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random thoughts
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
from Grey's anatomy
Mood:  spacey
communication is the first thing we really learn in life. funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words & really start talking, the harder it becomes to know what to say or how to ask for what we really need

--meredith grey

Posted by planet/berkana at 11:21 AM EST
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a caffeinated realization
Mood:  caffeinated
coffee has evolved in years - with cream, iced coffee, coffee with chocolate chips or cookies. But no matter how people try to innovate coffee varieties, it still does not lose it's distinct aroma...
just like us. no matter how we clothe ourselves with different personalities, still our character remains. people may destroy your image, stain your personality, but they can't take away your character. we all have our own distinct aroma.

--from a text message from Sak

Posted by planet/berkana at 11:17 AM EST
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Wednesday, 20 December 2006
creed for life
Mood:  a-ok
let your love be stronger than your hate, anger & hurt
learn the wisdom of compromise
for it is better to bend a little than to break

Posted by planet/berkana at 10:17 AM EST
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Mood:  caffeinated
we all need to escape from our troubles from time to time. some take vacations, sports, & other forms of escape to recharge energy or unload ourselves from physical & emotional baggage we suffer from to be able to go on & endure our pending undertakings. some finds escape through alcohol or drug abuse to numb thepain or make us forget for just a little while. But it just leads us to more pain, frustration, & the feeling of defeat. if you let yourself depend on this kind of escape, you neglect what's important & we descend to the lowest level of human existence. you hurt the people who cares for you. you neglect your real emotional needs, you just ruins everything & takes away your chance to success & happiness. to all those who use drugs or alcohol as their only escape from their bitter reality, avoiding to cry & look weak to other people... you guys are more vulnerable & weak with the path you chose to take

Posted by planet/berkana at 7:44 AM EST
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Tuesday, 19 December 2006
perfect hang-out
some people who knows us... or who thinks they know us thinks we spend a lot of money just to have a good time. they think we're like spoiled rich kids who irresponsibly spends for our selfish amusement. the truth is we're always broke. we're not rich kids so we really can't afford to splurge as we want but hey we always have a good time.
our favorite hang-out is the SM parking area. why in the world does a young group of yuppies choose that kind of place? for one, it's wide & it's free. we can stay there as long as we want without having to pay for the place. second, it's safe. there may be some parking areas that we're announced crime scenes or something but our parking area is well lighted & there's always some roaming guards to maintain safety in the place. we just buy a cup of cheap coffee & cigarettes & share tons of laughter or share our frustrations & dreams, it's a good place to destress because not a lot of people stay at the parking area, they'd rather stay inside the mall. enjoying each other's company until the mall closes can be a lot of fun. other people spends a lot hanging out on coffeeshops with really expensive coffee. the fun they get from that can be equally fun as staying at our parking lot or even more fun because we are comfortable talking without the fear of being heard by nosy strangers.
young kids nowadays believes that fun can only happen when you spend a lot of money on fancy things. they forget that simple pleasures can be more fun, more exciting, more liberating & much much comfortable.

Posted by planet/berkana at 11:12 AM EST
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simple pleasures that helps you live a longer life
hmmm... you might think this is some kind of an ancient therapeutic rituals, well its not. but it's also an old school technic that helps us to live a happier life, hence, we get to extend our life a few more years here on earth. it's called FRIENDSHIP.

alot of people would agree that being a persona non grata causes a lot of stress, thus it causes some physical or sometimes emotional exhaustion that shortens your life or at least makes you wish you have a shorter life.

you see, having friends who shares the same wierdness as yours gives you the sense of fun, of acceptance, of inspiration. even friends who are complete opposite of what you are. the mere fact that you co-exist with someone who cares for you whether in a tender & loving way or in a brutally loving way makes you forget about the harsh reality in the world & lessens the stress you get from work, from school, or from home. it's nice to have people around who may not understand you but still hangs out with you, listen to you, argue with you & fights you or even just share silent moments with. friendship is not about how much you spend on a really sophisticated place or how well known you become when you're with them, it's about the sense of comfort you feel even when you're most ugly or you're most annoying. and i'm glad i get to enjoy all that. i'm glad i have these strangers with strange mannerisms & beliefs that could share that sense of familiarity. i'm not sure if i'm able to explain it perfectly, but ut feels nice having them in my life. someday we will all grow old, die from disease or accidents (hopefully not that tragic & gory)but i will have those memories i shared with them that made my life a freakin'good time!

Posted by planet/berkana at 10:53 AM EST
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Sunday, 17 December 2006

oftentimes in moments of silence, realizations of such sweet truth penetrate our thoughts. i am not afraid of being alone or incomplete in utter darkness... for in such times a force that keeps my heart beating reminds me what valuablle treasures i found eversince our souls have been tied together as friends

Link to Photo Album party party

Posted by planet/berkana at 2:47 AM EST
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in the moments of silence
Mood:  special
oftentimes in moments of silence, realizations of such sweet truth penetrate our thoughts. i am not afraid of being alone or incomplete in utter darkness... for in such times a force that keeps my heart beating reminds me what valuablle treasures i found eversince our souls have been tied together as friends
Link to Photo Album party party
Link to Photo Album park

Posted by planet/berkana at 2:45 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 17 December 2006 11:36 AM EST
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i wish i could collect the perfect words, put them in your hands & close your fingers around them so you would truly know how i appreciate having you as part of my life
Link to Photo Album baguio

Posted by planet/berkana at 2:44 AM EST
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every person in our lives comes for special reasons... to touch or make someone's life beautiful

Posted by planet/berkana at 2:31 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 17 December 2006 11:37 AM EST
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friendship is about us
Mood:  bright
friendship is about laughing at the same things... it's about really being understood... it's about unconditional acceptance... it's about picking where you left off after a long absence from each other... it's simply about us
Link to Photo Album team explorer

Posted by planet/berkana at 2:29 AM EST
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Saturday, 16 December 2006
Mood:  happy
Topic: Pictures
we have shared nonsense stories, nonsense trips, nonsense laughter

but you know what?

those nonsense things we've shared have given my life so much sense

Posted by planet/berkana at 12:31 PM EST
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Mood:  lucky
Topic: Pictures
years may pass, i may meet new people. you may go far away from me, i may forget some things, but never will i forget you guys... why? because you are one of the best souls who touched my life

Posted by planet/berkana at 12:29 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 20 December 2006 7:33 AM EST
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the journey
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Pictures
half the world is sleeping, half the world's awake

half can hear their hearts beat, half can hear them break

i am but a traveller in most every way, ask me what you want to know

what a journey it has been & the end is not in sight but the stars are out tonight & they're bound to guide my way

when the shining in my life, i can see a better day

i won't let the darkness in, what a journey it has been

forward always forward

onward always up, catching every drop of hope in my empty cup

what a journey it has been & the end is not in sight but the stars are out tonight & they're bound to guide my way

when the shining in my life, i can see a better day

i won't let the darkness in, what a journey it has been

Posted by planet/berkana at 12:27 PM EST
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friendship is...
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Pictures

Link to Photo Album mall rats friendship is about laughing at the same things...

it's about really being understood...

it's about unconditional acceptance...

it's about picking where you left off after a long absence from each other...

it's simply about us

Posted by planet/berkana at 12:25 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 17 December 2006 11:42 AM EST
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Thursday, 14 December 2006
just a little disappointed
Mood:  down
friendship's all about understanding each other, supporting each other & not holding grudges against each other. i know i'm not a perfect friend okay, but i know how real friendship really works & who among those who claims to be my friends are real. i understand how we can all be busy & forget to keep in touch once in a while but sometimes a little "hello" once in a while is reassuring for friends that you still acknowledge their existence, they're not rocks that doesn't feel any tension or depression you know. friends are not just your shock absorbers who would always be there at your disposal & not expecting them to actually have their own lives & their own issues to deal with. some people are just too self-absorbed that they forget other people's needs (people who actually help them through bad times & are forgotten during good times).these people who you judge as stupid are the people who actually supports you even when you get grumpy & just feels like hating every living creature in this planet, the ones who fight for you, comfort you, a companion when you need to go somewhere. the ones you would always expect to drop everything else just so they'd be available for you. i mean how selfish is that?! we accept all your shit & support you all the time but when we're the one who needs acceptance, you're always busy. i am writing this because i feel hurt with the way you look down upon me, like i'm some robot who doesn't feel anything. i don't hate you, i love you because despite of it all i still treat you as my friend but sometimes i just feel like taking a break from all the hassles & all the things that causes me pain. just enough time to heal past hurts & then i can go on again. if you come across this blog & feel that this letter is for you,please learn from this letter. don't neglect people around you just because they seem to be available for you all the time. these people will get tired of your excuses & they could be gone out of your life before you realize their importance. you can't go on without these people even if you are the richest or the smartest person on earth. if you don't have any human contact, then what's gonna happen to you? who are you gonna run to when you need friends? who's gonna support you when there are enemies trying to destroy you? your material possession will never save you from loneliness my friend. i am telling you this because i wanna save you from that. again, you gotta wake up before it's too late & you realize you're alone & nobody can ever tolerate being around you

Posted by planet/berkana at 4:00 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 25 December 2006 2:50 PM EST
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