Black Fantasies
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Black Tides
Group & Website Desription
Yahoo! Group. Welcome to all that is deprived and back handed. Know that upon entering your doom is pending and counted. All wicked desires are to be known and followed through. All species are welcome, and most fit the dinner menu. Follow the rules and sent/filed regs so that all can have fun on this Pg to triple X site and not get their heads handed to them as their sweet little asses are kicked out the door.
Official Website. Official Website for the Yahoo! Writting Loop: Black Tides. Take a guided tour through the very depth of the underground, where nothing is as it seems and everything is provocatively wicked. A place where dark magic pulses from above and below and will intrigue all those who pass through the doors.
Meet the Owner. Name: Aidan Ambrose, owner and operator of Black Tides

Group & Website Desription
Yahoo! Group. Welcome all to The Great Hall of Chrysafi, home of the gods. It's inhabitants include but, are not limited to, the Courtesan Goddesses of Atlantis. This group is only for people 18 and up as it is an "anything goes group." Here you will find stories and visuals that rate anywhere from G to triple X. Three rules exist: One, no flaming other people's character or Storylines. Two, anyone creating problems on the group will be first placed on moderation, and if you persist you will be banned, no questions asked. If you have problems or concerns with people on this group please take it up with the moderators and keep it off the group posts. And three, no writings where it involves misconduct of children, either sexually or otherwise.
Serenity. Introductory Website for the Yahoo! Group: Chrysafi. Welcome to the Home of the Courtesan Goddesses and Gods of Atlantis. Roam from room to room to get to know the inhabitants themselves plus the many interesting and mythical friends that pay visits or claim sanctuary in this home of those thought to be gone forever. It is also here you can locate writting parters if you desire one. This site we recommend you visit first, then move on to the Official Website
Official Website. Official Website for the Yahoo! Group: Chrysafi. Here, within the great hall of Chrysafi, is where our writters have displayed their works. Come here to read up on all your favorite characters and see what is happening in their lives at the time. Chrysafi has some of the most talented RP writters on the internet so there is no question as to whether or not you will enjoy every story. Come on in and enjoy.
Meet the Owner. Name: Serenity, Queen of the Courtesan's of Atlantis.

Edge of Fantasy
Group & Website Desription
Yahoo! Group. This loop is for those you enjoy Role Play and Writing Fantasy. Your characters can be anything from Human, Were, Vampire, Elf, any creatures of fantasy. This loop is Rated G-Triple X. ONLY THOSE OVER THE AGE OF 18 NEED APPLY. Come open your minds, tell your stories. All interested are welcome. But self proclaimed dictators & Demi urges need not apply. All characters are equal. Yet all the gods are spoken for. This loop is for fun. Back stabbing, bashing, flaming, insulting and insinuations against other members shall not be tolerated. There will be no copying of others story lines. If there is any grievances bring them to the owner or mods. The message board shall not be used as a venting post. There will be no second chances. If you break any of the above rules, you WILL BE kicked off this group.
Official Website. Information Coming Soon!
Meet the Owner. Name: Tammy Kinley, Owner and Operator of Edge of Fantasy