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~Uni Friends~

Friends in high school are forever young.
Unchanged, they're where you always will belong.
The crowd is never gone, the pleasure stays,
The music of the moment always plays,
The time remains a field of wistful grace
To which you may return from anyplace.
Of course, you may still know them later on
When you are someone else and years have run;
And you may love them dearly, and they you,
But time must make their friendship something new.
Meanwhile, flourishing within your heart
There is a whole, of which you were a part:
A group of friends, one in love and pain,
In whom your longing comes alive again.

My uni life!

1st Sem , 2nd Sem , 3rd Sem , 4th Sem , 5th Sem

First Semester
This is my fist picture taken with my uni friends (from the left - Chaur Thi, Chooi Mei, me, Ka Wei, Ooi, n Garang)......we went to the housing area for a survey.....we survey the houses, the drainage system, the facilities, the utilities n etc....