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Support group & Chat room
North Eastern Pennsylvania

Celebrating our faith and our sexuality

As gay men and lesbian women, we have made great strides in our efforts to overcome homophobia in our society: we have challenged restrictive laws, formed coalitions with other progressive groups, and created an alternative culture to celebrate our diversity.

We have also countered the flawed societal assumption that the difficulties we so often face, are the result of our sexual orientation. We have come to recognize that low self esteem, self-destrctive behavior, and trouble with intimacy ARE NOT the result of our sexual orientation but rather stem from the oppression gay and lesbian persons have experienced growing up in dysfunctional families within a homophobic society.

Despite the many advances we have made, the attitude of some in leadership positions of the Catholic Church, continue to marginalize us. They go so far as to call our very orientation (a dimension of our very selves) to be "intrinsically disordered".

Such statements, devoid of any scientific grounding, and issued without any authentic pyschological and theological research, have left us many of us feel isolated, abandoned and alone. Catholicism does belong to the bishops alone. It belongs to all of us. This is OUR FAITH, our INHERITANCE. Because of our Baptism, we have every right to claim our inheritance. We must not allow ourselves to be dis-enfranchised!!! Just as we have had to fight for our civil rights, so too must we fight for our spiritual rights. This dimension of our personalities cannot be allowed to suffer.

To that end, we need to "network", support each other, find guidance and wisdom in what God is saying to each of us. Accordingly, you are invited to make use of our Chat forum (listed below) and our email address (also listed below). Catholic Clergy, sypathetic to the "gay cause", as well as other gay catholic men and lesbian women, are here.... to listen, to support, to search (with you)for answers to the questions on your heart.

Our Chat Room & Forum

Click here for Chat Room
