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Savannah Rae Weaver

Welcome to my world!

I am so happy you came to visit. For the time being - I am nestled in my Mommy's tummy - growing every day and preparing to meet all of you in AUGUST! Everyone is so excited about me coming. My Mommy and Daddy, my grandparents and uncles and aunts are SO thrilled that I am on the way. They are the very best family any little baby could ever want.

Kimberly and Jason Weaver

Here is a picture of my Mommy and Daddy~ Aren't they GORGEOUS? They are at the beach in this picture. I can't wait to go to the beach with them. My Daddy will teach me how to fish and my Mommy will teach me how to sunbathe.

This is a picture of Mommy and Daddy on the day that they were married. Aren't they just WONDERFUL? God has blessed me with the very best parents any little person could hope to have.

First let me tell you a little bit about my Mommy. She is SO talented. She is a very good homemaker and makes pretty things for our house. Sometimes people call her "Marth Stewart". She is a very good cook and loves to make scrapbooks. WOW! Will I EVER keep her busy when I get there! She just can't wait to start the scrapbook for me after I get there. My Mommy is a registered nurse and she takes care of people who come to the hospital for treatments. She loves all of her patients and I think they love her, too. NO WONDER! My Mommy is a very special lady. She will take very good care of me and I know she will just love me with all her heart.

My Daddy is VERY special, too! He is so cool. I know he will be the very BEST Daddy in the world. He is funny and likes to tease Mommy. He works for a trucking company - GREAT BIG trucks. He also helps my Poppaw and Nana Weaver take care of the cows and stuff like that. He can drive a TRACTOR! Daddy really likes to put up Chrismas decorations and all kinds of neat things like that. He is also a very good dancer and I think that is one of the reasons my Mommy liked him so much that she married him. He loves to take trips and go places with Mommy. They do some really neat things -like taking cruises,going to Nashville and to the beach. Daddy will take very good pictures for my scrapbooks. I am so lucky to have him as my very own Daddy. He is going to love me with all his heart, too. Won't we have fun?

I will have some TERRIFIC aunts and uncles. They are all pretty and handsome and SO smart! They will do fun things with me, too. They will think I am perfect, of course.

Here are pictures of my Mommy and Daddy when they were little. Do you think I might have my Daddy's features and my Mommy's fixtures? This is very complicated because I don't know much about fixtures and features yet... One thing can be certain - I know THEY will think I'm pretty!

When they were little, Mommy and Daddy had to learn all kinds of new things. I will have to learn new things, too. My GreatGrandmother Gwennie will teach me to sing and love music She plays the piano). My Aunts Katie and Susanne will teach me all about dressing up and looking pretty and about boys and stuff like that. They will also be very nice to visit. My Uncle Jeff will not be able to teach me how to dance (we won't go into that.) but he WILL be able to teach me all about beautiful flowers and how to make them grow. My Nana Jan is going to take care of me while Mommy and Daddy is at work. Isn't that WONDERFUL? She and Poppaw Weaver have the most beautiful place for a little girl to grow up. I will get to see the "Moo Cows" and play and play. Nana Jan will not make me work or do hard stuff. She is so sweet. Poppaw Weaver will let me do anything I want to do. (tee hee hee) Someday, he will let me drive the tractor.

I will live with Mommy and Daddy in Hickory. We have a pretty house and they have been very busy getting my room ready JUST FOR ME! It is SO PRETTY! I have new furniture and it's white. My room is painted a color they call "lilac" or "lavender" or something like that. They think I am going to sleep in that new bed.

At my new home, there is a critter called "Ziggy". I really hope we will be friends. Something tells me that Ziggy will NOT know about how to play with babies. Ziggy is very old and I will have to treat him nicely - sigh..... OK - I'll be good to him.

I will be adding lots and lots of other pages to my new website. My Mommaw Zembry is helping me make this page until I am big enough to do it myself. She loves me already. EVERYONE DOES! Isn't that amazing? and they haven't even seen me yet! There will be pages about my whole family and lots more about ME!

Thank you for visiting my special page. While I am still waiting to get there to meet you - won't you please sign my guestbook?