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Welcome to the web site of Australian Concerns.

"In God We Trust; All Others We Monitor."

In as far as we are lead to believe that we do live in a Free world I will not let a single person gag this freedom in any form what so ever.

If these few can convince so many persons such as USA President George W Bush Jr, British Prime minister Tony Blair, Australian Prime minister John Howard that it was supposedly Iraq that attacked the USA in 9/11..... then what chance have we got!.

Never to blend your pleasure or your pride with suffering of the meanest thing that feels.

Want to tell me something that I don't know about, please click here to E-mail me.

If I receive email of sufficient genuine interest, I'll expand on the idea and go further with it so share your experiences with me and others and with your permission I'll then put up a separate page covering your feedback, ideas and suggestions everybody's input is always welcome.

Please take note 30-Oct-2007 that since NineMSN, and have gone MSN Live they have REMOVED the ( Hierarchical route address ) of incoming E-mails which renders their email server useless as well as acting illegally here in Australia.

There for untill these matters are addressed in full and seen to by The Australian Communications & Media Authority, I can NOT accept or respond to any E-mails what so ever.

Community Notice Board.

The Australian Communications & Media Authority ( ACMA ), Australia's regulator for broadcasting, the Internet, radiocommunications and telecommunications its your Australian Multimedia Authority.

  • Get to Know MORE about The Australian Communications & Media Authority ...HAVE YOUR SAY IN WHAT YOU SEE,HEAR & READ. 28-February-2008.
  • Australia are you getting fed up with SPAM EMAIL ? ..Learn to Fighting back here is some Good News from The ACMA. 18-January-2007.

  • Australian Unions Employ " Illegal Aliens " and Abusing & exploitation of Australian children ...20-April-2009.
  • Our Australian Defence Forces and there part in The 2007 Australian National Federal Electon ...25-November-2008.
  • Remember remember the crummyism of 2007 Australian National Federal Electon what a scam that was. ...21-October-2008.
  • What is and has Power & Water Corporation in the Northern Territory been doing to us ? ...20-August-2008.
  • The Murder of a youg boy called Aidan Bott in our Northern Territory Schools... 5-May-2008.
  • A more honest description about The Palmerston City Secondary High School in The City of Palmerston...1-March-2008.
  • Ms Charlie Marringo Administrator of Education And Northern Territory Government Officials are a joke...26-February-2008.
  • Westpac Banking Darwin City Manager Des Zobel raiding accounts and personal information NT Officials still Doing nothing...23-February-2008.
  • Northern Territory Media Broadcastors issue An Apology.." What for ? " Run that past me once again....16-September-2007.
  • Northern Territory Government Officials Still Doing It Their Way...16-September-2007.
  • NT Pensioners Concession Scheme and Department of Health & Community Service refusing to correct information ...10-September-2007.
  • Still The Goverment Northern Territory smoking up the Northern Territory 30-August-2007.
  • David Tollner local 'Federal Member' for Soloman a useless tax payer expense...13 August 2007.
  • SMOKING is NOT going to be banned in pubs and clubs in The Territory Now...24 June 2007.
  • Darwin Electoral Commission and NT Mr David Tollner Local Federal Member Voted for this!...18 June 2007.
  • Darwin Electoral Commission Mr Greg Hibble COMBINING two Electoral acts Mr David Tollner Local Federal Member Voted for this!...27 May 2007.
  • YES its THE SMOKEY season yet once again in our Northern Territory just in time for The Arafura games !...19 May 2007.
  • So Just where is our Australian constitution Australian Parliamentarians like so much flag waving ....19 May 2007.
  • The ACMA allocated a commercial television broadcasting licence to provide a digital-only service for Darwin,Northern Territory....18 May 2007.
  • The fact is that so called FREE TV here in Australia is NOT FREE at all...We have been paying for it for the past 50 years....17 May 2007.
  • Seven Network Limited views abuse and exploitation of Children to be OK on Australian National TV & Multi Media...NEWS Update 10 May 2007.
  • Australian Tourism Minister Hon Fran Bailey MP and Ch 7 TV views abuse and exploitation of Children to be OK ...29-April-2007.
  • Australian Ch 7 TV Broadcaster supports abuse and exploitation of Children to be OK ...29-April-2007.
  • Attention The City of Palmerston residents and tax payers take note of the Official response from Local TV Broadcaster Channel 9 ...2-April-2007.
  • Attention all residents of The City of Palmerston read what our mayor and council members think of our city being Palmerslum ! ...31-March-2007.
  • Ch7 Today Tonight & Hon Fran Bailey MP agree on making a buck out of Exploitation of Children on Australian National TV.. 27-March-2007.
  • Channel 9 Darwin DOESN'T know where The CITY of Palmerston is but they sure know all about abuse and exploitation ...26-March-2007.
  • Govt to fund $30m Defence Force recruitment campaign.... 25-March-2007.
  • NEWS UPDATE: 28-February-2007 The Manager Channel 7 known also as Southern Cross TV Darwin " refused to be served...28-February-2007.
  • Charge John Howard with war crimes, says judge Alastair Nicholson....27 February 2007.
  • Top Australian Immigration Department official Chief 'ignored' SOS for dinner date with his wife at thursday island bowls club...24 February 2007.
  • Ch 7 Today Tonight reporter sacked 22 February 2007...But did The Seven Network correct that Broadcast ..NO they did not..24 February 2007.
  • The City of Palmerston Lord mayor and Council members dont know where the City of Palmerston is..what a laugh!... 23-February-2007
  • Channel 7 Darwin where is Palmerston ! WHY so much US Tele Marketing on our Australian TV & Radio for in the first place ?... 23-February-2007.
  • Australian Antarctic Territory, South Pole & Global Warming..The Australian publice have been played as fouls...21 February 2007.
  • Australian Troops Invade No...Australian Paid Mercenaries that Invade Iraq and now Afganistan YES!... 19 February 2007.
  • The rape and sell out of our young workers by Australian Work Place Agreements..Unfair dismissal laws ?... 16-February-2007.
  • So just WHERE has all this moneys from the GST Taxs gone to now years on ?... 12-February-2007.
  • ABC Corporate Feed Back on " Pit Bulls story 31-January-2007"...NEWS Update. 2-February-2007.
  • Australian citizens have No assurety of health care in The Northern Territory.. 1-February-2007.
  • "Pit Bulls story 31-January-2007"... Sham on you ABC TV News Darwin. 1-February-2007.
  • Email providers sue over spam! ..Perhaps Australia's own NineMSN and Hotmail should lift their game too.. News Update: 28-January-2007.
  • ABC TV 7.30 report about The Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic still full on in the NT wet season. News Update:18-January-2007.
  • Asian Telecom and a race to fix under sea communication cables & services 6-January-2007.
  • Is Australia red faced about Video Tape of the late Steve Irwin, follow up 4-January-2007.
  • Where to find Palmerston and The City of Palmerston Northern Territory Australia...first posted 1999.
  • Metropolitan Palmerston City Burn's ...So much for reducing carbine gas's and the clean air act !..24 December 2006.
  • Paying for you property and supposedly owning it ! " JUST " who realy does own your property. 24-December-2006.
  • Australian Concerned ..Laundering of Australian Water Rights on Tax payers, Water Bills, Tax and the GST too. 20-December-2006.
  • Australian Concerned ..Imigration Minister Amanda Vanstone, not wanting to take responsibility of her own office. 6-December-2006.
  • Australia Concerned...Australia red faced about Tape of Steve Irwin. 6-December-2006.
  • Australian Concerns ..Queensland Cane Toad Pandemic in The Northern Territory. 1-December-2006.
  • In honor of Memorial Day and veterans who have fought in wars and conflicts. 2006.
  • Australian Pay Cable TV .. NO commercials !...So Why are we now paying to watch TV commercials !...11 May 2005
  • Northern Territory PowerWater black hole defies pricing plug !...11 May 2005
  • Telstra Line Fees over charging AAPT Customers !...11 May 2005
  • Your Health in Darwin outbreak of " mycobacterium ulcerans " known more as The Flesh-eating Disease...25-Sept-04
  • Whats your personal information got to do with the NT Pensioners Concession Scheme in Darwin for any ways...20-July-2004
  • Australia Post Sure Dont Deliver!...6-February 2004
  • The US Postal Service will NO LONGER ACCEPT INSURED ITEMS OF MAIL INTO THE USA! 26-September-2003.
  • The First of Australia's refugees that came to Whyalla in South Australia the facts that took 23 years for the full truth to come out in Canberra 2003.
  • LEST WE FORGET- The crappy apathy done to our own fellow Australians over the years...2003


    Please read The Copyright © Australian Concerns.

    Copyright © 1997 & 2008 Peter D.Giles All Rights Reserved.