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New Website Uploaded! Things to know.


Posted By: Ravenisis

This is our new website, it was changed to functionality and customability I hope you all find this one as great as the last one, Hopefully better as the last sight failed to draw to many people. Things to know: for the time being the admin and member Pages will not work untill the website has been relocated. Donations are accepted as the website, PhP, and login scripts all cost money, a paypal account will be established soon. Also "The Vault" is a link to the bank please be considerate when requesting items and Please begin donating items. Our Guild Bank needs more items to give to members. Also realize that mats are always a welcome donation example are herbs, skins, spider silk, elements, and more! By donating these they can be share to help all members, through Items and Gold. Send all donations to AeBank please.

Contest Winner


Posted By: Ravenisis

Congrats to Skywize the winner of the mount contest, who recieved his mount and training.. for free.

New Positions to be filled!


Posted By: Ravenisis

We need to establish a set of guild craftsman please ask me (Olgren, Ravenisis, or Lokiri) if interested in game or email me at



Posted By: Ravenisis

This is our permanent web style please review.. provide feedback.. Constructive critisism is needed please. Also if your good with HTML, CSS, or CS2(photoshop) please email me. All info should be emailed to

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  • Teth
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