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- Setting Up Free Space On -
1. Go to and in the banner at the top of the page, select on New Users: SIGN UP.
2. Accept the default of Angelfire FREE and click the Continue button.
3. You will now see the Membership form, make your selection from the dropdown list of names that will follow the and precede your site's name.
4. Type in the name you want for your site. You can use a combination of letters, numbers, and underscores. So you can use have it be your name, your initials, your age, etc.
5. Complete the rest of the form with your name, mailing address, and other information. Unless you want to receive email from them, make sure you un-check the various boxes about receiving email from Angelfire and Lycos.
6. Finally, you will need to enter the confirmation number into the box (this is for security reasons), read their terms, and click the I Agree button.
7. You will then get the confirmation page that your account has been set up, and an email will be sent to you with more details about your account. The email will also include your Member Name and Password, which you will need to keep for your records. From this page, you can review and edit the information you provided on the form. You are now ready to upload your pages and images to your account.
8. In order to upload your files to your Angelfire account, start the WS_FTP application. In the "Session Properties/Profile" window, select New. The Profile Name entry is where you can enter the name you want for this WS_FTP profile. Make the following other entries:
User ID: [Angelfire Directory/Angelfire Member Name]
Password: [Angelfire Password]
Make sure you click the Save Password box so you won't have to enter it again. Now click on the "OK" button. It should take a few moments to connect to their ftp server. NOTE: Angelfire recommends you upload all of your files and images in binary mode.
9. You are now ready to continue with the homework upload process. Once completed, you can view your Web site by typing the URL gave you into your browser. Angelfire's default homepage is index.html, so you will need to include the index.htm on the end of the URL for your page to load.

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