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Robert P. Parker..... 
"Paris  A.  Fountain"


Dear Sirs and or Madams,
Greetings, I am a Talented Lyricist and Play-Write. Although, I am only published on the Internet at present with two sets of Lyrics, Thirteen songs, on the epic entitled "Father Father Dark Places", I have written Solely for Mr. Ozzy Osbourne and Band. With the Second set of lyrics, Twelve songs, on the epic entitled "Black and Blue" with the Rolling Stones in mind. Considering the first set "Father Father Dark Places" to be Strictly.... Black Sabbath Styling Heavy-Metal Rock lyrics, and the epic Second set being fashioned for the Booggie Wooggie Blues Sound of the Rolling Stones. Please see the material listed at: Networks my self-scripted Web Site:

Email: Author
of which is available for your viewing twenty four hours a day.
I am continuing in the works of Musical Lyrics and Screenplays. Although, I have no Screenplays listed on the web site as yet, Look For my First publishing work entitled "Gold Rush-Double Vision". I am an undergraduate IT/Tech., A BA in Computer Science and Still able to write and expound on almost any topic and post on the Internet, considering HTML web sites, and the like for review. Leaving out the professional works of Doctors, Scientists and or Skilled Information of Professional Engineers. I work with Marketing types of Information and Entertainment types of Scripting. I have also to my credit and available, but not transcribed as yet, approximately sixty minutes of Comedy, Redneck Comedy, approximately forty pages eleven and half by eight notebook handwritten material, of which will be published on my web site at:

Email: Author

in Audio form and Written Scripted form, though I still must produce the Audio form and the Digital Scripting forms. Seeing that it is a long work, it may take me some time. Now I don't want you to be unaware. I am homeless, a disabled person from Atlanta Georgia USA, collecting Social Security Income SSI At the Rate of Nine Hundred and Twenty Dollars a Month, I suffer from the Chronic Medical Ailments of: Psoriasis, Hiv/Aids and Extreme-Mild Schizophrenia (I hear the mocking voice of Satan as well as others, along with God) for a few years now. Psoriasis reddens the skin and causes extreme dandruff a rapid skin growth and is very unsightly, the curses of Job As listed In the Holy Bible, everyone knows what Hiv/Aids is and schizophrenia is, I am a very sick man with more than my share of medical problems. I believe that I am the Angel listed in St. John's Revelation in the Holy Bible referred to as in the Hebrew Abbaddon or in the Greek Apollyon, the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, whom, holds a Great Chain to Bind Satan for no less than One Thousand Years while Christ rules with a Rod of Iron, and hold the Key to the Bottomless Pit which releases more Curses upon this World in the name of God and through the Word of God. Imagine that..... The Angel of the Bottomless Pit writing lyrics for Lucifer and the Prince of Darkness for Musical Production, Ha Ha Ha. All Though, I am still able to produce written material, build web sites and get around on my own. So, my problems will be solved with money. And I am hanging around the Culver/Overland Sony Studio area with my flying bed roll, and taking showers at the Bally Fitness at the Culver Center Shopping Mall. I am Working where I can, Communicating Solely.... Through my e-mail address
and my web site:

Email: Author

doing what I can to change my current Economical Poverty-Stricken situation. The Internet is the cheapest most economical way for me to communicate at this time. Although, being talented, I am yet unsigned. I am presently looking for and entertainment agent to contact the Camps of Ozzy Osbourne, and the Rolling Stones, to Market the above listed Musical Lyrics "Father Father Dark Places" to Mr. Ozzy Osbourne and Second "Black and Blue" to the Rolling Stones for Musical Scores and Recording Productions and Sales in the public market. I want you to Contact the Artists' groups. I will be signed by the groups of Artists' Ozzy Osbourne and Band and or the Rolling Stones, I am not interested in selling the scripted lyrics to a record company or a production company, I will be a part of the Band(s), I will not be a part of the Studio. I'm looking for the lyricist credit(s) on any Musical Production(s). With all credit(s) Production(s), All Rights Reserved as the Lyricist, Considering the Sale and or Resale and Production(s) of any of my material.
Also; If the above listed Artist(s) are not interested in Producing or Signing me on for the Production(s) of my Musical Lyrics currently now listed at the web site:

Email: Author

I will be interested in marketing the lyrics to some other group of professional well-known successful, or talented and up-and-coming Rock 'n Roll Heavy-Metal Musicians.
More To Come.......

Yours Truly,
Mr. Robert Philip Parker,

Email: Author

Currently (Active and Listed As Stage Name: Paris Alton Fountain, Paris A. Fountain). Hence, Mr. Robert B. Parker the well-known published Writer i.e.: Spencer for hire and other works etc. etc....

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