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10-06-06: Various changes of various importance.

Alright a while since I have updated the site, but honestly school has been a deadly thorn within my side, ever since school started. Daily events have begun to wind down a bit, and now that I have a handle on school, and the site is actually uploaded onto the net, I will update much more often. I promise....maybe...ok,  maybe not promise, but definitely a solemn commit...err...attempt at commitment...alright, whatever happens in the school year happens, and that's that! In all seriousness, if people begin coming, than my updates will become more and more frequent. It's that simple.

You may be wondering why my site appears to have been up for months, but does not have traffic of any kind. This is because I had not uploaded it onto the net until today, despite that I created it during the summer months.  Also,  the links on each page as well as the formatting may vary from page, to page. Simply ignore this because I have not gotten around to changing each page to compensate for improvements made. Take the layout for what it's worth and enjoy the content. I currently have four articles completed and two more under construction.

And with that, I leave you with my humble domain. Enjoy!

07-19-06: Don't cry little girl, it's alright.

 I don't want to give everyone the impression that this site is going to be a monotonous, lecture hall where I rant on and on about ethics and apply those concepts to current events and so forth. Firstly, it won't be and secondly, I rarely take interest in any recent news updates. In fact, the last bit of news I can remember is something to the tone of North Korea deciding it was time to up the ante and let loose a couple of hot heads in our direction, (accurate?). Anyways, this site, rather this realm of wonderment will have beginner to intermediate hacking lessons, animutations, games (I would appreciate the aid of graphic designer), eventually a forum and not to mention, brilliant social commentary by me. One hundred percent of the time, you will be hearing my perspective on anything that I find amusing (at the time at least). However, the first rule of overcoming mediocracy is create your own point-of-view. Accept my advice and wisdom for what it's worth and form your own opinion. If you agree then good, your awesomeness has slightly increased, if not than...well...good enough. Another reminder, I will cover more subjects than those mentioned in the list above such as art, literature, psychology, the sciences, etc. Basically anything worth knowing about I will discuss so if you don't see anything you like, check in within the next few days and your bound to find something that tickles your fancy. More information about what this site is, and what this site isn't shall be listed in the FAQ section of this site. For now, I'm Dirigo and thank you America!

07-18-06: Come one, come all to the extravaganza that is "Mediocracy is Unacceptable".

Here at the farm we (that is to say I)  have but one eternal goal: to banish the mentality that "a mediocre life is ok." That's right slackers, I will take your personas and smash them with all the might of Thor's Hammer. I'm repulsed by every half-witted, machine-generated, pop culture element. Furthermore, what's worse is that antipop? cultures have become that which they originally sought to circumvent. While these travesties are in their own right, disgusting, nothing is more sickening than the cults that preach their idealisms as "the only way". The philosophies (if you can call them that) that spew forth from their vile mouths is usually hell-bent on keeping the masses ignorant and, you guessed it, mediocre. In spite of this, I have appointed myself with the task of rectifying the sad state of affairs we currently find ourselves in. "Mediocracy is Unacceptable" is dedicated to educating the masses of creativity, Nietzschiean morality, free-thinking, and above all else, doing all that is possible to ensure that the ignorant masses are no longer the ignorant masses. Cheers!
