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Our Angel Bunny, Austin

This is Austin. He's a Holland Lop, and a gift from God. We received Austin about two weeks ago, from a very sweet woman named Beth.

He came to us a sweet little guy, with so much love in his heart. We were eager to bring him home and introduce him into our family. He quickly found a place in our hearts. He loved to cuddle, climbing upon our shoulders and curling into our necks for a snuggle. He even gave kisses with his tiny tongue, lapping at our lips. Austin absolutely adored my husband, Kenny... who likewise cherished him.

I can honestly say I've never met a rabbit quite like Austin. He was affectionate, sweet, and laidback. Austin left us on 3/16/06 at a young age. His last moments were not spent alone. He was cuddled by Kenny, and even till the end was trying to get up to Kenny's neck to cuddle. Austin went peacefully, knowing he was loved and cherished. The cause of death is unknown, but there's an idea of it being something called weanling enteritis.

Austin is buried by my herb garden, with a cross stating his name and date of his passing.

This page is dedicated to Austin, who had a heart so big God wouldn't let it live. Hopefully, this will help us mourn our tiny angel. He was only in our home and arms for 2 weeks, but he'll forever be in our hearts and prayers. We love and miss you, Austin.

Bunny Heaven

Good Bye

With heavy hearts; and a tear in our eyes
after all these years; we must say goodbye
Please understand; we've done all we could
if there was anything we could do; you know we would
I'm sitting right here; gently rubbing your ears
while I talk to you softly; trying to hold back the tears
The memories you gave us; we'll never forget
especially the ones; of the day we all met

One last hug; and one last kiss
you have no idea; how much you'll be missed
To look into your eyes; this one last time
you tell me it's ok; you know it's your time

Close your eyes now; and go to sleep
we'll pray to the Lord; you're soul he'll keep
Go in peace now; our good friend
we'll stay right here with you; until the end

Dream of that special day and time
when we'll meet at the Bridge; and all will be fine
We'll run and play; side by side
with a soft warm feeling; deep down inside

Your memory will live on; in each one of us
you'll always be number 1; to all of us
Have a safe journey; through the night
I promise when you awake; you'll be in God's light
So with heavy hearts; and tears in our eyes
just for now my friend; we say goodbye

John Quealy
