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Well, this was my view of the water hole out of the double-bull blind while Pronghorn hunting w/ Indian Creek Adventures in Broadus, MT for 4 days. 8 hours the first day, 10 hours the next, and then two 13hour days where I never stepped a foot out of the blind. For those that can't add, that's about 44 hours with not a single shooter goat coming into drink. Therefore as the sun set on the 4th and last day, I was totally skunked and just a little bummed. Now, this is typically hunting for me, becuase there were goats everywhere, but we were always in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

Mr. Ed Schaeffer, my guide, thankfully took me out for a last effort spot and stalk hunt w/ a decoy on the 5th day, which was technically outside of the hunt. We only had about an hour before we had to leave and catch my plane. We made a 3/4 mile stalk, and then pulled him in from 250yards w/ a decoy shown in the back. I came to full drawl behind the decoy and he gave me enough time to come around and center punch him at 30yards, which blew completely through him and stuck in the dirt, thus christening the new MATHEWS. We got back to the lodge, loaded my gear,headed to the airport and dropped the goat off at the meat processor, which I donated to the poor, notified the taxidermist and then got on the plane. I couldn't have shot it any later with out causing travel issues.

Me w/ my last second goat along with Ed & Bev Schaeffer in front of their lodge/home. Great people, great food and a great experience. And I don't EVER want to hear someone say that bow hunting Antelope is easy!!!!!!