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::  LiFe GoEs On =).....  ::

hOmE aBoUt Me IsLaMic VaLue mY fRieNdS PDB pIctUrE VRML pIctUrE IIUM



 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

 Firstly, the most thankful to Allah s.w.t for showering me with his blessing so that I can finish my website successfully.

 A lot of thank you to my beloved lecturer Dr. Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha, for all the knowledge and information that he has
 given to me along this half of semester which is very useful and InsyaAllah I will remember it forever. Without his guidance
 and advice, this website will not be like this.

  I would like also to take this opportunity to thank all my beloved friends and classmates for give me suggestions and
 opinions and always help me in publishing this website.

 Last but not least, thanks a lot everybody who has contribute direct or indirectly in publishing this website. Your
 cooperation is highly appreciated.

 Thank you, wassalam....





