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hi and welcome to the great 4 houses of magic
hi and welcome to the great 4 houses of magic
hi and welcome to the four great houses of magic where you can become a student at hogwarts and make friends with people in your houses and do the sorting hat ,like click on the sorting hat and take the test and than leave a posting with your name and answers and than i will sort you asap,and how to earn points, we will have trivia in each house and whan you earn points in trivia than your points will go to your house ,and we are also hosting the triwizzard and we are having the yale ball soon so get started and work hard to earn points oh and one more thing i will pick one person from each house to enter the triwizzard and that will be one of each person in each house that haves the most points so try as hard as you can to get points
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take the sorting hat test
take the sorting hat test  
umm where sould i put you ? q1 who do you describe your self as . a more like harry ,b more like hermione .c more like ron , q2 what is your favorit animal ,a a owl ,b a dog , c a cat , d none of those , q3 what house would you not want to go to ,a gryffindor , b hufflepuff , c ravenclaw , d slytherin , q4 what one was your favorit harry potter book , a 1 , b 2 , c 3 , d 4 , e 5 , f 6 , g all of the above , now leave a posting with your answers

Comments (10) | Add a Comment

q1 ron, q2 dog, q3,slytherin q4 all of them
ashley | December 02, 2005

ok let it be hufflepuff
priscilla the owner of this site | December 02, 2005

q1 harry, q2 none of those,q3 slytherin,q4 d
vincent | December 02, 2005

ok i will put in in ravenclaw vincent
priscilla the owner of this site | December 02, 2005

um how do you get in the triwizzard?
ashley | December 02, 2005

like i said whan you get points in your houses trivia than your house points raise up and in the triwizzard i will pick one person in each house to enter it and that will be the person with the high ist score in each house
priscilla | December 02, 2005

q1 harry,q2 dog, q3 slytherin , q4 book 1
moonmommy | December 02, 2005

ok moonmommy i will sort you in gryffindor
priscilla | December 02, 2005

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