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Discovers That Your Aura Is Your Glorified Body (\O/)

Spiritual Counselor, Chromotherapist Counselor
Minister, Author, Poet, Aura Therapist,
Aura Photographer
Lecturer, Light Worker and Inspirational Writer
Author of The Book Of Life, edited by Rabbi Steven Fisdel,
Author of "GOD's Way the Book Of Love," that I edited.
Author of "BIBLERAP," that I edited.
LMT, Guest Speaker
And, now an Aura Ghostbuster!

Please e-mail at the address below, If You Want Me To Be
Your Next Guest Speaker, At your Function.
I Live In Orlando, Florida and will come to you,
For Your Next, "Creative Aura Detective House Party"

This Blessed Rainbow Ministry is Inspired By "The Comforter",
I Love To Travel To Everywhere, With My Guy Coggins 6000 Aura Camera
And, If you are interested in buying one like it,
Contact me for information about getting one:



Mommy & Me
If you click on the Ghostbuster link you will see an old photograph of my Mother. Check out her hair line, it is the same as in my Aura Photograph! My face has Purple in front of it, which means that I am in Mourning, which I am, for my Mother :( She had pure white hair and a green dress on with a necklace at her funeral, several years ago. compare with her photograph. This Aura Photo of me was taking several months ago. It is amazing! Proof Of Life After Death!


To See Several Aura Photographs,with the Guy Coggins 6000 Camera,
Click Here And Scroll down the page.

Then Also Please See The Latest Winaura Camera U-tube
Please E-mail me, if you want to purchase one,
You could be the star in this U-tubeto!
It would be Great for your waiting clients to see,
in your waiting room (\O/)
Click on this link below to
Watch a utube WinAura Healing Take Place
While an Upper Cervical Doctor Specialist
Is Assisting A Healing
, As the WinAura Camera is rolling!
The Bright Yellow indicates a Healing is taking place!


Some Of My Color Interpretations

Upper Cervical Atlas on Axis Alignment!

How To See Auras


The WinAura Camera Films
Upper Cervical Care!
Finally Healings That Can Be Proven!
My Sister No Longer Has Parkinson's Dis-ease!

This WinAura Camera is also great to see:
the during and after glow, of a Loving Kiss (\OO/)

This WinAura Camera films Chiropractors,Massage Therapists, Healers, etc.

Amazing Discoveries, are waiting to be explored!!!
I had a vision of a very exciting place, that people come to,
From all over the world,
That allowed them to see their Aura, in a live state, through a 3D auto stereoscopic monitor, which allows them to see 3D without using any 3D glasses!
Seeing what is normally Unseen, ?
WOW! That would be incredible, for sure!

E-mail me for more information at:





If there was anything that was helpful to you
Or, those that you are helping,
Please help to support The Rainbow Ministry
You Can Use PayPal to Send Your Love Offering
My e-mail address is:
All Donations are very appreciated.

"" , My Other Interesting Website
Where I Keep My Inspired Poetry

And, My Creative Webmaster Site
For Help Selling Things For Others,Like Houses

If You Signed My Guestbook (\O/)
Rev. Angel Banner (Shuvah or Angel, my Nicknames)

Get a FREE guestbook here!





I want to share with you a couple of websites,
that are teachings from another Doctrine,
Mystical Judaism.
I do believe they will help you to be more enlightened.
I recommend that you dilligently learn from them
They are Teachings of Rabbi Steven Fisdel,
whom I met 30 years ago.
He was my editor for my first book,
"The Book of Life"
Which was before my first personal encounter with Yeshua/Jesus.

He authored books that you can get on his websites

The song is an original composition entitled "Zzendles" It Is Soooo Reflective. .

And, Please click on the Free Card Shoppe Link
For The Most Beautiful Free Cards To Send

AngelEyes Card Shoppe

© Rev. Phyllis Angel Banner, July, 2006.

If You Want Me To Bring My Aura Camera To Your Church or Function, Please E-mail me at
Let's Talk About It,

Thank You
GOD Bless You And Yours

© Oct. 8, 2006 The Comforter / Helper / Rev. Phyllis Angel Banner

The Aura Detective

I do not prescribe, treat, heal, predict or diagnose any conditions for you. Any information given is purely suggestion and is followed at your own discretion and decision. If you feel the need to consult with your physician, that is your choice and you should certainly do so, if that is what you want to do. These interpretations are widely known by most Aura Photographers.
And, any advice that I might personally give to you
Is inspired by my spiritual connected with God, in Jesus' Name
I do love being helpful with my "Gift of Prophesy"

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