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PuRPuLiOuS AmmiE

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I am Studying here, there and everywhere.. wanna be my classmate??

Hobbies and Interest
Doing this, doing that, and doing whatever.. bwahehehehehe

Favorites Books
Books for the Shelves, Books for the library, books for those who can't read and everything that has "book" in it

Favorites Movies
My movies.. Ur movies, their movies, my pet's movies, ur pet's movies, their pet's movies and movies of everyone.. >_<

About Me
I am all about me and these stuffs.. i dunno why am i saying all of these

Who I want to meet
someone who can help me build a robot using sticks and help destroy this world using plastic bottles. >:)

WHatever...LOOK! this message is moving towards left! amazing...O_o lol.