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Buy a Quality Dog from a Quality Breeder

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We have been hand raising Baby Doll Yorkshire Terriers, our only children, for more than a quarter of a century.

You don’t have to be a breeder to acquire a Baby Doll Yorkie, but we chose to do so after discovering the difficulty of finding a quality breeder who raised quality dogs.

Years ago, we went through the adoption process a number of times and were amazed at the possible pitfalls; buying a Tea Cup Yorkie which grew to be ten pounds proving it was not a Tea Cup, adopting a puppy with serious health problems, learning that the registration certification could be revoked because an owner had committed fraud. We discovered too often that we weren’t having a dream come true, that we had instead entered a nightmare, as well as wasted thousands of dollars.

So we made the decision to become breeders ourselves. In the years since we have placed healthy puppies from appropriate dams and sires into the hands of truly satisfied new owners.

From the choice of dam and sire, to the care of the newborn, to a humane method of bringing the dog and its new owner together, our experience and commitment assures you an excellent adoption process.
Steve and Darla Jones

Please Note: There are over 600 independent registration entities out there. Their main purpose is to provide proof that an animal is a purebred. They can’t protect you on other issues, of which there are many. Their responsibilities are limited. For example, the AKC can register any two dogs that have a number, no matter how inbred they are. The personalities of the dam and the sire should be given much greater consideration. So registration is certainly important, but it does not guarantee a quality breeder or a quality dog.

Info on the Cost of Dog Breeding

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