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COLLIE CAT TINY LARGE ART PAINTING Maintained by: ( 666) One of a kind original oil paintings by Aleeta Rachel Hall / Long. Children fairies angels mermaids witches dog cat ferret bird sheeplandscape seascape snow scene pastoral light house rose calla lily poppy florals Christmas Halloween Easter valentine ACEO card. SHELTIE BORDER COLLIES YORKIE


To See All of My Gallery pictures at the same time, click here CLICK HERE TO SEE PICTURES OF CURRENT EBAY REGULAR AND EBAY STORE SALES




Hello, my name is Aleeta Rachel Sleyster (Woodring) Hall / Long.

Welcome to my world of art creations.

About me,

I am the wife of Anthony Long.

I am the mother of James and Joseph

I am the Grandmother of 5 darling Angels sent from God.

When viewing my paintings, you will see in some of my paintings,

my first born Granddaughter Tally

shown in my art paintings and prints.

I have sold over 2000 original, one of a kind paintings to patrons all over the world.

I have created art works such as very large to wall murals to very tiny less than 1 by 1 inch paintings for miniature collectors.

I have created paintings on items from new purses to wine glasses to commode seats, I will accept commissions to create just about anything on anything.

I have a personal written letter from President Reagan , in reguards to the Dodie's Gate Print, number 81 that I sent him. His letter was written by him, while he was in the hospital from the assassination attempt, and postmarked the day he was released to go back to the White House.

I was one of 2500 artist that were selected to create Angel decorations for the Clinton's first Christmas in the White House. I have a form letter from Mrs. Clinton thanking me for the Angel. >


Please note , all of the following paintings of Dodie's gate are registered in Copyright Office Wash D. C.

Please email me with your comments or questions, if you take the time to read MY ABOUT ME

Dodie's Gate

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 3:23 AM

Subject: faith From: "aleeta rachel long"

Date: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:27 pm


May I share a few words with each of you?

When I was a little girl, of 7 years old, my Mother died. We were raised in a foster family.

One of the early things that we were taught by MOM and POP WOODRING IN PARKVILLE, MISSOURI, was that if we had the faith in God, even as small of the tiny mustard seed, all things were possible.

I am sure as you read my posts, on the Ismudge group, and on the ebay art and artist board, you will find most of my messages as supportive words for my fellow artists.

I pass on this faith to my artist peers to support them in their artistic endeavors.

My brother , Skip Sleyster, who was grown and just back from World War II , when our Mother died, still lives in our hometown.

He pays around 2000 plus dollars a week, to place his own thoughts about Kansas City life, in the Kansas City Star every Sunday. He never beats around the bush when trying to help his fellow man.

So naturally, I thought of him, when I was hoping for some advertisement for my ebay auction.

I called him when I was listing my letter from President Reagan, inclusive of the original painting DODIE'S GATE on ebay for 2,000,000.00 dollars, to ask, "if he would mention it in his weekly letter... ?" His response was, " Hell no... People will think I am crazy." end of that

Now, back to my faith, I know that the letter and painting will sell for a large sum of money. I picture the mustard seed, when I take time to pray to God, or a special novena to Mary . thanks for your time...

I tell you as my viewers, friends and purchasers, the feelings, I am experiencing in this prime time of my life. Thanks for reading.

aleeta rachel hall/long














An open letter to Mrs. Reagan.

The following is a log of my activities yesterday, during your beloved Husband's funeral. I hope that after reading this letter and the message that I wrote today, that you will understand why I am parting with two of the most prized possessions of my life.

June 11, 2004

My day started off great. I had finally finished, after over a month of effort, the painting of an authentic Hoosier cabinet. We took it to the shipper and sent it on its way to a client in New York. It was finally out of our entry way /dining area at last. We could now walk from Tony's side of the house to my side of the house without the obstacle course, of brushes, paints, tape, and towels strung everywhere.

Today I decided to get up at 6 am, before my Darling Husband Tony arose , and clean the painting area, before going to town for shopping and coming home to start on the backlogged commissons.

By now I had missed the day's events in Washington and I really wanted to watch the ending ceremonies this evening.

All went fine until President Reagan and his family arrived in California for the final leg of his journey. I laughed with all the stories his children told of their Father.

Then with the final act of the day, after the gun salute, and after the dramatic airplane departure, I left my chair, and stood close to the television screen, watching intently while Nancy received the flag, approached the casket, kissed and patted the shiny wood of his final home. As she began to sob I too cried and remembered how I had felt when my first husband Jim Hall died.

I had never thought too much about the letter that President Reagan had sent me, while he was in the hospital from the assassination attempt, and postmarked the day he was released to go back to the White House after a copy of it was used on the romance sheet with the lithograph of Dodie's Gate that was given to the new owner of each print.

It has been kept in a safe deposit box all these years.

President Reagan gave to many, many many many people.. me included...aleeta rachel

June 12, 2004

Today, there has been a lot of discussion about my Dodie's Gate original oil painting, and the letter that your all giving husband sent to me.

My sons say, " Sell the original oil painting Dodie's Gate and the personal letter from President Reagan, that goes with the print. "

So therefore, I am placing my original, one of a kind , oil painting, and the original signed letter, from President Reagan, on ebay for sale with a 1,000.000.00 dollar reserve, for the following reasons.

1. I am in the last Chapter of my life.

2. I could enjoy seeing my sons use the money, for necessities ,now while I am alive. Aleeta R. Hall/Long Aleeta R. Hall/Long

On this auction you will be winning 3 ITEMS,

an original oil painting, titled,DODIE'S GATE, the original letter from President Reagan talking about this painting, and a signed print of my original oil painting titled , THE DAY LIBERTY CRIED.

The story behind President Reagan's letter.

Remember how you felt the day that President Reagan took office and our hostages in Iran

were released.

I was so happy that our prayers were finally answered and our people were coming home, that I took the number 81 or my first newly released lithograph of the print of DODIE'S GATE, number 81 for the year 1981...and sent it to President Reagan.

I felt with the release of our Americans from Iran

that we were finally out of the mud puddles of worrying about our Americans, and looking forward to a brighter horizon of bringing them home.

The letter that I sent to President Reagan, made use of the above metaphors. President Reagan responded with the letter below also printed on the Romance Sheet. This original letter from him was written while he was in the hospital from the assassination attempt. The letter is postmarked on the day he was released from the hospital to go back to the White House.

Now for the story behind the original oil painting. The reason I painted the painting is described also on the Romance Sheet.

The reason it was named Dodie's Gate. is stated in the following words.

My husband Jim, our son J.C. and I resided in the beautiful Omaha, Nebraska, when our son, Joseph was conceived and born.

My friend across the street, a new mother too, and I quit our jobs and to stay home with our new babies. We studied oil paintings under a famous artist named Oscar Sormani.

Once I had the know how of to use the oils , I created paintings, paintings, and more paintings.

Another friend, Dodie Billig, who lived down the street, came to see Joseph, and when she saw all the paintings, she asked,

" Why are you not selling these paintings? "

My response was, "Who would buy them?"

She soon had me displaying paintings,selling paintings,

and donating paintings for worthy causes.

That was the start of my artistic career.

Therefore when I had my first painting created into lithographs for signed and numbered prints , I named it after Dodie, hence DODIE'S GATE.

Thank you Dodie, for without you , I may never have embarked on such a wonderful career.

the following are copies of the Romance Sheet and the tiny signed Dodie's Gate II 3 by 5 lithograph, that will accompany this auction.





This tiny painting titled , "THE DAY THAT LIBERTY CRIED 9/11/01"... SOLD ON EBAY'S AUCTION AMERICA, whereby all the funds went to our New York Friends.

The following quotation accompanied the painting on the Ebay give away listing. ".....I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder...I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more." .....Anne Frank, July 15, 1944.............................

.. Back to previous page Back to homepage ______________________________ To See All of My Gallery pictures at the same time, click here CLICK HERE TO SEE PICTURES OF CURRENT EBAY REGULAR AND EBAY STORE SALES WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ART OIL PAINTINGS BY ALEETA RACHEL HALL/LONG and CLICK HERE TO SEE MY WEB PAGE Hello, my name is Aleeta Rachel Sleyster (Woodring) Hall / Long. Welcome to my world of art creations. About me, I am the wife of Anthony Long. I am the mother of James and Joseph I am the Grandmother of 5 darling Angels sent from God. When viewing my paintings, you will see in some of my paintings, my first born Granddaughter Tally shown in my art paintings and prints. I have sold over 2000 original, one of a kind paintings to patrons all over the world. I have created art works such as very large to wall murals to very tiny less than 1 by 1 inch paintings for miniature collectors. I have created paintings on items from new purses to wine glasses to commode seats, I will accept commissions to create just about anything on anything. I have a personal written letter from President Reagan , in reguards to the Dodie's Gate Print, number 81 that I sent him. His letter was written by him, while he was in the hospital from the assassination attempt, and postmarked the day he was released to go back to the White House. I was one of 2500 artist that were selected to create Angel decorations for the Clinton's first Christmas in the White House. I have a form letter from Mrs. Clinton thanking me for the Angel. > MY ART Please note , all of the following paintings of Dodie's gate are registered in Copyright Office Wash D. C. Please email me with your comments or questions, if you take the time to read MY ABOUT ME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodie's Gate ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 3:23 AM Subject: faith From: "aleeta rachel long" Date: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:27 pm Subject: NOT EVEN MY BROTHER HAS FAITH May I share a few words with each of you? When I was a little girl, of 7 years old, my Mother died. We were raised in a foster family. One of the early things that we were taught by MOM and POP WOODRING IN PARKVILLE, MISSOURI, was that if we had the faith in God, even as small of the tiny mustard seed, all things were possible. I am sure as you read my posts, on the Ismudge group, and on the ebay art and artist board, you will find most of my messages as supportive words for my fellow artists. I pass on this faith to my artist peers to support them in their artistic endeavors. My brother , Skip Sleyster, who was grown and just back from World War II , when our Mother died, still lives in our hometown. He pays around 2000 plus dollars a week, to place his own thoughts about Kansas City life, in the Kansas City Star every Sunday. He never beats around the bush when trying to help his fellow man. So naturally, I thought of him, when I was hoping for some advertisement for my ebay auction. I called him when I was listing my letter from President Reagan, inclusive of the original painting DODIE'S GATE on ebay for 2,000,000.00 dollars, to ask, "if he would mention it in his weekly letter... ?" His response was, " Hell no... People will think I am crazy." end of that Now, back to my faith, I know that the letter and painting will sell for a large sum of money. I picture the mustard seed, when I take time to pray to God, or a special novena to Mary . thanks for your time... I tell you as my viewers, friends and purchasers, the feelings, I am experiencing in this prime time of my life. Thanks for reading. aleeta rachel hall/long FOLLOWING IS THE AFOREMENTIONED AUCTION. ON THIS AUCTION YOU WILL BE RECEIVING 3 ITEMS 1. PRESIDENT REAGAN'S PERSONAL LETTER TO ME, ALEETA RACHEL HALL/LONG 2, MY OOAK (ONE OF A KIND) ORIGINAL OIL LARGE 20 BY 24 INCH UNFRAMED PAINTING THAT WAS USED TO MAKE THE DODIE'S GATE PRINT NUMBER 81 TO WHICH HIS LETTER REFERS. 3. MY TINY SIGNED PRINT TITLED "THE DAY LIBERTY CRIED 9/11/01" WHICH IS DESCRIBED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS LISTING. THE FOLLOWING IS AN OPEN LETTER TO MRS. REAGAN, ( NANCY) OF WHY I AM SELLING THIS OIL PAINTING AND PRESIDENT REAGAN'S LETTER. ...................... An open letter to Mrs. Reagan. The following is a log of my activities yesterday, during your beloved Husband's funeral. I hope that after reading this letter and the message that I wrote today, that you will understand why I am parting with two of the most prized possessions of my life. June 11, 2004 My day started off great. I had finally finished, after over a month of effort, the painting of an authentic Hoosier cabinet. We took it to the shipper and sent it on its way to a client in New York. It was finally out of our entry way /dining area at last. We could now walk from Tony's side of the house to my side of the house without the obstacle course, of brushes, paints, tape, and towels strung everywhere. Today I decided to get up at 6 am, before my Darling Husband Tony arose , and clean the painting area, before going to town for shopping and coming home to start on the backlogged commissons. By now I had missed the day's events in Washington and I really wanted to watch the ending ceremonies this evening. All went fine until President Reagan and his family arrived in California for the final leg of his journey. I laughed with all the stories his children told of their Father. Then with the final act of the day, after the gun salute, and after the dramatic airplane departure, I left my chair, and stood close to the television screen, watching intently while Nancy received the flag, approached the casket, kissed and patted the shiny wood of his final home. As she began to sob I too cried and remembered how I had felt when my first husband Jim Hall died. I had never thought too much about the letter that President Reagan had sent me, while he was in the hospital from the assassination attempt, and postmarked the day he was released to go back to the White House after a copy of it was used on the romance sheet with the lithograph of Dodie's Gate that was given to the new owner of each print. It has been kept in a safe deposit box all these years. President Reagan gave to many, many many many people.. me included...aleeta rachel June 12, 2004 Today, there has been a lot of discussion about my Dodie's Gate original oil painting, and the letter that your all giving husband sent to me. My sons say, " Sell the original oil painting Dodie's Gate and the personal letter from President Reagan, that goes with the print. " So therefore, I am placing my original, one of a kind , oil painting, and the original signed letter, from President Reagan, on ebay for sale with a 1,000.000.00 dollar reserve, for the following reasons. 1. I am in the last Chapter of my life. 2. I could enjoy seeing my sons use the money, for necessities ,now while I am alive. Aleeta R. Hall/Long Aleeta R. Hall/Long On this auction you will be winning 3 ITEMS, an original oil painting, titled,DODIE'S GATE, the original letter from President Reagan talking about this painting, and a signed print of my original oil painting titled , THE DAY LIBERTY CRIED. The story behind President Reagan's letter. Remember how you felt the day that President Reagan took office and our hostages in Iran were released. I was so happy that our prayers were finally answered and our people were coming home, that I took the number 81 or my first newly released lithograph of the print of DODIE'S GATE, number 81 for the year 1981...and sent it to President Reagan. I felt with the release of our Americans from Iran that we were finally out of the mud puddles of worrying about our Americans, and looking forward to a brighter horizon of bringing them home. The letter that I sent to President Reagan, made use of the above metaphors. President Reagan responded with the letter below also printed on the Romance Sheet. This original letter from him was written while he was in the hospital from the assassination attempt. The letter is postmarked on the day he was released from the hospital to go back to the White House. Now for the story behind the original oil painting. The reason I painted the painting is described also on the Romance Sheet. The reason it was named Dodie's Gate. is stated in the following words. My husband Jim, our son J.C. and I resided in the beautiful Omaha, Nebraska, when our son, Joseph was conceived and born. My friend across the street, a new mother too, and I quit our jobs and to stay home with our new babies. We studied oil paintings under a famous artist named Oscar Sormani. Once I had the know how of to use the oils , I created paintings, paintings, and more paintings. Another friend, Dodie Billig, who lived down the street, came to see Joseph, and when she saw all the paintings, she asked, " Why are you not selling these paintings? " My response was, "Who would buy them?" She soon had me displaying paintings,selling paintings, and donating paintings for worthy causes. That was the start of my artistic career. Therefore when I had my first painting created into lithographs for signed and numbered prints , I named it after Dodie, hence DODIE'S GATE. Thank you Dodie, for without you , I may never have embarked on such a wonderful career. the following are copies of the Romance Sheet and the tiny signed Dodie's Gate II 3 by 5 lithograph, that will accompany this auction. > ALMOST TO SCALE, PLEASE NOTE PAINTING COMES UNFRAMED. ...................... AS STATED ABOVE THE WINNER OF THIS AUCTION WILL ALSO RECEIVE A TINY ( AROUND 2 BY 3 INCHES )OF A SIGNED PRINT OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED ORIGINAL OOAK PAINTING. This tiny painting titled , "THE DAY THAT LIBERTY CRIED 9/11/01"... SOLD ON EBAY'S AUCTION AMERICA, whereby all the funds went to our New York Friends. The following quotation accompanied the painting on the Ebay give away listing. ".....I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder...I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more." .....Anne Frank, July 15, 1944............................. ..
