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Torah Portion B'Midbar
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Monday, 29 May 2006
Torah Portion
Topic: Torah Portion B'Midbar
This week’s Torah Portion is the begginning of the book of Numbers – “B’Midbar” (In the Desert) and ends with Numbers 4:20.

Unfortunately, Christianity ignored the Hebrew heritage for 2000 years and by doing so we lossed a lot of the meaning behind the words. By changing the Hebrew names of the books, we change their meaning. In the book of Numbers, “B’Midbar” – “In the Desert”, we can find more when looking into the name in Hebrew. “Dvar” in Hebrew means “the Word of God” (logos in Greek). The “Medaber” means “to speak.” All these are of the same root word and they are creating the picture that – the Word (Dvar) speaks (medaber) in the desert (midbar). It is in the quietness of the desert that we can hear the Lord speaking His word to us. And it is so also true for the “desert” times of our lives, though we often feel that this is He is not speaking to us.

Not Trusting the Miracle

“from twenty years old and above—all who are able to go to war in Israel. You and Aaron shall number them by their armies.” Numbers1:3

In the Jewish Halacha (practical practice of Judaism), it is wrong to trust just the miracle. The idea is based on this verse. In the Spirit, we hear the same call that is coming forth from the apostle Yaacov(James) - faith without deeds is empty. Trusting God is the foundation. Taking steps of practical action is a sign of our faith in God.

Although God is the one who performed the victorious miracle over the Egyptians, He tells the Israelites to establish an army. From one hand we can ask, “Why does God need an army when He can fight for the children of Israel?” Any way He did it. What we see here is the picture of the Kingdom of God. Salvation is an act done solely by God but the walk in the Kingdom is ours to fight for. In our time, the gospel was diluted to a point that “once saved, always saved.” The truth is that all through the Bible, God is warning us to come to His rest (Hebrews) and not to fall from grace and to fight for our place, run the race… Another principle we see is that only those from 20 years and older can go in to battle. God as the Master Planner knows what is best for His children. The Torah is a physical picture of a spiritual truth. As responsible leaders of the flock of God, we can not send immature believers into the battle because they will not be able to. The love of God is guiding us to teach our children and young born again believers the principles of the spiritual warfare. If we do not do so, we will send people to a spiritual slaughter. The average believer today is afraid the spiritual war with the world. Most of the time, we surrender and allow the spirit of the world into our hearts, homes and churches. It is our responsibility to make sure that we are prepared and that we are preparing the next generation to be warriors in the army of Messiah.

Be encouraged brothers and sisters! It is an honor to serve the King of Kings, the Most High. He has chosen us to be soldiers in His army of Love and to take part in His victory. As we come before Him, may we, by His grace, hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Your brother in Zion,

Ronen Shalom

Posted by planet/anointedblessing at 2:27 PM EDT
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Saturday, 27 May 2006
I Believe
Mood:  cool
I Believe
that in all things I must glorify the only True and Living God and with integrity present my witness that Yeshua is the promised Messiah of Israel and Redeemer of the World.

Posted by planet/anointedblessing at 6:34 PM EDT
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More About Me
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Topic: More stuff
Shabbat Shalom Everyone.

Posted by planet/anointedblessing at 5:56 PM EDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2006
Mood:  happy
Topic: New blog
Looking forward to hearing from others of like mind I am a hand weaver, spinner and maker of prayer shawls, and other objects of faith.I hope to meet a lot of people.

Posted by planet/anointedblessing at 5:21 PM EDT
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