chemical Industry operatives and their lobbyists), are involved in projects that the Trump-obsessed media hardly notices and a press & media which is tragically & foolishly blinded by Trump’s tweets, projects like pumping vast sums of money into state judicial races. Their aim is to stack the legal deck against Americans in ways that MacLean argues may have even bigger effects than Citizens United, the 2010 Supreme Court ruling which unleashed unlimited corporate spending on American politics and abetted in the blocking and banning of the Re-Importation of Pharmaceutical products back into the U.S. at cheaper prices. Their goal is to create a judiciary that will interpret the Constitution in favor of corporations and the wealthy in ways that Buchanan would have heartily approved.

MacLean notes that when the Kochs’ control of the GOP kicked into high gear after the financial crisis of 2007-08, many were so stunned by the “shock-and-awe” tactics of shutting down government, co-opting labor unions, and rolling back services that meet citizens’ basic necessities, that few realized that many leading the charge had been trained in economics at Virginia institutions, especially George Mason University. MacLean adds another dimension to her dystopian big picture, acquainting us with what has been overlooked in the oligarchial lobbyist's playbook. She observes, for example, that many liberals have missed the point of strategies like privatization. Efforts to “reform” public education and Social Security are not just about a preference for the private sector over the public sector, she argues. The goal of these strategies is to radically alter power relations, weakening pro-public forces and enhancing the lobbying power and commitment of the corporations that take over public services and resources, thus advancing the agenda of the 1% "plantation owners".

versus U.S and EU workers trade UNIONS


GLOBAL TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES “Temp Agencies” versus U.S and EU workers trade UNIONS—the real enemy of the YELLOW VESTS in the end will prove to be the cancer of the temporary staffing agencies and their lobbies. If you still believe ARTHUR ANDERSON LLP died back in 2001/2002 after being found guilty of criminal charges, among many charges, the main ones relating to the firm's auditing of Enron, when it was still one of the "Big Five" accounting firms (along with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young, and KPMG) you are DEAD WRONG! Andersen Consulting changed its name to ACCENTURE on New Year's Day 2001. It is among the largest and most powerful global temp agencies today, along with global temp agency ADECCO (which was expanded greatly even more by its JACOBS coffee cartel ownership along with biggest raw chocolate producer partner in the world BARRY CALLEBOUT). In 2010 The Adecco Group set up a joint venture in SHANGHAI with Chinese HR services company FESCO. Accenture Staffing has uncountable short term workers contracts with the US government, in the terms of Obama and now under Trump, especially in border activities with the Mexican customs entry points, and in building the behemoth Mexican Wall. Another legendary but underlooked temporary staffing agency that supplied the US military and intelligence agencies and government and federal offices and bureaus with tons of part time temp contract workers is FEDSIM . Why are these three worker replacement mega-agencies seldom if ever reported in the main stream media of the western casino neoliberal democracies? The YELLOW VESTS will soon figure it out. (hint: Switzerland plays a large role in this worker redundancy global trend).

FIGHT the Hegemony of Global Temp Agencies with PEOPLE POWER!!

(before android "synths" take away all our jobs)....

Is there a Color Revolution already sweeping shore to shore in the U.S. and which is engineered by NED/NDI/State Department provocateurs?


The Truth About Low Life Temp Labor

this video above is in all probability consciously very misleading because the vast majority of temps are indeed white US citizens and not illegal immigrants nor poor and uneducated blacks, as are the main temp workers shown and interviewed in this slanted video investigation. Office work is mostly done by temp slaves in our major US cities; senior word processors, multilingual legal secretaries, and even paralegals and lawyers , engineers and computer software designers, professional white collar occupations like nursing, accounting, and computer programming are all being trashed by this same overpowering system of temp agency “slash the wages and gut the benefits” global economics. Most of the workers, for example, in Greenville SC at the giant BMW auto making plant, are temps. Walmart and Amazon use temps with zeal and abundant freedom from careful inspection. Many truck drivers now are forced to find their next gig through a heartless temp agency.

THE EXPENDABLES who the American unions -- much like Hillary Clinton herself -- consider "deplorables"


Harvard MBAs who are temping….. some do it for variety, others out of dire need.

McKinsey research a few years back found the that 58% of U.S. companies expect to use more temporary arrangements at all levels in the years ahead (nearly triple the number they plan to offshore of even more jobs). And although good data about independent workers are hard to come by (the government is curiously uninterested in tracking this trend), some estimates are instructive. Sixty million or more Americans are working independently today, according to research by MBO Partners, which manages back-office infrastructure for independent workers. That figure is expected to rise another 20 million over the next two years. This is not just an American phenomenon. In Europe, where former labor laws (being swiftly dismantled under the efforts of major lobbies) make it difficult and costly to fire anyone—thus, according to the lobbies and International Chamber of Commerce (and AmCham) "discouraging companies from taking on permanent hires"—temporary work is rapidly becoming even better established than it is in the United States. The vast majority of this work is in the middle tier or below, but it is spreading in the high end. According to Booz Allen Hamilton, Edward Snowden's former employer, the UK market for interim managers is one of the best developed for replacement temp workers, accounting for as much as $18 billion in future annual revenues; and across Europe, annual growth in the market for interim executives has been accruing agency profits over 200% annually. lawyers, MBAs, doctors, and engineers no longer have nearly as much leverage to hire themselves out at wages commensurate with their long training. As the SUPERTEMP market grows, it will scoop up nearly all talented people into its net, including retirees and new parents, who crave to stay in the game. 

WARNING about ANTIFA! Fighting Opponents with Politically Correct Extremism is not Democracy, it is just another word for Fascism.

Who Still Doubts that both of the two duopoly political parties in USA are not equally controlled by the same foreign and/or megalithic Big 25 Lobbies?

Financial regulatory measures –never truly put into practice -- were commonplace avoidance procedures on Wall Street under Obama’s two terms. It was just lip service. Go to any serious newspaper, New York Times, or another paper of record, and it is easy to find hundreds of articles which examine from 2008 to today, how nothing was really done -- excepting some CNN and MSNBC and FOX and other corporate TV news networks praising to high heavens the insincere words of their "reformer heroes" on the heels of the Crash of 2008.

Republican politicians by their very nature are rarely allowed to talk in a way openly discrediting and naming a large corporation or bank, much less charging it with bad acts, and get reelected. So you get the pink & purple prose from the only other party, the Democrats, owned by the very same lobbies and elite powers that control the Republicans, both parties having nothing to do whatsoever with the representative needs of We the People

Today one can still buy and sell toxic financial CDs and black magic derivatives (debt transformed into fraudulent negative value "assets") in even greater amounts now than ever before, and nobody's hands in finance will be slapped nor cut off. Maybe some politicians have made histrionic theater to appear "strenuously working to deregulate" (like Native American Indian political actress Elizabeth “Squaw” Warren), but it is never more than puppet theater . In real practice and real effects, “same ole same ole,” you might say, rules Washington, and probably most of our State legislatures also.

If you want to single out Democrats for doing something really good -- on the same level which use to be clearly evident for Labor and Workers and civil rights in the 50s to 80s within the Democratic Party (don’t forget the California Nurses Association Union led by RoseAnn DeMoro)-- today this same party has devolved into mostly elevating transgender and LGBT and illegal immigrants matters, to majestic heights, as if such ‘identity-politics’ applies to all of us equally and brings cohesion and relief to all resident legal American people and workers, in their struggle for jobs and healthcare, and freedom from one-click surveillance federal agencies; nor does the Democratic party any longer represent a voice to speak up for them when up against infallible authoritarian law enforcement powers, who can justify just about anything they want to do against you, in these times, including killing you or robbing you within their current interpretations of The Law.

Did you know that for the last 20-something years when legs wide open illegal immigration penetration became a powerful social engineering tool for the elite 1%, neither Republican nor Democrat congresspersons have since then, or yet now, changed the laws much at all to catch up with the times, which still define and disallow illegal immigration? Why are they so remiss to not adjust the laws to fit the current actions of the courts and law enforcers? For slightly more than two decades, the same laws which had already long been on the books of the nation, making illegal immigration, well …. illegal, most of those disrespected laws still exist and just sit on our law books, making a mockery of our current institutions and policies and practices.

If immigration nowadays is in most cases seldom if ever to be illegal in real practice, then why all the chicanery and cowardice -- to without delay -- rewrite these outdated laws? If illegal immigration is still by law illegal, but in practice it is legal, how are we to respond to other "illegal" acts of law, now as a nation? Can we just litter when we are running out of time to find a trash bin? Punch a car salesman in the face for selling us a lemon when he/she won’t take it back, such salespersons of course could not give a crap about his/her sleight of hand, and it is clearly written all over their “caring” concerned face, so in today’s interpretation of the word “illegal,” one can just bust him/her in the nose or teeth, saying “if it’s apparently legal for illegal immigrants with no legal residency here to get driving licenses and jobs and rent apartments and get free emergency hospital care and fill our schools, punching a sales asshole in the snout, which use to be “illegal”, but now in the illegal immigration interpretations of our laws, who’s to stop me from knocking out this sales parasite’s teeth and getting away with it”? And the list of infractions which we can get away with which are termed illegal but in the same boat as illegal immigration laws, grows “legal” more and more in this disrespect for our laws on the books.

Very odd however, indeed, the paradox of how quickly it has been becoming illegal by law to criticize Israel, a land which has forcefully been championing apartheid and in defiance of UN laws now, for at least 4 undemocratic Israeli decades.

By a similar analogy, if a person who does not endorse or support Republicans in any way, nor feel any particular empathy for any of them in office, hey, that does not in and of itself immediately make Democrats acceptable to them by default, just because they are the only opposition to Republicans, does it? In nearly all respects, the people of the United States really don't have any legal political tools at their disposal any longer, except being a member of one party and loathing the other. A kind of paralysis and death that's time must surely be running out, like the race to build more and more illegal settlements supporting apartheid in Israel, against the native Palestinians, who have lived on that patch of land for eons.

Shouldn't Americans be revolting against job losses and their moribund annual economic income growth rate, with their money being bled out by the Fed Reserve for the luxury of international banksters? Look at France recently, regarding her workers, about a hundred French cities revolted against Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild backed union-busting new laws being bullied through their French Parliament, along with the ever broadening EU Temp Agency job replacement laws also taking hold, making it French-EZ and 1-2-3-tres-simple to throw out long term French workers with pensions and good wages, and replacing them with temps from global temp agencies. Americans are too polarized by us versus them identity-politics issues, to take similar French action against household economic dislocations and national financial fraud, at the highest levels of government. Americans need to learn from the French and get their opposition together today, before it is too late tomorrow.


Keiser Report: Ten Years Later - The Architects of the 2008 Crash

PARIS Sept. 11 2017 PROTESTS against Macron draconian Rothschild bankster savaging of French Unions

James Petras writes in Sept 2017: The United States is the only country in the industrial world with a capitalist offensive without an anti-capitalist opposition; a working class ‘deplored’ by the opposition and manipulated by its fake ‘champion’. The consequences are pre-determined. The capitalist offensive cannot lose; either capitalist side wins. Under Trump multi-national corporations will secure lower taxes and pay lower social benefits. Bi-partisan agreements will ensure that banks are deregulated. The anti-Trump opposition, will ensure that ‘their’ capitalists obtain neo-liberal trade agreements, cheap immigrant labor, and an un-unionized workforce.

A subscriber writes:

I live in a region of several ex-communist countries and Soros funds many activist and protest groups that create firstly social networking, and then violent regime change in countries --with democratically elected leaders-- and within societies in which a majority want to remain friendly with Russia and negotiate trade deals with Russia (and the Soros/Open Society funds regime change violence in Muslim western China too). Open Society, Soros funding agency has been going this regime change way since 1990. Also, the Arab Spring and Venezuela anti-Chavez activists and protestors, were partly funded by Soros/Open Society also, among many other CIA friendly NGOs paying their shills and bottle bomb throwers too. It makes me laugh that anyone would really believe that Black Lives Matter is so small and focused and concentrated into a few administrative hands -- and in need of money to hit the streets SIMPLY to follow up on tweets to protest that they (as disconnected from each other they are from state to state in real life, except in their fear of and outrage against killer cops) ... it is ludicrous to believe Black Lives Matter, a hash tag name for Twitter, are seriously influenced by Open Society/Soros.

Black Lives Matter does not fit the classic anti-communist CIA allied profile of Open Society funding patterns recipients around the world, HOWEVER, funding anti-Trump violence such as was in Charlottesville VA fits the regime change and divide and conquer methods of Soros's Open Society AND the State Dept. Also, Hillary ran the State Dept which under her spear became notorious for advocating and supporting violent regime change around the world wherever Wall Street interests were contradicted (Venezuela; Libya, Syria; Ukraine; Georgia; Myanmar; Brasil; Cuba; Malaysia, the list is very long of successful and/or attempted color revolutions during her regime at the State Dept). Soros and Open Society have been and are much much MUCH more active abroad than they are in any way at home UNTIL TRUMP WON! (historically, Soros in USA funds LGBT and Democrat party candidates --in the abstract, i.e. non-specific almost invisible channels to the mainstream news public -- via the duopoly funding channels of the two corporate parties and lobbyists). It is in many ways of viewing it ---treasonous today-- this being now the first time the US State Dept regime change personnel left behind by Hillary --along with the affiliated Open Society squads from abroad -- are returning to nest at home and these agents are now using their methods and techniques from the Gene Sharp Handbook in USA on Americans involving domestic protest and U.S. divisive issues, such as alt Left vs. alt Right.

This is something new -- to deploy such agents on US soil and just as serious a threat to U.S. democracy, maybe more poisonous, than the FBI infiltrations of protest movements in USA during the Vietnam War. Don't forget, as long as it is relatively peaceful and without provocateurs of violent regime change in the crowd, conservatives are just as entitled to express themselves as the politically correct and the progressives. Such equality is the divine distillation of the most sacred of the ideals of Democracy.

AMERICANS NEED THEIR OWN "COLOR REVOLUTION" of Alt Left joined with Alt Right where they both can agree!

Temp & Part time workers & unemployed who have almost 'no rights' to speak of, join up with #Black Lives Matter,
who in truth have 'less rights than illegal immigrants' -- in a new Color Revolution

graphics artist: Bryan Adrian

links to other BEWITCHING websites:

The Mythology of MITIGATION Banks 


THERE IS NO BETTER TIME THAN NOW, for United States people to show they have AT LEAST the PASSIVE RESISTANCE of the people of India back in Gandhi's time, when resisting the British CityofLondon death grip hegemony on their people, WE YANKS, by NOT VOTING AT ALL, thereby putting a MORATORIUM on the Election, just like the Senate does when they put MORATORIUMS on the US Economy, we can bring the CHANGE which Obama only lip synced to a Lobby script! This will create global attention on the US way beyond just BLM, and force the US to reform the entire process of US Elections and Lobby Hegemony over both parties, and in the ensuing confusion (just like the confusion and inaction of COV-19 has made—a media swan song for a 'cure-all' corporate-hegemon vaccination) YES WE CAN CHANGE by NOT VOTING. So many voters of both parties dislike their own party now and its candidates, SO WHY BLOODY VOTE? Americans are now in the same boat as were the people of India while under British iron clad Imperial rule, we are victims and subjects of a tyranny of LOBBIES & Imperial Colleges which are an invisible OLIGARCHY even worse & more widespread than those of the global KOSHER NOSTRA & U.S. planetary military bases. If you don't feel confident of your candidate, SHARE THE VICTORY of the Indian People, and DON'T VOTE 2020! This is called PASSIVE RESISTANCE. And it works!

U.S. authorities, due to COV-19 SuperPanic Measures never before seen in Mankind's history, have closed down Planet Earth as if BLACK DEATH BUBONIC PLAGUE or a deadly mass KILLER VIRUS is on the loose, but data is clearly showing about the same number of deaths as due to our frequent seasonal FLU spikes, which result in many pneumonia deaths among our aged senior citizens and very elderly in overpriced often tax subsidized INFIRM AGED CARE HOMES. Not encouraging U.S. citizens to go out personally to their polls to vote, this more than 7 month FREAK OUT over Cov-19, with never seen before tracking and tracing and surveillance of voters and citizens, has made THE ENTIRE U.S. VOTING SYSTEM reliant on the USPS Postal System, in general, to handle most the entire election procedure. All the PR and boasting of the last ten years on the safety and security of block chain software as used in crypto-currencies, YET still the U.S. authorities have not even attempted to design a block chain VOTING online option for US voters who don't trust much the heavily privatized USPS. The USPS falls into a unique category of company classification known as a “government sponsored enterprise, aka a GSE”. This means the organization is a hybrid (of about the worst worlds possible) being “private” in some ways yet beholden utterly to direct oversight and a host of Federal regulations more appropriate for actual REAL FEDERAL government departments. The USPS United States Postal Service is a kind of hybrid quasi federal agency something like Fannie Mae, Sallie Mae, and the Federal Reserve! What Is a Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE)? A government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) is a quasi-governmental entity established to enhance the flow of credit to specific sectors of the American economy. Created by acts of Congress, these agencies–although they are privately-held, they provide public services. GSEs help to facilitate borrowing for a variety of big wig individuals, seldom including students, farmers, and homeowners as their high finance targets to benefit.

CAN THE SUPER RICH GLUT OF DREADFULLY OLD SENATORS & Special Interest House of Reps, FROM BOTH PARTIES, RESCUE THE U.S. FROM ITSELF on the tail end of the Cov-19 Plandemic? Rather than let young and middle aged leaders find our national path out of our current derailed nation, we lean on: Biden 77 y/o, Trump 73 y/o, Pelosi 79 y/o, Hillary 72 , Sanders 78, Bloomberg 78, Warren 70, Dianne Feinstein 86, Pat Roberts 83, Eddie Bernice Johnson 84, Jim Inhofe 85, Richard Shelby 85, Orrin Hatch 85, Chuck Grassley 86, Don "Young"— 86 y/o, Sander Levin 88, Sam Johnson 89, Mitch McConnell 78, Chuck Shumer 69, Patrick Leahy 79-- for our 2020 RECSCUE TEAM. All of them with their very gray and crinkly old short hairs caught in their rusty vintage zippers by the POWERFUL LOBBY OLIGARCHIES strangling our U.S. Democracy!

OCT 2019: The DNC (Democratic National Committee) clandestinely scrubbed wannabee baby social democrat Bernie Sanders from their roster, first in the early primaries, then high and low in the corporate media, despite his popularity with white university students & 20-somethings, and with many seasonal Democrat voters who have fallen out with the mindset of the oligarchial DNC. What old corpse did the DNC drag out to the symbolic horse race with Trump after disposing of the Peoples Choice, Bernie Sanders? Word is out that Nancy Pelosi was hand picked, but she was at her 500th facial plastic surgery operation and missed the call! Thinking that 'our first Jewish president' would be a sweetener, they called Joe Lieberman long distance to his Jerusalem number, but they got Richard Sugarman instead, who tried to convert them all in DNC to Messianic Hassidism. So the now new 'grandmaster' of the Democratic political machine to rule over all Democrat voters and grab the White House 'on their behalf', Joe "Blowhard" Biden, who does not even have any longer the low voltage charisma to pinch teenage girl butt and get away with it anymore, as their gun-runner! Go Get'em Joe!

Free Counters


REPRESENT-US ! Smash Lobbies!


Politicians are supposed to represent us. But most Americans have a near-zero impact on public policy. America's corrupt political system is a complex problem. The American Anti-Corruption Act is a comprehensive solution. The American Anti-Corruption Act sets a standard for city, state, and federal laws that break big money's grip on politics. It will:

Stop political bribery by making it illegal for lobbyists to lobby a politician and donate to their campaign. You can lobby, or you can donate, but you can't do both.

End secret money so Americans know who is buying political power.

Fix our broken elections so the people, not the political establishment, are the ones in control.

Bring conservatives and progressives together to pass Anti-Corruption laws in cities and states across America.

In communities across America, RepresentUs members –progressives, conservatives, and everyone in between – are working together to pass local Anti-Corruption Acts. Member-led RepresentUs chapters are leading the fight to protect our communities from the corruption that plagues Congress. Every town, city, state, and county has a unique political makeup, so every Anti-Corruption Act is uniquely tailored to the needs of each community.


Don't worry Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and democrat leaning super lobbyist Joe Lieberman are doing their damned best to sacrifice themselves on your behalf, even if it will cost them their billions and their lives. With them on your side, with the leadership of their Great New Post Covid19 "Blue Collar" Party Leader, Joe Biden, it will be easy for You and Friends and Family along with these trusted politicians to defeat a one man POWER JUGGERNAUT like Donald the TV/Twitter Entertainer Bad Guy Trump . Funny how the media ascribes to Trump so much more Presidential power than Obama was credited with. Trump was CLEARLY intimidated by the Military and CIA his first 90 days in the WH, and he has no training as lawyer or as legislator nor intelligence agency director savvy, he is not even in the top 200 U.S. billionaires club. Yet voters, rather than deconstruct LOBBIES at their very heart and to learn from Cov19 shutdown and CLOSE DOWN the 2020 Elections by refusing to vote for either a Democrat or a Republican that have no appeal to anyone with more than just influenza mucous filling up their skull cavity, the political dynamics of the people appears to be mostly a very puerile tantrum to pin omnipotent powers to Trump -- like pinning the tail on the donkey in a children's party game. If we can shut down schools and shops and jobs and food production for three months, we can shut down the 2020 Election and study the new ideas and dynamics which this arouses in a stupified voting public, and work our way out of it the same as out of this Cov19 matrix.


Which Party will win the Wipe House 2020 Elections, the "Trumpanzees" or the "Transpansies"? You have only these two choices. Neither is effectively AntiWar nor AntiLobby -- The COVID-19 mutant virus finds 70-82+ year olds the most delectable and preferred QUICK human meal on their host menu .... which means a vast majority of our "elected" very very OLD lobby purchased ruling class members. Which man on the horribly limited voting ticket is more of a bloated-belly-up LobbyFist, prostrating himself on the engineered stage & altar of American Life's elite hidden Illuminated Orders, TRUMP or BIDEN? 

Here are the current ages of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate & House: Biden 77 y/o, Trump 73 y/o, Pelosi 79 y/o, Hillary 72 , Sanders 78, Bloomberg 78, Warren 70, Dianne Feinstein 86, Pat Roberts 83, Eddie Bernice Johnson 84, Jim Inhofe 85, Richard Shelby 85, Orrin Hatch 85, Chuck Grassley 86, Don "Young"— 86 y/o, Sander Levin 88, Sam Johnson 89, Mitch McConnell 78, Chuck Shumer 69, Patrick Leahy 79, Jack Bergman 73, + plus others!

The average age of the Democratic House leadership is 72 years old, whereas the average age of Republican House leadership is 48 years old. Looking ahead at the 2020 elections, 21 of the 33 Senators running for reelection will be 65 or older. Here is a long long list of super old timers in both House & Senate still living and many in office crooning 'DEM BONES'.



still one of my very favorite all time American-themed movies, more applicable today than ever, especially in a meaningless Presidential Erection Year (MSM would have us believe both Trump and Biden have hard-ons to make American Workers Flush With Money Again!) >New development in 2020 U.S. (UnderSurveillance) Elections? NEXT STOP!......Next stop, CityofLondon elite ancient secret societies, "Assault on TEMPLE STREET"



2020 Elections

I use to vote Democrat. Not for some time now. And i have never cast a vote for Republicans, in any race, except to the toilet to make a deposit to the party. But now nearing two decades, I have no trust in either party. It is truly a duopoly and a deadly clamp on any functioning democracy. Bernie Sanders might impress some but not me. I want a real socialist, if they claim to be one, and not a maple syrup great grandfather in New England near the rural Canadian border forests, barking against a few field mice but not against the wolves. Trump scares the hell out of me, a failed casino Chabad mafia czar who claims authenticity, while all the time he doesn't dare show his true skull & bones skeletons nor his god given hair. It is a good time to promote a WRITE IN ballot for somebody COURAGEOUS and not PURCHASED, for President, nor elect one who is so vain they run mostly to be talked about and admired by the naive or hopeful. I am BEGGING all the jabberwocky revolutionists of both the left and the right, rather than to disagree with each other using more and more hipster terms and memes and tropes of the magical word "change," but never bringing it about, to put their best brain beanie caps on and figure out if it is do-able in today's social electronic network community, CHANGE, using Twitter and Facebook, etc., to swamp the ballots with write in names written-in on the ballots and to defy the SuperDelegate mafia and the media-lobby stranglehold on what is barely left of American Democracy and Freedom of Expression. Also, we must FistPhuck the LOBBIES until their colons explode and we see what they are really made of.


Who Still Doubts that both of the duopoly political parties in USA are not equally controlled by the same foreign and/or megalithic Big 15 Lobbies?


There is no importance to RUSSIAGATE. U.S. power was either going to be Chabad-Hassidic-Haredi Muscle or the NeoCon lobby matrix.
TRUMP's global CHABAD Hassidic sects teammates (it is not Putin & Russian FSB that turns Trump's casino wheels and politics, it is Russian Jewish-Chabad global gangsters, i.e. McMafia -- Uzbek, Khazaks, Ukrainian, Turkmenistan, Turkish Donmeh, Kyrgyz sect, Belorus mostly Hassidic type Jews who speak Russian and/or Hebrew and treasure the Kabbala and all their many global centers including London & New York & Amsterdam--Felix Sater; Semion Mogilevic; Alex Mashkevitch; Lev Leviev; Jared Kushner; Tevrik Arif et al.

The 2016 American Presidential Election

proved to be a dark chapter in Orwell's alleged lost manuscript for AMERICAN ANIMAL FARM. Watch this link as Kucinich takes Bernake to the mat. Here Kucinich exposes Henry Paulson as a nervous Nelly serial liar.

"Well Old Crusty Senator Bernard, When You Gonna Take on the Defense Industry Lobbyists?"

The 2016 American Presidential Election proved to be a dark chapter in Orwell's alleged lost manuscript for AMERICAN ANIMAL FARM. Watch this link as Kucinich takes Bernake to the mat. Here Kucinich exposes Henry Paulson as a nervous Nelly serial liar.


Bernie Sander's legacy: climbed slowly up the power ladder to be senator of a state over 95% white; entire state has population just over half a million; defense department contracts keep it flush with money for welfare for whites. THE SECRET IS OUT! Most in-the-know progressives in Vermont vote for truly independent candidates and do not vote for Bernie nor do they praise his lackluster work in the Senate.

A very important question that needs addressing [especially for African Americans] is why did Bernie go to Sha'ar Ha'amakim Israel to kibbutz shortly out of college when he had been representing himself as a hero of the black civil rights movement in the South and in Chicago? He might more usefully have gone to the south and marched for a few years with the other many northern civil rights activists & organizers, who took chances on others' behalf for more than only a few days. Then [...this storyline is true, not from a movie!] this boy from Brooklyn via Chicago moves to Vermont, a state at the time 99% white with less than half a million residents in the entire state, and ran unsuccessfully for mayor many elections, against a field of mostly Democrats [hence Bernard's branding necessity to be labeled a 'socialist'] again and again Bernard Sanders lost several elections with a very poor showing, stretching over a long time, until he squeaked through finally by only 10 votes owing perhaps to the enormous personal efforts of his pal Richard Sugarman, who had also been the Yale roommate of Senator Joe Lieberman, a war hawk who had been tapped by the Skull & Bones society while at Yale [Lieberman rejected Skull & Bones and joined the equally prestigious ELIHU secret society, which taps only 16 members annually, not quite as elitist as Skull & Bones, which taps only 15 each year].

Bernie never went to grad school, his education stopped with his undergrad work in Chicago, yet in 1989, just 8 or 9 years after being mayor of little Burlington, VT, with an under-50,000 population in a Leave it to Beaver pristine micro-city milieu [a lot of the town's population are university kids and insurance company white collar office workers], Bernard became a distinguished professor at Harvard's crème-de-crème Ivy League JFK School of Government, with only a bachelor's degree under his belt and it can be argued mayoral experiences less than Sonny Bono, the actor who after he was divorced from Cher, went on to became mayor of Palm Springs Calif., which is the very same size as Burlington .

So, a somewhat curious question would be: was Bernie all along his career driven to [a] aid the civil rights movement, or [b] get elected and climb the status ladder with the help of insiders? Bernard (Bernie) Sander's older brother Larry Sanders graduated from Harvard Law School and immigrated to England in 1969 around the age of 35. Larry also spent time on two kibbutzes, in Kibbutz Matzuva (in western Galilee) and Kibbutz Yotvata (in the southern Negev), Haaretz has reported. Larry married a British woman and obtained dual citizenship, going on to raise his little baby boy and girl there and to enter British politics. Larry Sanders moved up to be a lecturer at Oxford and although active a long time within the UK Labour Party, he late in life became an elected UK Green Party councillor after reaching the age of 70. Larry has also retained his US citizenship and he currently promises that, not only will he vote for his brother "at every opportunity", but he will stay in the US to work on his little brother Bernard's campaign (along with Richard Sugarman).


Bernard Sanders former kibbutz [above] that he lived in when he was just out of university, Shaar Haamakim, Israel, is today overwhelmingly privatized, and from the looks of this Noga Weiss design photo of a local venue, too classy and pricey for a frugal but happy U.S. socialist today. Will Bernie as president be able to socialize the soaring real estate prices of America's large and medium sized cities, as any good socialist would try to make housing quite affordable for his coast to coast constituents?

Bernie Sanders currently gestures like Charlton Heston in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, against the big banks and Wall Street. But what exactly did he do besides bray whenever he wakes up from his naps?

young japanese girl vaporized by Hiroshima atom bomb dropped by Pentagon/DoD on her neighborhood

"B. Traven and His Circle of Luciferian Friends", as published in 1996 in LONDON ELECTRONIC WHIP by Bryan Adrian



Here are three links, perhaps the most deeply revealing three assessments of what is wrong in USA today, and especially applicable to the utter lack of representation of the People in American government today. Dismember and disembowel and dismantle the lobbies ASAP, and OUTLAW them, as they stand today. This would be far more productive than hate speech, fringe protests for marginal micro-minority PC social rights, taking on the police head on, or voting in a rigged and fixed system. Don't forget, over 99% of all Congresspersons and state senators are controlled by the lobbies also. First, to read and inflame you, Lee Drutman on "How Corporate Lobbyists Conquered American Democracy"…/how-corporate-lobbyis…/390822/ and then this telling piece on how the Israeli AIPAC lobby is the number one enemy of U.S. democracy and sovereign government (not Russiagate) and , followed by a video by Bill Moyers "United States of ALEC" on how lobbies even bully fully our local state congresspersons against your interests. We need to go back to pre-1970s "trade associations" infrastructure and harshly revolt against the lobbies that replaced them and that are killing us more today than any enemy we conjure up to blame, otherwise.


Who Still Doubts that both of the duopoly political parties in USA are not equally controlled by the same foreign and/or megalithic Big 15 Lobbies?

Financial regulatory measures –never truly put into practice -- were commonplace avoidance procedures on Wall Street under Obama’s two terms. It was just lip service.  Go to any serious newspaper, New York Times, or another paper of record, and it is easy to find hundreds of articles which examine from 2008 to today, how nothing was really done -- excepting some CNN and other corporate TV news networks praising to high heavens the insincere words of the "reformers," on the heels of Crash of 2008.

 Republicans by their very nature are rarely allowed to talk in a way openly discrediting and naming a large corporation or bank charging, it with bad acts, and get reelected. So you get the pink & purple prose from the only other party, Democrats, owned by the very same lobbies and elite powers that control the Republicans, having nothing to do whatsoever with the representative needs of the People.

Today one can still buy and sell toxic CDs and black magic derivatives (debt transformed into fraudulent negative value "assets") in even greater amounts still today than ever before, and nobody's hands in finance will be slapped or cut off. Maybe some politicians made histrionic theater to appear "strenuously working to deregulate". But in real practice and real effects, “same ole same ole,” you might say.

If you want to single out Democrats for doing something really good -- on the same level which use to be for Labor and Workers and civil rights in the 50s to 80s --in the Democratic Party, today the party has devolved into mostly elevating transgender and LGBT and illegal immigrants matters, to Olympian heights, as if such identity politics applies to all of us equally and brings cohesion and relief to American people, in their struggle for jobs and health and freedom from one-click surveillance; nor does the Democratic party any longer represent a voice to speak for  them when up against infallible law enforcement authorities, who can justify just about anything they want to do against you, in these times.

Did you know that for the last 20 years when wide open illegal immigration became a powerful social engineering tool for the elite 1%, neither Republican nor Democrat congresspersons have since, changed the laws to catch up with the times, which define and disallow illegal immigration. Why are they so remiss to not adjust the laws to the current actions of the courts and law enforcers? For nearly two decades, the same laws which had long been on the books of the nation, making illegal immigration illegal, all those laws still just sit and exist on our law books, making a mockery of our current practices.

If immigration nowadays  is in most cases never to be illegal, why the chicanery and cowardice to not rewrite the laws? If illegal immigration is still by law illegal, how are we to respond to other "illegal" acts? Can we just litter when we are running out of time to find a trash bin? Punch a car salesman in the face for selling someone a lemon and when they take it back, the salesman  of course could not give a crap, so one can just bust him in the teeth, saying “it is illegal to punch him same as immigrants with no legal residency are “illegal”, so who’s to stop me from knocking out this parasites teeth”?

Very odd however, how quickly it is becoming illegal by law to criticize Israel, a land which has forcefully been championing apartheid and in defiance of UN laws now, for at least 4 decades. If a person does not endorse or support Republicans in any way, nor feel any particular empathy for any of them in office, hey, that does not in and of itself make Democrats acceptable, just because they are the only opposition to Republicans. In all other respects, the people of the United States  really don't have any political tools, except being a member of one party and loathing the other. A kind of paralysis and death that's time must surely be running out.

Shouldn't Americans be revolting against job losses and their sleeping annual economic growth rate, with their money being bled out by the Fed Reserve for the luxury of international banksters, same as in France with their central bank, yet about a hundred French cities this week revolted against Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild backed union-busting new laws being bullied through French Parliament, along with Temp Agency laws also taking hold soon, making it French EZ and 1-2-3 simple to throw out long term French workers with pensions and good wages,  and replacing them with temps from global temp agencies.  Americans are too polarized by us versus them identify politics issues, to take similar action against household economic dislocation and federal financial fraud, at the highest levels of government.  They need to get their opposition together today, before it is too late tomorrow.

PARIS PROTESTS against Macron draconian Rothschild bankster savaging of French Unions

Check out what NATO is doing in your neighborhood, here -->

Bernie Sander's legacy: climbed slowly up the power ladder to be senator of a state over 95% white; entire state has population just over half a million; defense department contracts keep it flush with money for welfare for whites.

Post Nov. 8th ELECTION Advisory to all the suckers who were herded into voting for an avatar of the unvanquished LOBBIES -- even Bernie Sanders was a contrived sock puppet, same as Trump and Hillary. DON'T EVER BE FOOLED AGAIN!

BOYCOTT both BODIES OF CONGRESS and protest against national
AIPAC foreign control of Senate and House -- force a shake down of the duopoly of the lobbies.

Ghandi leading the natives of India against the British Empire hegemony and apartheid, rallying the passive resistance against the 400 year rule of the British Empire AND the East India Trade Company, a private global monopoly not so different from today's AmCham lobby, American Chamber of Commerce cartel of multinational megacorporations around the globe. It is very revealing that in 2019 Americans are no where near this level of resistance, but the French YELLOW VEST are beyond this Ghandi inspired Hindu Rebellion ...and growing stronger and stronger every day!

James Corbett's one hour video on "9/11: INSIDE ROBBERY OF $50 TRILLION DOLLARS--FOLLOW THE MONEY!"

CHRIS HEDGES writes in Truth Dig Jan. 1, 2017

"The Trump transition team is busy anointing its coterie of kleptocrats. The appointment of Betsy DeVos (from a family with a net worth in excess of $5 billion) to become secretary of education means she will oversee the more than $70 billion spent annually on the Department of Education. DeVos—the sister of Eric Prince, who founded the notorious private security firm Blackwater Worldwide—has no direct experience as an educator. She promoted a series of for-profit charter schools in Michigan that make money but have had dismal academic results. She sees vouchers as an effective tool to funnel government money into schools run by the Christian right. Her goal is to indoctrinate, not educate. She calls education reform a way to “advance God’s kingdom.” Trump has already proposed using $20 billion of the department’s budget for vouchers. The American system of public education, already crippled by funding cuts, will be destroyed if Trump and DeVos succeed. The Veterans Administration spends $152.7 billion a year on veterans’ benefits that include general health care and treatment in VA hospitals. Last week Trump publicly weighed allowing veterans to use the for-profit health care system. Cleveland Clinic CEO Toby Cosgrove (annual salary $2.3 million) is one of the front-runners to head the VA. “We think we have to have kind of a public-private option, because some vets love the VA,” he added. “Definitely an option on the table to have a system where potentially vets can choose either/or or all private.” Rep. Tom Price, a Georgia Republican (net worth $13 million), has been selected by Trump to be secretary of health and human services. He plans to abolish Obamacare. He said he expects the House to push for Medicare privatization “within the first six to eight months” of the Trump administration.

Steve Mnuchin (net worth $40 million), a former partner at Goldman Sachs and the president-elect’s choice to lead the Department of the Treasury, told Fox Business that “getting Fannie and Freddie out of government ownership” is one of the Trump administration’s top 10 priorities. This is also the stated goal of Trump’s choice for budget director, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (net worth $3 million), a Republican from South Carolina. The privatization of the government-backed mortgages would see financial institutions authorized to issue mortgage-backed securities that carry a government guarantee. If the mortgages failed under the privatization scheme, the taxpayer would foot the bill. If the mortgages succeeded, the banks would get the profit. The privatization plan amounts to the institutionalization of the 2008 government bailout for big banks. It could cost the taxpayer billions.

The biggest pot of gold is the $2.79 trillion contained in or owed to the Social Security fund. The kleptocrats will work hard under Trump to divert this money into the hands of hucksters and crooks on Wall Street. Tom Leppert (net worth $12 million), the former mayor of Dallas, whom Trump is expected to name to head the Social Security Administration, not surprisingly advocates the privatization of Social Security and Medicare. The infusion of this kind of liquidity into an overheated stock market would probably bring on a crash that would evaporate perhaps as much as 40 percent of the Social Security fund, rendering it insolvent.

Pre-Election night Nov 7th advisory --->

GANDHI guided the people of India to use passive resistance on a grand scale, to free themselves from the grip of British Imperialism. Americans also need some leaders to guide them to NOT VOTE in this November election. A passive NON VOTING protest will NEGATE the dubious and unaccountable and poorly representative national ballot results between Hillary and Trump, two candidates who represent an American Globalization Imperium symbolizing NO JOB LEFT BEHIND IN USA and NO CHECKS AND BALANCES on Pentagon nor Crazed Cops. Ask yourself honestly, are the American people as equal to the task as the people who Gandhi led in India, and does the USA have at least a few popular role models to lead them in their passive resistance? Jill Stein is not near the experience level of Ralph Nader nor Dennis Kucinich, and all votes for such candidates over the decades have proven to be an act of futility. DON'T VOTE and force a shake down of the duopoly of the corporate lobbies.

HILLARY NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS -- DON'T VOTE and force a shake down of the duopoly of the corporate lobbies.

TRUMP MEGALOMANIA MENTAL DISORDERS -- DON'T VOTE and force a shake down of the duopoly of the corporate lobbies.


Kucinich on the Issues .... link here


What to do if you are a newly discovered x-democrat out of the closet finally, or a Republican who sees Trump as a casino card dealing pseudo Republican, when it comes to the strictly two-party American Colonies system? The President of the United States is only a figurehead to pacify the masses, so why don't we just all admit to ourselves that any U.S. president nowadays is no more than a flying head figurehead [like in the movie Zardoz] that does the dirty work for Pentagon stealth-mode contractors and the zillions of fanged mouth little deadly peewee subcontractors, or through SHELTER IN PLACE warnings and control mechanisms, and fake U.S. dollars to pay for more military occupations of foreign lands, printed out of the Federal Reserve thin air, which is not even federal! So my vote is with the rapidly growing millions soon to write in the name ZARDOZ on their write-in ballots. His/her real name is still unknown. ZARDOZ SPEAKS! VIVA ZARDOZ!!




REMEMBER BREAKER MORANT? The wooden coffins and neglected graves of Morant and Handcock, are poignant allegories for the death and morbidity of both political parties, Democrats and Republicans, in the United States today, by the hands of arms manufacturers and AIPAC and other lobbies, which own 99 percent of American Congressional representatives and senators. Quoting Gertrude Stein, "there is no there there." Not only 99% of American citizens are under the institutional white gloved grip of the elite .1%, the same proportional 99% of our political representatives in Washington are beholden to the same overlords too. BREAKER MORANT is just a foretaste of what is in store for Americans after the 2016 elections. Marched to the wall and shot.

click here for coast to coast "DISENFRANCISHED EMPLOYEES & MIDDLE CLASS USA" voters' upheaval, a communion of workers' labor movements, Black Lives Matter, disgruntled Iraq & Afghan war veterans, teachers underpaid, and unemployed or piss poor partially employed American university students, as they jam the downtowns of most major U.S. cities and make the Kiev Revolt of Victoria Nuland look like a cake bake...

WRITE IN DENNIS KUCINICH or ANYBODY [except Killary the Warlord or YOU'RE FIRED Casino godfather TRUMP] for President in the 2016 Race

DENNIS KUCINICH, just might be the only politician who deserves to be president, and Cynthia McKinney, VP. When I was younger and much more naive, I use to vote Democrat. Not for some time now. And i have never cast a vote for Republicans, in any race, except to the toilet to make a deposit to the party. But now nearing two decades, I have no trust in either party. It is truly a duopoly and a deadly clamp on any functioning democracy. Hillary is a war monger and wind vane/bag, spinning in the direction of the daily winds, unless it is her unflinching servitude to AIPAC or War Technologies. Bernie Sanders might impress some but not me. I want a real socialist, if they claim to be one, and not a maple syrup great grandfather in the rural Canadian border forests, barking against a few field mice but not against the wolves. Trump scares the hell out of me, a failed casino czar who claims authenticity, while all the time he doesn't dare show his true skull shape and god given hair. It is a good time to promote a WRITE IN ballot for Dennis Kucinich or somebody COURAGEOUS and not PURCHASED, for President. I am BEGGING all the jabberwocky revolutionists of both the left and the right, rather than to disagree with each other using more and more hipster terms and memes and tropes of the magical word "change," but never bringing it about, to put their best brain caps on and figure out if it is do-able in today's social electronic network community, using Twitter and Facebook, etc., to swamp the ballots with the name Dennis Kucinich [or another few names] written-in on the ballots and to defy the SuperDelegate mafia and the media-lobby stranglehold on what is barely left of American Democracy and Freedom of Expression.

WRITE IN DENNIS KUCINICH or ANYBODY [except Killary the Warlord or YOU'RE FIRED Casino Overlord TRUMP] for President in the 2016 Race

Congressman Kucinich was criticized by the Main Stream Media for being "fringe" and "socialist" and "tin foil hat". Do you think Donald Rumsfeld saw Kucinich as such an inappropriate "marginal" people's leader, in this C-SPAN video capturing a hearing for suspected non-transparent conduct within the Department of Defense, in this grave and august Congressional Hearing highlighting such a nationally important matter? Can you even IMAGINE Bernie Sanders taking on such Goliaths with two clenched fists without shipping his pants ... to the dry cleaners?

CYNTHIA MCKINNEY would make a fantastic Vice President, on the same WRITE-IN ticket as Dennis Kucinich, in the 2016 Race to be President and bring about the changes that Obama promised in 2008 and 2012, but never delivered. Both McKinney and Kucinich lost their seats in Congress shortly after taking on Donald Rumsfeld and the Goldman Sachs matrix, which is what happens when you put your mouth where the money really is, unlike Bernie Sanders' pillow talking "social democracy" monologues. See the video here of McKinney causing Rumsfeld to stutter and stammer during Congressional hearings.

As we have said here at PLANET BLACKLISTED time and again, voting for Dr. Jill Stein MD, of the Green Party, has no chance of changing the direction of America's descent into auto-destruct, same impossibility as with Bernie Sanders. Remember Petra Kelly long ago and what happened to her when she tried the same thing in Germany for her more progressive and radical agenda for the Greens [working side by side with her lover a general in the German army]? Kucinich learned much, as did Ralph Nader, in running against the Monotheistic NeoCon Military Machine, that both Bernard 'Bernie' Sanders and Jill Stein completely lack in experience. What adds to a burning taste in one's mouth when reflecting on the Bern's current successes – is his being a kind of mirror image of Obama's first campaign as a bogus hero of the people – recall when Obama emerged overnight with little experience to dominate the Democratic primaries and capture the hopes of the people with his YES WE CAN and his rapturous appeals for CHANGE?

Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney both have had long-running and agonizing experiences of standing up to the behemoth military macrocosms of the U.S. Department of Defense and their cornucopia of weapons and aerospace and telecom giants, and also of shaking their fists into the faces of Goldman Sachs and other miscreants who have urinated all over the American dream by saturating Wall Street and Main Street with foul smelling "liquid" financial derivatives. The pair, we might call them the "daring duo" have also for decades articulated to the American public in very clear language, how the National Endowment for Democracy [NED] and USAID and all their illegitimate NGOs have spread color revolutions around the globe, destabilizing many nations around the planet, to the benefit of the neoconservative elite, and their dynastic allies.

The U.S. government has NGOs [non-government organizations] fanning all around the globe, seeking to convert the nations not yet "vassalized," to unilaterally pray to the religion of U.S. brand corporate-democracy, which in its creed is really nothing more than mostly anti-Russian and anti-Syrian and pro-Israel ranting. At the top of their NGO endowment list, are those promoting LGBT rights. In their universe, such high and dry themes and issues tower tall above workers rights, labor opportunities, widely available low cost or no cost healthcare, anti-trust trade laws, civilian associations to monitor police abuses, etc., which our NGOs abroad rarely if ever advocate. It is deeply disturbing paradox that the United States does not have hundreds of NGOs from Europe and Japan and other democracy practicing nations, monitoring our own U.S. elections, helping Black Lives Matter deal with cops and the courts, and corruption in military contractors' deals with Pentagon and former Pentagon millionaires/billionaires.

America needs NGOs from many other effective democracies breathing down her own government's back, more than any other nation, but do you see any? Once upon a time, a few European NGOs monitored Texas elections, and found widespread abuses and sleight of hand ballot and voting violations, but suddenly they were dismissed and sent packing back across the Atlantic. What does this tell everyone in the world about the legitimacy of American democracy as practiced today? Soon the only American labor market jobs above waiter/waitress, senior rest home minion, temp nurse, and fast food slinger, will be among three choices: lobbyist; NGO agent, or military, police or Homeland Security officer or grunt.

These urgent times beg all of us to find a way to rescue ourselves and exploit the unique freedom Americans still have, to write-in a name on the 2016 presidential election ballot, in the primaries and for the final big bang. Not to show off to your friends that you voted for Mickey Mouse or Angelina Jolie or Deep Throat, but to use Twitter and Facebook and social media, as effectively as many third world millions have already done more swiftly than Americans [and they are not even earning $200 per month]. These third world people utilized in their Arab Spring & Kiev uprisings, our own social media technology, better than ourselves. They even had the blessings of our State Department, which in many ways sponsored and heralded their uprising as 'democracy building revolutions'. Well, what about a FB and Twitter 2016 SPRING UPRISING for Americans, who seem to be more accustomed to complain and watch the nation crumble, rather than use the new and effective social media tools? All these social networking tools have been used by many nations more effectively than they have been in the country of their invention! Even NATO forces in USA have boasted of using social networking software and communications to great success during the anti-NATO protests in Chicago [ ]. Why are Americans too enfeebled to stand U.S. electoral politics on its own ugly and fatuous head and get a proven honest fighter for people's rights, such as Kucinich or any proven fighter for rights in the same league, in office as president. It is never too late to do so and to do it swiftly.

Does anyone else doubt that Trump is really truly FAIRLY such a tall, bald, (and ribald?) victor in nearly all of the Republican caucuses to date, time and again, without unseen backdoor shenanigans [however, Trump's most recent CNN debate against other suddenly more emboldened and aggressive Republican candidates might change his winning streak suddenly]. On the other hand, how could anyone reasonably expect a moderate social democrat like Bernie Sanders to ever stand up to power, as did Kucinich again and again and again [let's not forget Cynthia McKinney too, who would make a terrific VP]? They both lost their jobs and status and power, completely, in a kind of political death brought on by the .1%, who were gravely threatened by Kucinich and McKinney trying to make all our lives matter. Rep. McKinney was axed by a hanging posse of both Republicans and Democrats, and Rep. Kucinich by a coven of dagger wielding gerrymandering Democrats, on the take.

Unlike Bernie Sanders, both private citizens Kucinich and McKinney have plenty of reasons not to trust the Democratic Party ever again, and to run only as crusaders for the non-elite of the 99 percent, maybe even name themselves the Protectorate Party. So why don’t we all just try once in our lives also, like Kucinich and McKinney, to walk the walk and not just talk, starting now, while there is still time to rewrite and/or redefine our future [in a hurry] via state-by-state overnight legislation, defining the new EZ rules of write-in votes in time to put in office an effective president and vice president. If we are truly a democracy and not an oligopoly, it should be a well earned result of the people's will and efforts and sacrifices.

Write-In campaigns have a history of victory that is infrequent but not rare (in 1928, Herbert Hoover won the Republican Massachusetts presidential primary on write-ins; in 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt won the Democratic New Jersey presidential primary on write-ins; also in 1960, John F. Kennedy won the Democratic Pennsylvania & Massachusetts presidential primary on write-ins; Democrat Strom Thurmond was elected in 1954 to the United States Senate in SC as a write-in candidate, after state Democratic leaders had blocked him from receiving the party's nomination). We could hope in 2016 for over a hundred million people to write in their candidate -- those voters who are apathetic to the 2-establishment-parties and the duopoly of behemoth lobbyist blocks, and to write-in their personal candidates names. The world had Arab Spring and Kiev Spring and now we need the globe to see Americans are not docile sheep ready for sheering & shanking, and produce a homegrown [no, not Homeland] "WRITE-IN SPRING". Specifically, I am speaking about beseeching activists to request European NGOs to come to USA and monitor our 2016 elections like we do whenever they have a new vote in Haiti. We need a grassroots movement to begin and move swiftly now to inviting hundreds of NGOs from Europe to come and monitor our U.S. elections, to show the world we truly do have a democracy which is not totally infested and infected, and to show we have no fear to be monitored by our allies NGOs, to become recertified, like a USDA label on raw steaks at Safeway guarantees product quality . If the NSA can monitor us legally, why not foreign election and democracy NGOs? We should really try it, instead of pooh poohing such efforts, perhaps it will prove to be the best idea in decades for a true and effective voters' revolution to take place this year. Counting WRITE IN votes on this scale would be a piece of cake compared to the 36-day recount of Gore vs. Bush 2000, which lasted a long time afterwards being argued among the nation's top legal experts, remaining never quite resolved. Ballots had been counted by hand in the U.S. for over 200 years, in fact the JFK 1960 election was a hand counted operation, and the 1964 count was largely by hand too. I argue that to make such tallies again, to include WRITE-IN votes, is the only option we have for a truly representative presidential race, in 2016, making it the perfect chance to try a WRITE IN voters revolution. I can wait 36 days, even much longer, for a hand count if necessary, especially if European election monitor observers are infused throughout our 50 states for the ballot box big day, and for the count following.


Richard Winger works with Ballot Access News, a San Francisco-based group that works to make ballots nonpartisan. "We've actually expanded write-ins in many states," Winger says. More states than ever allow write-ins for federal elections, and as voting becomes fully electronic, "the write-in voter has the fun of using a computer keyboard, making it look official" and easy to tabulate.

If a person registers in one state to be a write in presidential candidate, are they automatically eligible to be a candidate in the other states which allow write in candidates? Whoever is a lawyer or legislative PhD out there, please comment. Another Question: If a write in candidate gets a huge response, what kind of standing do they have, regarding the Electoral College and electoral votes, if they don't belong to any previously known party? Are they exempt from such chicanery?
Send your comments to Maureen Snowden email address

2016 Presidential Candidates (Presidency 2016)

US Political and Election news from around the nation - by Ron Gunzburger, publisher of the award-winning POLITICS1.COM   ... horses running for President in the 2016 race ... you probably did not know there were so many runners registered in the pony field!


Click here to read about TEMP AGENCY slaves and partly or unemployed U.S. university grads with OUTSTANDING LOANS, UPRISING against the VOTING MACHINE! There is a breakdown made simple and quick to read, to understand how the National Endowment for Democracy [NED; NDI; IRI], along with USAID and CIA and the AFL-CIO and the US State Department, spend more time and money on foreign affairs [coups to topple governments that don't have enough McDs and Apple computer factories and World Bank debt], government NGO agencies and organizations spending more American tax dollars than the DoD and U.S. military spends on military personnel expenses [not including hardware costs and maintenance and oil for getting the big machines (weapons & drones) all over the planet].

Don't ever forget it, over 100 million native American Indians were slaughtered during the Native American Holocaust, in North and Central and South America, which was a worse atrocity than Stalin and Hitler and Mao combined, in their extensive blood baths.

Kucinich on the Issues .... link here

Trump l'Oeil

Is Saakashvili the most famous graduate of Trump University? Or did he just learn privately from his friend and master, Donald, in person? Here is an example of the Trump-Saakashvili method … if it works for autocrats, it must work for Joe the Plumber too!

Saakashvili & Trump

Trump Casinos in Central Asia on the Black Sea?


Bernard Sanders former kibbutz [above] that he lived in when he was just out of university, Shaar Haamakim, Israel, is today overwhelmingly privatized, and from the looks of this Noga Weiss design photo of a local venue, too classy and pricey for a frugal but happy U.S. socialist today. Will Bernie as president be able to socialize the soaring real estate prices of America's large and medium sized cities, as any good socialist would try to make housing quite affordable for his coast to coast constituents?

Bernie Sanders currently gestures like Charlton Heston in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, against the big banks and Wall Street. But what exactly did he do besides bray whenever he wakes up from his naps?

DENNIS KUCINICH directly went head-on against Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke, in CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS! It looks like we have the wrong actor standing on the stage playing a social democrat. It is time to reconsider Dennis Kucinich for President [as write-in candidate], before this charade of a 2016 American Presidential Election becomes a dark chapter in Orwell's lost manuscript for AMERICAN ANIMAL FARM. Watch this link as Kucinich takes Bernake to the mat. Here Kucinich exposes Henry Paulson as a nervous Nelly serial liar. I want this independent and brave man named Dennis and not Bernie Sanders. My choice is Kucinich and not kibbutzing, to represent progressive new strategies of change in U.S. government, what Obama had promised us for 8 long years, yet during his two counterfeit "YES WE CAN" terms, with his patented big smile, he & DoD delivered drones by the dozens and dozens and dozens, all around the globe, and at home.

A very important question that needs addressing [especially for African Americans] is why did Bernie go to Sha'ar Ha'amakim Israel to kibbutz shortly out of college when he had been representing himself as a hero of the black civil rights movement in the South and in Chicago? He might more usefully have gone to the south and marched for a few years with the other many northern civil rights activists & organizers, who took chances on others' behalf for more than only a few days. Then [...this storyline is true, not from a movie!] this boy from Brooklyn via Chicago moves to Vermont, a state at the time 99% white with less than half a million residents in the entire state, and ran unsuccessfully for mayor many elections, against a field of mostly Democrats [hence Bernard's branding necessity to be labeled a 'socialist'] again and again Bernard Sanders lost several elections with a very poor showing, stretching over a long time, until he squeaked through finally by only 10 votes owing perhaps to the enormous personal efforts of his pal Richard Sugarman, who had also been the Yale roommate of Senator Joe Lieberman, a war hawk who had been tapped by the Skull & Bones society while at Yale [Lieberman rejected Skull & Bones and joined the equally prestigious ELIHU secret society, which taps only 16 members annually, not quite as elitist as Skull & Bones, which taps only 15 each year].

Bernie never went to grad school, his education stopped with his undergrad work in Chicago, yet in 1989, just 8 or 9 years after being mayor of little Burlington, VT, with an under-50,000 population in a Leave it to Beaver pristine micro-city milieu [a lot of the town's population are university kids and insurance company white collar office workers], Bernard became a distinguished professor at Harvard's crème-de-crème Ivy League JFK School of Government, with only a bachelor's degree under his belt and it can be argued mayoral experiences less than Sonny Bono, the actor who after he was divorced from Cher, went on to became mayor of Palm Springs Calif., which is the very same size as Burlington .

So, a somewhat curious question would be: was Bernie all along his career driven to [a] aid the civil rights movement, or [b] get elected and climb the status ladder with the help of insiders? Bernard (Bernie) Sander's older brother Larry Sanders graduated from Harvard Law School and immigrated to England in 1969 around the age of 35. Larry also spent time on two kibbutzes, in Kibbutz Matzuva (in western Galilee) and Kibbutz Yotvata (in the southern Negev), Haaretz has reported. Larry married a British woman and obtained dual citizenship, going on to raise his little baby boy and girl there and to enter British politics. Larry Sanders moved up to be a lecturer at Oxford and although active a long time within the UK Labour Party, he late in life became an elected UK Green Party councillor after reaching the age of 70. Larry has also retained his US citizenship and he currently promises that, not only will he vote for his brother "at every opportunity", but he will stay in the US to work on his little brother Bernard's campaign (along with Richard Sugarman).

"B. Traven and His Circle of Luciferian Friends", as published in 1996 in LONDON ELECTRONIC WHIP by Bryan Adrian

How to write-in name on your vote; History of write-in ballots; write in candidates; rules of write in candidates on ballots; How to write-in name on your vote; History of write-in ballots; write in candidates; webmaster; bryan adrian How to write-in name on your vote; History of write-in ballots; write in candidates; rules of write in candidates on ballots; How to write-in name on your vote; History of write-in ballots; write in candidates; rules of write in candidates on ballots; How to write-in name on your vote; History of write-in ballots; write in candidates; rules of write in candidates on ballots; bryan adrian senior editor