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His icy blue eyes shown wild with his wolfen nature, though his tail belied the blood of a feline. His hair, tied back into a pony-tail, was down the length of his back in sheens of black, and dark blue. A gold trimmed pauldron adorning a chain, a symbol of his slave trader profession, was held firmly by a square link chain over his buckled shirt with pride. His left arm was marked in a tribal fashion, fur dyed black and showing no signs of fading. His forearms, hips, and legs were bound in a series of straps here and there, holding up various clothing, pouches, and his katar holsters. His pants, shaded in the color of night, were baggy though kept in check and tucked neatly into his heavily strapped and buckled boots. Aside from his katars, the only other weapon he appeared to carry was a small hand-crossbow, resting in a holding clip upon his back. His eyes always moving with the ebb and flow of his surroundings, would generally lead one to believe he was looking for something at all times.

All following information is for OOC uses only. (IE You have to learn his name through roleplay.)

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Race: Wolf with feline blood.

Marital Status: Single

Preference: Straight(For those of you who can't grasp what that means. Women only. Both IC and OOC.)

Health Status: Healthy.

Work Status: Mercenary for hire, Slave Hunter/Trader, whatever pays well.

Current Contracts/Jobs: Accepting contracts/Jobs of any kind.

Slaves Caught/Sold/Traded: 1 (If you wish your character to be sold into slavery/"caught", or sold to a slaver by him, whisper for info. To make it clear, I don't -find- an owner for slaves. If you don't already have someone in mind to RP the owner, they get sold to the TGT. My character just provides an RP means of capture and sale.)

Contracts/Jobs Completed: 2

Contracts/Jobs Failed: 0

Slaves/Companions/Pets: None.

Family: Unknown.

Affiliation: None, at the moment.

General Inventory: Slaver's Shoulder plate. A pair of slightly rusted katars. A worn out crossbow. Several empty pouches. Bag of gold coins(2131). Set\s of leather restraints(5). A hip quiver full of glass-headed bolts(50). Nina-Orago and Shai-Orago(Twin wooden carvings.) A dragon hide whip. A case of bottles full of dark colored chemicals(20). A bag full of bandages.(100)

Things he's looking for(Though keep in mind he's always open to other things of interest.): A new pair of katars. A new crossbow. Any types of special collars and leashes. Anything rare or exotic. Money(isn't everyone?).

General RP tips: First and foremost, don't be afraid to whisper and ask questions about an RP, I'm always interested in listening. If you're looking to hire him, his price isn't limited to any of the given items he's looking for. All it takes is something he might be interested in.(e.g. a rare bottle of wine, a slave or pet, an old book, he's even been known to accept small things.) In general, he'll do just about anything for the right price. Bare in mind, if the RP or content doesn't appeal to me, I have every right to void a contract as they don't meet certain OOC standards.(Netspeak, one line posting, uber-gods/esses, so forth.) Granted, I don't need a novel for every post(and would probably prefer not to have to read one) but putting forth effort will earn you a great deal of respect from me. And lastly, I'm not a therapist, so if you want to be depressive, look elsewhere.(Whisper before RPing, please.)