[PlyCount "80"] [MLNrOfMoves "40"] [MLFlags "000100"] [Event "Match"] [Date "1939.??.??"] [White "Max Euwe"] [Black "Paul Keres"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "2675"] [BlackElo "2650"] [EventDate "1939.??.??"] [ECO "E32"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 O-O 5. Bg5 {Now Nunn gives: 5...c5; . (5...d6 leads to Seirawan-Tal; Brussels, 1988.) . 6. e3, h6; 7. Bh4, cxd4; 8. exd4, Nc6; 9. Nf3, Be7; 10. Rd1, d5; 11. a3, b6; 12. Bd3, Bb7=. . [See Nunn's Chess Openings, pg. # 477; line/row # 03. ]} 5... h6 6. Bh4 Nc6 $5 7. e3 Re8 8. Bd3 $6 e5 $1 9. d5 $6 e4 $1 10. dxc6 exd3 11. Qxd3 dxc6 $1 12. Qxd8 Bxc3+ $1 13. Qd2 {The best move here.} 13... Bxd2+ 14. Kxd2 Ne4+ 15. Ke2 Be6 16. Rc1 g5 17. Bg3 Rad8 18. Nf3 c5 $1 19. Rhd1 Rxd1 20. Kxd1 g4 $1 21. Ng1 $2 Rd8+ 22. Ke1 Rd2 $1 23. f3 Rxg2 24. fxe4 Rxg1+ 25. Kd2 Rxc1 26. Kxc1 Bxc4 {White put all his faith in being able to draw this ending.} 27. b3 Bd3 28. Bxc7 h5 29. Kd2 Bb1 30. Kc3 h4 31. a4 Bxe4 32. Kc4 b6 33. a5 bxa5 34. Kxc5 Bc2 35. Kb5 Bxb3 36. Kxa5 Kg7 37. Ka6 Kg6 38. e4 g3 $1 39. hxg3 h3 $1 40. g4 Kg5 {0-1. ****************************************************************************************************************** White Resigns. (The winning plan is simple. Capture both of White's Pawns, run the f-Pawn to f4 to block White's Bishop and promote the KRP. OR - run both of Black's Pawns down, and with the aid of the King, The White Bishop can not handle two Pawns.)} 0-1