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The homework for each course is designed to supplement the course exercises and increase your level of hands on experience. They are only required for students seeking certification, but encouraged for all.

Mastering the Internet Homework
1. Complete all the regular exercises.
2. Using the Search Engine/Index of your choice, locate the following information, record the URLs and an interesting fact about each in the homework section of homepage.htm:
1. A site about the "Internet Backbone"
2. Information about "Extranets" and/or "B2B"
3. A general overview of "XML"
4. Visit, click on "Speed Meter,"
    and record your results, then visit, click on "test your internet
    connection" and record the results of your test.
3. After completing, upload your class project (a:\homepage) to the Web.
4.  Submit Your Homework URL.
5. Questions? Use the Homework Help form.

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