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Biological Community


Strategic Oversight Committee

Community, Ecosystem, and Landscape Ecology Subcommittee

Energy Systems Subcommittee

Population Management Subcommittee

Diversity, Integration, and Balance Subcommittee

Nutrient Recycling and Waste Management Subcommittee

Related Resources

Environmental Protection Agency

Ecological Footprint

Scorecard: The Pollution Information Site

Welcome to the homepage of Biology 240's Group I. This site describes our project and our eco-friendly town. This will be the center of information for project resources and links.

The purpose of this project was to design a community, with funding of $1,000,000 per year, that could sustain a human population while also respecting the surrounding environment. Our idea was to live in the community as though we were a part of it, rather than just arbitrarily building over the natural surroundings.

A series of subcommittees were set up to regulate the different aspects of our society. These subcommittees included the Strategic Oversight Committee, the Community, Ecosystem, and Landscape Ecology Subcommittee, the Energy Systems Subcommittee, the Population Management Subcommittee, the Diversity, Integration, and Balance Subcommittee, and the Nutrient Recycling and Waste Management Subcommittee. Information from each of these subcommittees can be found in the taskbar to the left. Please feel free to explore this resource and learn about our community!

