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I'm a family man trying to do good for my wife and children. The past few years have been really difficult for us.  Schuyler was born with a hole in her heart and Eddie had verbal appraxia, which basically is a miscommunication between his brain and his mouth, so he wasn't talking.  Both children required lots of doctors and specialists.  It takes time and money to raise any child, but these two precious children required a bit more of that.  We are now at the point where we can look for a home of our own, as we have lived with my in-laws for 4 years.  This is our goal: to have a home of our own.  Saving up has been difficult, with bills to pay for the children's healthcare and the skyrocketing cost of housing isn't helping matters.  So, I'm asking some generous souls out there to send whatever they can afford to our PAYPAL account.


Go to, click on SEND MONEY.  Use our email address:

Thank you and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.