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Kalkoffen - Tutoring Time


My Favorite Web Sites

USA Today
Bible Gateway

Religion IV
Make a Difference Time: This week it's Shelbie (M) Cory (T) Amber (W)Laura (TH) Jeff (F)
What to Read: Lesson 8
Focus on:Prizing, Choosing, & Acting
Memory Verses 2 Peter 1:3 / 2 Cor. 3:18/ Col. 3:15
Paper Due: See Project Below
Project Due Date: Moral Questions begin Feb. 7 / Moral Religion Paper due March 21
Senior Worship Schedule: Danny & Amber  (7-8)
Computer Applications 
Monday: Program
Tuesday: Brochure
Wednesday: Creative Booklet
Thursday: Ski Day
Friday: Catch up
Current Events: This week on Thursday it's the guys turn. 25 points
What to Read: Ch. 6 & 7
Focus on: Daily Economics
Learning Quizzes: Ch. 6.1 & 2 / Ch.6.3  / Ch. 7.1 / 7.2
Economics Lab: Budget Page 164- 165 Due Tuesday February 14
Next Test: Next Week 
Stock Market Project: Due on Monday
U.S. History
Current Events: This week it's the guys turn. Due on Thursday. 25 points
What to Read: Ch. 23
Focus on: the Depression
Learning Quizzes:  Ch. 23.2/ 23.4
Project: Old Time Radio
Next Test: Monday, Feb. 13
Religion III
Make a Difference: This week it's Spencer (M) Alizah(T) Mark (W)Ben (TH) 
What to Read: Friendship Lesson 6 & 7
Focus on Friends, Friends, and more Friends
Paper Due: Next Week
Memory Verse: Phil. 2:4/Numbers 6:24-26/Ecc. 4:9-10
World History
What to Read: Ch. 17 - 18
Focus on: Absolutism
Learning Quizzes:  (M) 17.4 (T) 18.1 (W) 18.3 (TH) 18.4
Next Test: Tuesday Feb. 14 
Senior Business
Speakers: 2 out of three are a GO
Parent Meeting: Feb. 7 6:30 pm
Other Reminders
Ski Day: Thursday
Pray for: Erienne Hinton (M) Aaron Speegle (T) Mrs. Altman (W) Prem Moktan (Th) Dylan Craig(F)BA (Th) TBA (F)