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A dumb struck Angel of Death walks around backstage just minutes after his latest loss. Suddenly a member, of the security crew comes up to AOD and asks him for his autograph. AOD takes the pen and paper. He then decides to tear the paper apart and stab the man in the arm with the pen. AOD then grabs the security guard by the throat and chokeslams him on the concrete floor. The Angel of Death then continues on to his lockeroom. When he reaches it there is two other security guards waiting for him. They try to stop him. AOD just stands there with a whicked smile on his face. Suddenly he strikes. He takes out the nearest one with a powerful right hand, to the head. He then takes out the other when with a big boot to the head. When the second security guard hits the floor, AOD picks him back up and throws him through the wall. The Angel of Death then heads into the lockeroom grabs his things and heads out, to the waiting limo.

"What in the hell is going on here? Lately things have gone to hell. Man, I can remeber like it was just yesterday when I was the king, of the world. No one could touch me. I would be winning title after title and destroying each and everyone in my damn path. Hell, I had the damn crowd in the plam, of my hands. Yes, they were lined up just to catch a glimpse of the greatest wrestler to ever live. Boy, did they make me one hell, of a rich man. They lined my damn pockets with so much money that I can live comfortably for the rest, of my life. Now look at this. All the damn people that were just chearing me on, decided to chear for my opponet. What in the world is up with that. Are they just that damn stupid, that they can not realize the best wrestler is the one the should be chearing for not some damn loser that luckly won the title. It is something that I just can not fathom. I know that people can be stupid, but how stupid can they really be. Right now I should just pack my damn things and go home. That would be the smart thing to do. But them again I have never been known to do the smart thing. Wait a second why should I go out there and bust my ass week in and week out for people that do not give a rat's ass about me. So from now on I am not going to walk down to the ring. There is not a single soul that deserves to see me wrestle. Right now I am going to walk away from this sport. This sport that has given me everything as now taken away everything that I held dear. So tho hell with everyone."

"As for the top brass and the rest, of the wrestlers, go to hell. None, of them, even give a care what I do. If I was on fire they would not even piss on my to put the fire out. Let me be fair, I would do the same. All, of them, are nothing but ingrates. They have lived high on the hog since I joined this fed. If it was not for me they would not be anything more then mid card jobbers in some fly by night fed. I made all, of them. There is not a single one that would be where they are if it was not for me. I made this damn business. This sport would be nothing if I certain man did not choose to lace up his wrestling boots. I should be given the keys to the city, so to speak. Instead I am treated like a second class citizen. Why is this so. Is everyone here just that damn stupid. Maybe them again I doubt that everyone can be that stupid. I think they just do not know I good thing when it is standing right in front, of them. The right thing for me to do is to leave this damn shit whole and go find a good peice of ass. But I never did the right think in my life. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to take out all my anger and rage out on each and everyone, that is involved in this hell whole. That includes wrestlers, fans , and the top brass. If you have anything to do with this fed you are on my hit list. That is just the way it is going to be. I will not give another warning. You will not know when I will attack. It can be today. It could be tomorrow, or it could be next year. All I am going to tell you is that when I strike your life will be mine. Pray to what ever damn god that you worship because you can use all the help that you can get. This lost soul will show no compasion when I take you out. May God have mercy on your souls because I will not. What am I saying I hope no one shows mercy towards you even god."

The scene fades to black.