Alexis "The Assassin"

Alexis is seen walking into the AWE Arena and heads towards her locker-room. She has come for a quick work-out before leaving for Pennsylvania on Wednesday. This is only Alexis's second appearance in the AWE Arena so it's easy for her to make her way through the hallway without being noticed. As she is about to enter her locker-room there is a noise behind her. When she turns around she sees Holli Brooks coming towards her with a Microphone and camera guy. Alexis rolls her eyes but plays along with the backstage interviewer.

:Holli: Good Morning Alexis.

:Alexis: Good morning Holli, what can I do for you?

:Holli: Just a quick couple of questions. Why did you decide to attack the Commissioner Angel Lynn last night?

Holli puts the microphone right up to Alexis mouth. Alexis again rolls her eyes annoyed at this interview already, but seeing as she is an extremely good actress she plays along.

:Alexis: To get noticed in this federation you have to do something big. Like attacking the Commissioner.

:Holli: So you had that planned?

:Alexis: No, the bitch just annoyed me.

:Holli: Comments on your debut matchs on Sunday?

:Alexis: Matches??

:Holli: The battle royal for the TV. Title and the Tag Team Title Tournament. You'll be partners with Michael Ryba.

:Alexis: Well that is quite a debut. Wouldn't it be something, Alexis on her debut Match wins the Televison title, and beats the hell outta Angel Lynn.

:Holli: What is your problem with Ms.Lynn?

:Alexis: The word skank comes to my mind. But who is that delicious looking man with her?

:Holli: Maddox Montgomery, they are tag team partners.

:Alexis: Not for long.

:Holli: Elaborate....

:Alexis: I am Alexis "The Assassin" And I always get what I want.

With those last words Alexis diappears into her locker-room. Holli Brooks just stands out in the hallway for a few seconds letting the words digust. Then Holli runs off looking for more interviews.