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The small creature looks to stand only a foot in height, with small black wings protruding from it's back. His deep green hair holds a silky sheen, hanging down about his solid red eyes. His mouth is hidden behind an oversized black leather collar, adorning only a simple metal ring upon it's front. The collar itself rested atop his small shoulders more then it held about his neck, though it didn't seem to hinder his movements at all. His ears are long, protruding to either side of his head. His skin pale white and covered in black markings that almost appeared to be tattoos from their intricate patterns. He was unclothed, or perhaps there just weren't any clothes to fit his small stature, though it doesn't seem to matter to the rare creature.

All following information is for OOC uses only. (IE You have to learn his name through roleplay.) Also note that everything my character(s) have, items, clothes, abilities, or otherwise have been earned through role play.

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Race: Orago.

Marital Status: Single

Preference: Straight(For those of you who can't grasp what that means. Women only. Both IC and OOC.)

Health Status(Physical): Healthy.

Health Status(Mental): Nothing abnormal.

Work Status: Slave.

Owner: None.

Slaves/Companions/Pets: None, at the moment.

Family: Unknown.

Affiliation: None, at the moment.

General Inventory: An oversized black leather collar.

Developed innate abilities: Growth.

General RP tips: First and foremost, don't be afraid to whisper and ask questions about an RP, I'm always interested in listening. In general, he'll do just about anything. Bare in mind, if the RP or content doesn't appeal to me, I have every right to void an RP as they don't meet certain OOC standards.(Netspeak, one line posting, uber-gods/esses, so forth.) Granted, I don't need a novel for every post(and would probably prefer not to have to read one) but putting forth effort will earn you a great deal of respect from me. And lastly, I'm not a therapist, so if you want to be depressive, look elsewhere.(Whisper before RPing, please.)