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Angie Kolifrath  - This is for education purposes only

This documentation was received in the mail several years ago. It has been passed around from person to person and is pretty much public knowledge now. Some names and addresses have been blocked out for privacy. All records are on file with the American Rabbit Breeders Association -(ARBA).

The following letter was presented to the ARBA - American Rabbit Breeders Association, for review. There are links within the letter to the documents referred to by the director. It is based on testimony of no less than 7 people as to Angie either selling them stock as purebred French Angoras that they found out to be mixed breed, or less than ethical dealings with her. As you will notice, most of the evidence is in Angie's own hand writing. These are scans of the actual documents presented. Click on the document link to see the actual document.

I might refer you to Domestic Rabbits Magazine - Sep./Oct. 1996 issue, page 54 - Minutes of the ARBA board of directors mid year meeting, Peoria, Il. -

It in the third column, third paragraph, - "Angelika Kolifrath be placed on probation for a period of two years due to the question of validity of two registrations submitted by her and that she not be permitted to participate in the ARBA registration program during this probationary time." "Motion carried."  "The board also directed the secretary to write a letter of concern to member Kolifrath regarding several ARBA show rules apparently misunderstood in her letter dated June 25 to the board,"

Letter to ARBA - June 3, 1996

During the past 3 years I have received a number of complaints from District 6 members regarding Angelika KoIifrath. These complaints ranged from those who reported that Angie had sold them "mixed breed" stock to those reporting "less than adequate" business dealings with her. With each of these complaints, I informed the people that as much as I would like to help them, these problems were of a personal and "private treaty'" category and that I could do nothing' in any capacity as far as ARBA was concerned. I explained that we had no jurisdiction over this type of issue and if they felt strongly enough about it, they would have to pursue it in a private legal manner. Since no action was taken in any form by me, I felt there was no need for any correspondence.

Early in this year, I received some information during one of these complaints that suggested there had been violations of our registration system by Angie Kolifrath. It was reported to me that she had purportedly registered several of the "mixed breed" angoras and had even obtained a grand champion certificate on one or more of them. According to many show records, Angie shows these angoras in her own name as well as those of several family members in order to obtain legs. However, my only, issue in reference to disciplinary action deals with the possible registration of mixed or non-purebred animals within the ARBA system. Please note that when I began this investigation, there was an equal possibility that there would be evidence to prove that Angie was NOT in violation of our registration rules...I began with an impartial and open mind.

Our registration system is one of the best available for any livestock species in this country. Our foremost requirement is that the animals, be of purebred descent, witnessed by a three-generation pedigree. I have included much numbered evidence that Will show that Angie has apparently and knowingly violated this rule with no regard for our system. Should the Board, after seeing the evidence, concur with my findings, I would request that any questionable registrations, of which there are only two at this writing, plus any grand champion certificates that have been issued on said registrations be revoked and voided. Further, I request that the Board suspend Angie's ARBA membership privileges for a period of one year, with reinstatement to be made only by Board approval and pending no further serious complaints within the time period of suspension.


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While this may seem to be severe punishment for such a violation, I would like to remind you that no system of rules can work if there is no punishment for the breaking of those rules. If we do not maintain the integrity of our system, perhaps we should consider abolishing all of the rules and allow anyone to register any animal they choose. I will try to present the enormous amount of evidence I have collected over the past four months in some orderly fashion. I know it seems to be "overkill", but it takes this type of material to show proof that these violations have occurred. Also, please note that most of the expense incurred in this investigation has been borne personally by myself and those involved in providing information. The most substantial portion of the phone calls, copying and fax costs, etc. have not been at the expense of ARBA.

First, let me acquaint you with Kim Gay, who is the NARBC district director for this area. I have known her personally for a number of years and know her to be a fair and honest person. I can assure you that this is not a ''vendetta'' as has been reported by Angie Kolifrath. Kim Gay wins top awards with her Angoras and sells quality stock. The report of registration violations did not come from Kim Gay. My interest in any complaint with Angie began when I heard about these alleged violations, at which time I began my investigation. Please note that when I began this investigation, there was an equal possibility that there would be evidence to prove that Angie was NOT in violation of our registration rules. I began with an impartial and open mind.
Please refer to Doc. 32. This is a registration made on 3-25-95 for "AA's Snow White". On this document, you will see that "AA's Baron" is the offspring of "AA's Jack" and "AA's Harvey 2". "AA's Harvey 2" is out of "CC's Blacky" and, "AA's Harvey". My evidence has shown that '"CC's Blacky" never existed and that "AA's Harvey" was purchased at a petting zoo, with no pedigree and no guarantee of pureness due to the fact that all rabbits were colony raised. If "CC's Blacky" never existed and "AA's Harvey" was from a petting zoo, then "AA's Harvey 2" and her descendants would not be purebred, therefore could not be registered. Angie's handwriting and signature on this registration affirms that the information is correct, not to ,mention that when given the chance to withdraw the registration, she adamantly claimed it was correct. On Doc. 33, a registration for "AA's Bonita" made on 1-15-95, "AA's Harvey 2" is again shown with the same parents as the above registration. Would this not also make this registration invalid? I believe that the evidence will clearly indicate that my charges have validity and that appropriate disciplinary action should be mandated by the Board in this matter.

For a short history of Angie's involvement with rabbits according to testimony from her sister, Ulla Manza (also an ARBA member), see Doc. 16. All documents included in this packet are numbered in red.


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In January of this year, Nancy Provencher (a friend of Angie's) phoned Kim Gay to, tell her how much she loved her "chocolate French angora doe". Kim, having bred and given this animal to Angie Kolifrath, knew that it was a cross between French and English as did Angie (see Doc. 1). Kim, when talking with Susan Douglas the next. day or so, asked Susan if Nancy knew that the chocolate doe was a French/English cross (see Doc. 2). Apparently, Nancy did not.know.
At that time, several of the breeders got together to compare pedigrees. Some very conflicting information was found. I now refer you to Doc. 5 which outlines some of their findings. I changed the references to various documents to agree with my red numbering system.

On 3-4-96, I spoke with Nancie Provencher and verified the information regarding the cross-breeding of angoras (see letter of confirmation, Doc. 6). Also, refer to the handwritten letter from Nancie, dated 3-5-96 (Doc. 7), where her first sentence relays that "it was nice to talk to you", which contradicts Angie's claims (Doc. 28, Item C) that I phoned Mrs. Provencher "10:30p.m. one night" (my phone records show that is not correct), and that "Mrs. Provencher disclosed to me that she was in such a daze from being called at such late hour that she did not really know [sic] what was going on". Nancy Provencher included with her letter, a copy of the parts of Angie's letter that dealt with the rabbits (Doc. 8) and copies of a number of pedigrees (Docs. 35, 36, 38, 44). Angie also states that "Mrs. Solomon had called a great number of my customers and left each person with worries about the purchase they, had made"...... I again, would submit my phone records that will show that this is not true. Angie, in her next to the last paragraph of this letter, states
that "may I please point out that Mrs. Gay herself was placed on "probation": with ARBA following a controversy about Mrs.Gay's fictitious Giant Angora Pedigrees not more than 3 years ago." As I was involved with this particular incident, along with Secy. Carr, I would like to advise that this is not a true fact. Mrs. Gay has never been on probation or suspension with ARBA. A second letter was also received from Nancie Provencher (see Doc. 10).
I also spoke with Susan Douglas on the same date, with my letter of phone call confirmation shown on Doc. 11. At my request, she wrote a letter dated March 5, 1996 to Secy. Carr (see Doc. 12). A second letter (see Doc. 15) written by Susan
was received by me to be included with this packet.                                            (see also doc30)

After discussion with Secy. Carr on this matter, he wrote to Angie on March 8, 1996 (see Doc. 13), saying that there were some irregularities in the copies of pedigrees that he had received, ie. , an ancestor on one registration seemed to have three different sires, and asked that she retrace her records. He also stated


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that if she found that the pedigree background of one or both of these animals was incorrect, she might wish to have them voided. On March 11, 1996, Angie replied to Secy. Carr's letter (see, Doc. 14), In addition to describing a number of reasons why she had made "mistakes", in her last paragraph she emphatically states "I have reviewed my pedigrees of AA's Snow White and AA's Bonita and find that all the information contained on file at your office (the pedigrees of both animals) are correct".

Perhaps, one of the most explicit letters came from Angie's sister, Ulla Manza (see Doc. 16). This letter, dated 3-26-96, gives a description of how Angie obtained her first rabbits. Please be sure to read the entire conflicts with most of Angie's explanations regarding the pedigrees and the rabbits.

On March 28, 1996, I wrote to both Mary Margaret Hancock (see Doc. 17) and Gloria Bell (see Doc. 18), inquiring about "CC's Blackie" and Angie's claims (see Doc 8, Par. 1) that the rabbit belonged to Gloria and was bred by Mary Margaret Hancock. Both letters resulted in mystified phone calls from these breeders. At my request, they both forwarded statements regarding "CC's Blackie/Blacky" (see Docs. 21 and 22). Both breeders say that this rabbit never existed, nor was any rabbit bred at a show as told by Angie. During this time a letter was also received from Katie Walsh of Kentucky (see Doc. 19). In Katie's letter, page 3, she speaks of seeing animals on a French Angora pedigree that also appeared on a Satin Angora's papers.

On April 11, I was faxed a statement, along with copies of receipts (see ,Doc. 20), from Mr. Jim Seward, farm director of Bluebird Gap Farms. This is the place where Angie claims to have obtained her "purebred French" angora known as AA's Harvey, who was supposedly, according to Angie, bred to CC's Blacky to produce AA's Harvey II (the "Harvey's" are does). Mr. Seward emphatically states that no angora of any size or color has been sold as purebred and supplied copies of the receipts for the two animals that had been purchased by Angie (note that these receipts. had the name and address filled out by Angie in her handwriting with the remainder of the information filled in by Mr. Seward). During the first two weeks of May, I was advised by several Georgia breeders that Angie was advertising in the Georgia Market Bulletin under a fictitious name..."K Jackson", using the same home number that she normally used, in all of her advertisements (see Doc. 23). I then received a phone call from Mr. Carlton Moore, of the Georgia State Agricultural Department, the supervisor for the
Georgia State Market Bulletin. Mr. Moore asked if I could provide any advertisements from either our Domestic Rabbits magazine or other rabbit related publications. On 5-15-96, I mailed him the page from DR, showing


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Angie's advertisement and also the same from the National Angora R.C. newsletter. It was my understanding from Mr. Moore that he would no longer accept any ads from anyone with that particular phone number. Further, he felt that it was very out of the ordinary and deceptive appearing for someone to advertise under a fictitious name.

In a note received from Ulla Manza on 4-15-96 (see Doc. 24) she describes a phone conversation between her and Angie regarding a phone conversation with Glen Carr. Secy. Carr does not remember having this conversation at all. Also, when he judged a show in Georgia in which Angie was an exhibitor, she made no attempt to introduce herself or talk to Secy. Carr. Only later did Secy. Carr realize that he had been disqualifying animals with wooled front feet that belonged to Angie.

On April 25, 1996, I sent a letter to Angie (see Doc. 25), asking that proof of the lineage of animals on the two registrations be forwarded to me within 10 days. In my last paragraph I stated that "in fairness to you I am now asking for your proof that your statements and claims are bonafide". "At this time I would expect that you can provide the pedigrees for CC's Blacky and Harvey I from their breeders to confirm that they were pedigreed and purebred as stated by you". Going back to my fourth paragraph, I said "At the end of this period, if satisfactory proof has not been provided by you, my intent is to ask the ARBA Board of Directors to take disciplinary action against you." "This could very well result in your membership being suspended with grand championships and registrations revoked". "This is a very serious situation in which I take no pleasure."

In Angie's reply to my 4-25-96 letter, she gives very creative answers to the many questions that have been raised. I find these actions and 'facts" not consistent with logic, but very much so with the normally accepted patterns of concealment. In her letter, page 2, next to last paragraph, Angie "offers her willingness" to have the registrations in question, voided. At this point, I no longer consider this action to be an "option". She has previously stated that the registration information is correct according to her records...where are the records? On the third page, paragraph 7, Angie states "At this point I have to assume that such complaints are either fictitious or not valid......". I do take issue with this statement, considering that Angie appears to be accusing me of bringing false charges against her. This seems rather futile; considering that much of the information I am submitting is in Angie's own handwriting, or signed by her.

On 5-7-96, I receive yet another letter from Angie, dated 4-29-96 (see Doc. 27). She asks me to supply the names of the people who provided information regarding her business dealings. Keep in mind that my charges have nothing to do with her business dealings, only the apparently erroneous registrations. On


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5-6-96, I had received a copy of Angie's letter to Glen Carr, dated 4-30-96 (see Doc. 28). I had just returned from out of town and the inflammatory nature of this letter was simply too much to bear. I phoned Angie and in no uncertain terms, told her not to ever suggest that I would be dishonest regarding this matter, nor would I take sides, with someone because of a friendship. I also informed her that this matter was NOT in regard to her "business dealings", over which I , had no jurisdiction, but solely concerned the registrations and their validity. She was advised that her letter writing campaign to discredit both Kim Gay and myself was not improving my perception of her and that I might very well pursue legal action if it continued. I can assure that at no point did I use foul language, but my voice was raised at times in order to get a word in above her raised voice. During the conversation I also advised her again that I had testimonies from Bluebird Gap Farms, Gloria Bell, and Mary Margaret Hancock that conflicted with her information. Angie hung up and immediately phoned back to say that "she was recording the conversation". I told her that I had nothing whatsoever to hide, but that she could not legally do that without my permission. She continued to shout and eventually, hung up.

Also, in her 4-30-96 letter (see Doc. 28), Item B, she says "I highly protest against Mrs. Solomon's use of personal letters in this case, letters that I had written over two years ago and are of a personal nature." If you will refer to Doc. 14, Pg. 2, Par. 2 ......Angle states "Mrs. Provencher also notified, me yesterday that she still has my letter, explaining the mistake and correcting the problem, in her possession and is willing to furnish a copy of said letter to your office as proof of my attempt to straighten out the problem." "The date on the letter would be Jan. or Feb. of 1995." As you see, Angie is now protesting the very letter she gave her permission to use in her correspondence dated 3-11-96 to Glen. Carr.

Referring to Doc. 14 again, Angie states in Item D, that "the reason for electing District Directors for ARBA and Specialty Club is such: To create an intermediate for problem solving and networking between Breeders in a selected area." Apparently Angie has not read the ARBA Constitution...I'm not sure where this job description is printed. On page 2 of this letter, Angie complains that no-one (Kim Gay or myself) contacted her to confront her. When our Secretary contacted her on March 8th, he, reported to her at that time that Kim had supplied information and that I had told him that many other breeders were willing to step forward with information. Angie had the opportunity to contact any of us at that time, but instead, chose to declare that all the information on the registrations was correct. She writes in this letter that she "has a personal, feeling that any possible complaints might have been fabricated and premeditated in order to build up a case" against her. She also states "I can not show any concrete evidence to prove her wrong and have offered my willingness to have both registrations void due to my lack of CONCRETE evidence to proof [sic] the pureness of both Angoras in


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question, just to bring closure to the case and let ARBA and everybody involved in this get back to the business at hand". Only when we began obtaining evidence that was written, in great part, by Angie's own hand, did she decide to ''withdraw
the registrations".
In Doc. 31, which is a cover letter that Angie sent out with the "newsletter" that she mails to her past customers, she makes many allegations. concerning "being singled out and persecuted", most of which are not true or, at best, greatly exaggerated. It would be of interest to see how many letters of support for Angie that were sent to ARBA at her request. Also, she states in this letter that she "is aware of one copy of a Pedigree that I supposedly had filled out for a bunny sold by me, a copy sent to me from Glen Carr, that did have obvious different hand writings on it, 2 different hand writings to be correct." "Some writing was mine, other hand writing was not." "The Pedigree was signed by me and Mr. Carr was not aware of the obvious "fudging" of the evidence." Angie neglects to say that the only handwriting on the pedigree that isn't hers is the breed names that were placed there by myself and Kim Gay to help another breeder sort out her supposed purebred French Angoras she purchased from Angie!! All the pedigree information on the form is solely filled out in none but Angie's own handwriting.

The rest of the documents (see Docs. 34 thru 45) show various pedigrees given to different people since Angie began to sell offspring from her stock. Please note the following:
Doc. 34...AA's Baron shows "Gay's Misty Leo", Ear #KG34, Color Opal as his sire. This is in Angie's handwriting. However, Kim Gay says that "Gay's Misty Leo" was a SATIN angora. Also, according to Ulla Manza, "MM's Bud" and "MM's Gabriel" are ENGLISH angoras. Note that the pedigree states "FRENCH" angora.

Doc. 35...A pedigree for" AA's Clover", sold to Nancie Provencher as a purebred French angora, originally showed AA's Baron's sire as "Misty Leo" ('Gay's" is left off), ear #G34, ('K" left off) , variety Opal. Angie phoned Nancie and had her change this pedigree information to show "AA's Jack", ear #AK7, variety Black and having different ancestors for "Jack". She also wanted "AA's Harvey" changed to "AA's Harvey 2", but now "Harvey 2" has "Samuel" and "Misty" for parents......?

Doc. 36...Shows "Samanta" as having been out of "Bud" and AA's Harvey". Remember ..... "Bud" is an English angora and this pedigree says FRENCH .........?

Doc. 37... This pedigree says "French Cross" in' Angie's own handwriting (it was one that was sold to Kim Gay and Kim KNEW that is was not a purebred, so Angie had no choice but to state "French Cross"). You will note that Angie writes that "Owsler", "Bud", "Angel", "Gabriel", "Sugar Baby", and "Zachary" are ALL


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ENGLISH. Also, Angie writes that "Samanta" is FRENCH, but she comes out of "Bud" who is ENGLISH and "AA's Harvey" who is FRENCH. My addition may be rusty, but the breeding of two different breeds makes a cross breed! Pay will see many of these. names on other pedigrees written or signed by Angie and they sometimes change breeds!

Doc. 38...You will see "Peter", ear #34, variety Opal......sort of sounds like "Gay's Misty Leo",?

Doc. 39...0n the last generation, "KG's (Kim Gay) Peter Pan", ear #KG34, variety Opal appears...Kim says that Angie told her that she had changed "KG's Misty Leo" to "KG's Peter Pan" to go with the doe that was named "Green's Tinkerbell".
Is this the SATIN "Misty Leo" or does Kim now have a duplicate animal (see ear number and variety) that happens to be FRENCH on some pedigrees. Note that this pedigree says SATIN as the breed of the animal represented.

Doc. 40...Shows "AA's Baron" as being out of "AA's Peter", ear #34, variety OpaL.......goodness, "Baron" has a lot of sires, doesn't he?

Doc. 41...Shows a FRENCH pedigree...on 3rd generation, "AA's Elvis" and "Cleo" produce "AA's Sweetheart", but on Doc. 36, "Cleo" is out of "Elvis" and "Samanta". "Samanta" is a half breed out of "Bud", the ENGLISH, and "AA's Harvey", the supposed FRENCH from the petting zoo.

Doc. 42...Here on the 3rd generation is "AA's Peter", ear #34, variety Opal...such
a similarity to "KG's Peter Pan", and "KG's Misty Leo"......?

Doc. 43...A new sire for "AA's Baron" it's "M's Jack" who is Black..."AA's Harvey 2" is still the dam.
Doc. 44..:'AA's Jack" has stayed the sire of "AA's Baron" for 3-1/2 weeks now!
Doc. 45... This is the pedigree that caught Kim Gay's eye ("AA's Bethany") and she went back and found that the sire of "Bethany" was "Peter", ear #34, variety Opal on one of Nancie's pedigrees and "AA's Peter", ear #34, variety Opal on another! It certainly appears that there is a strange coincidence of ear numbers, varieties, and yet, different names. Another breeder had already pointed out that there appeared to be registered animals with crossbred ancestors.

Please try to examine the evidence carefully. It is confusing, but I think you will be able to see that there apparently is proof that Angie knowingly and deliberately, registered animals of questionable breeding and/or unpure breeding. I feel that a year's suspension of membership and the voiding of the registrations and grand


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championships in question should be the minimum disciplinary action of the ARBA Board of Directors. I appreciate the time and effort it has taken you to go over this matter and I'm sure that the many breeders who have been and will be affected are also grateful. please feel free to contact me with any questions.