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I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

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As I continue through my path in life...

My most precious memories of America!

Hi again. It's Aug.13th, and I guess I won't be able to write here for a while, since the city wants to disconnect electricity, since our country is under the flood. Yeah, stupid wheather! Did you guys watch news, it must be there too. It's raining for days now, all over EU and all the poor countries like, Germany, Austria, Checz R., Slovakia, Hungary, Russia are suffering from great floods. Hungary, even made a new record!! Yeah, and they say that our river will be the highest on Saturday, when most of the houses will be under water. What? Can't they just do something so, the houses won't be under water??? Isn't that what gvt should do??? Protect its citizens from another country's attack, from natural attacks such as flood, fire...ect..?? Uhum....excuse me!!! FLOOD!!!! Natural attack!!! So, yeah, those big cars gonna come any days to pick everybody up, and evacuate the whole cities which are under danger, and "fortunately" our city is one those, so yeah, I have no idea where they gonna take us, and how long will we be there, and that will we ever be able to come back here,or will the house be collapsed??? So, yeah, I have to say "bye" because I might not ever come back...I know it's bad to hear, but you have to prepare yourself in these kind of situation, and think of the worst, if I (or rather WE) don't come back, then pls don't forget me, and always remember me!! SO LONG,

Guess what guys???!!! I ruined the only computer which had internet connection on it...actually that wasn't exactly me, but the storm we had! It deleted some parts of the windows, so whenever I turn that darn computer on, it always starts at DOS mode and it won't start windows, saying "bad command or file name" wtf!!! So, yeah, cool, cool!

Hihi everyone! Ok,so here I am again after a quiet busy day. Today 6 o'clock in the morning I had to take my lil sis to the bus station, so she could go to a camp where she wanted to go so bad...then I knew that my twin is coming back home by train, so I had to go get her, but before 11 I had plenty of other things to do, like going to my lil sis' school to talk to the principal about how to continue her studies after US school, then I had to go buy flowers, but the florist is in the other side of the city, and I also had to do some other things too, so by the time I got my twin, I felt like collapsing and disappearing from that was my day!!! And it was arghhh...BAD...maybe that's the best word. Guys, I want to go back, or at least I want a NORMAL FAMILY!!!! You know, those dream families, dad, mom, kids, puppies, cats, big garden, a good car, flowers, fruit trees...ect..what a dream, lol...all right, I have to leave now...bye bye

Here I am at my dad's workplace, where the internet connection is unbelivably faster than the one at home, not talking about that here we don't have to pay for it! :P Yeah, reading through my website myself, I can see how boring it is!!! Really! Nothing's happening to me, so I'm always whining how bored I am, and how much I miss my friends and how much I want to go back. I'll try not to mention these anymore, but please forgive me if I do again so...sometimes it comes down to it...and I just can't even talk about anything else. But I don't want you guys leave my website, so I should start writing some stuff, so you guys can read it. Not like anything happens to me, but I have to make this site better before everyone leaves it. So, today dad, my sis, and I went to eat lunch in a sort of restaurant and I ate...guess what Zsofi asked for in a restaurant? Spaghetti! That's right! So, it was good, then we came here, and my sis left with her friend, and I stayed as a puppy would...and now I'm waiting for dad to leave 'cause I'm damned bored...NO! Not bored, just can't entertrain myself...bye for now...and I won't forget you guys! I miss you all!

So, am I bored? AM I BORED? YES!!! Very bored! Pilar hasn't written me, not even a note, for ages! And I'm getting really lonely, and feeling not missed at all... which wouldn't be bad, if you didn't miss the person who doesn't miss you..let's see, how to explain it? Ok, so there were my teachers you see, (not all, but most of them) who I don't miss at all, and don't like of course, I would be really sad, and would bother me, if someone told me that they miss me! But that's totally different when you love someone, miss someone, but you feel like they don't even miss you! That's how I feel! I haven't heard a word from Pilar, and she is having so much fun...I read her website everyday, and here I am, damned bored and feel like rejected in this life!!!

Ok, so right now guest came, and yeah, the woman has a 15 year old daughter, and of course, my sister and her are "Best Friends", and my sister told me that I cannot even talk to her at all...then wtf can I do? I'm so damned bored. I haven't gone to any movies since I came here, and that's been a month ago...conclusion:I HAVEN'T GONE TO MOVIES FOR A MONTH!!! And I wonder when will I have a little time to do that, and when AND where will I have time to meet with people, so I actually could have any friend here at all, because so far, all the people I know and call friends...well...they are in the US!!! And I miss them so much! I want to go back so bad!! I want to see Elisa, Pilar, Sinan, Jessica, Gina, Jennie, Robbie, John, (NOT Joe!!!) Wendy, Caroline, Alice..and...arghh...EVERYBODY I once knew!!! Life sucks!!! I hate it!!! Blech! I know, I love to be alone, but you know, when I have nothing to do...and nothing else happens, besides doing housework....*sigh*..well, that's about it...

Life is boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring and BORING!!! That's all for today!!! No more to say...I say nothing...I AM nothing...and my life??? BORING!!!!!!

Well, Pilar wasn't as I promised...I'm back although I don't know what to say...hmm...oh yeah, I met Ryan online, so I was chatting with him hoping that Pilar would show up, but she never did...I miss US and my friends...they helped me so much...gosh...and I'm hungry!I could finally eat a better food yesterday for breakfast, lunch, and was break with SALAMI!!! Yummy!!! Finally, food! Dad arrived yesterday to Germany from US, and called us, and told us that he might come and visit us some day, before summer is over. yeah, RIGHT!!! I think, he doesn't like us anymore, that's why he's in Germany...I mean...If I would be a parent I would never leave my kids alone...I dunno....I dunno how should I feel...or simply WHAT I feel...I feel forgotten...I feel not wanted....not loved...I'm stupid...I better stop these nonsense stuff....of course, we are loved...of course dad loves us, he just has to work a lot...that's it...hopefully I won't have to work that much!!! Pilar! Where are you? I'm waiting for you to sign online, so I could chat...but I guess, I won't wait for you...I'm getting very sleepy...all right, bye people...

Yay, I'm back!!! (on my site) Did you guys miss me? I can barely believe that if you said "yes"...anyway, nothing really happened...EXCEPT dad arrived to Germany yesterday...he called us!! Isn't that an improvement!!! YES!!! I wonder if he's gonna come and visit us before school some of us!!! All right, gotta go check out if Pilar is online, but since this computer has a tiny, tiny memory, I cannot do it unless I close the "explorer" otherwise, it will say "there's not enuff ;) memory to open the IM" and then Zsofie would say "Shutta f#$* up" bye! Sorry, but Pilar is the most important person in my life!! More important than writing in this come back if she's not on...I promise!! Bye

Hi, everyone! Everyone....actually...Hi No one! Anyways, right now it's Sunday night, and nothing really happened, but I miss you guys so much, and I don't want to lose you guys that's why I keep writing stupid stuff on my website, so I can be sure, that you guys didn't leave me yet. Today, I didn't do too much stuff except cleaning...yeah, Saturdays, and Sundays are really boring here, because all the shops are closed on weekends, which is SUCKS!! *sigh* But yeah, next week I'll go to the capitol, to visit the Board of Education for the second time!!! *blech* So, it will be pretty boring!!! All right, gotta go! Bye, bye!<

I'm here again, but don't ask me day, I got this email from someone, which was something like that when you have a friend, you love her/him, and when (s)he leaves, you say, that (s)he is your best friend...there goes next year when you guys talk sometimes, even tho (s)he left, then comes the next next year, you guys rarely talk, there goes the 3rd year, you guys just know about each other, there goes 4th year, you can remember him/her, but no contact, and there goes 5th year where you forgot completely who that person was, who you used to call "best friend". I never really understood this, and didn't believe in this letter until now...I think I've been already forgotten by people who used to call me "best friend"...except they didn't need 5 years for that, only a few weeks...I feel really lonely! But, yeah, have to get used to it!

Haha, I made "my most precious memories of America" to be impossible to see!!

I know, I know, I haven't written here for ages now, but what can I talk about if nothing good happens to me!? And I don't want to complain and tell you guys all the bad stuffs that are happening to I'm all right, that's all I can say...and...even if you guys already have forgotten me, and don't miss me...well....I tell you a secret...I KEEP MISSING YOU ALL!!!

Ok, life SUCKS, I mean COMPELETELY SUCKS!!! No need for that! I am not I am! NO! Don't ever try to talk to me...don't look at me.....don't KNOW me! Please!!!!!!!!!!! If you already know me, then FORGET ME!!!! I don't want to know any of you guys, I don't wanna no ANYONE anymore...I dunno anything....I don't know, what I don't know..I don't don', I can't even say a sentence which actually makes know nothing, I say nothing, I AM nothing! I'm lost, where? how? I dunno.....I can't find anything...I can't grab on something...I can't hold on something...I don't don't......really......nothing.....don't talk to me...forget me...I'm not here, I never was here.....I'm gone...

Ok, so am I crazy? I tell you a secret...MORE than that! My life is just......argh...the word "more" again comes in handy: MORE than sucks! Screw life!!! I don't understand the people who talk shit about life, how nice, wonderful it is. Ok, don't lie to me! I know what I'm talking about. It's sucks! It's not fun!!! What's fun in it? Go out, look around, pretend you have millions of friend, and smile. If after that, you say it's wonderful than tell did you do that???!!! I'm really curious 'cause whatever I try to's always end up bad and I'm suck at the end, and comes the word "FAILURE" just descibes me and me life. So, go postive..say nothing bad is in life..but believe would be so much easier if you admit that bad things just happen.....and they can COMPLETELY ruin you life, until you feel like your life is sucks. LIKE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, yeah...I didn't leave you guys totally alone...although I feel I AM the one who got left totally alone...but say "Deal with it!"..and maybe you're right. It's just hard, very hard. I've been alone so much of the times, but I never, ever felt to be as alone as I feel right now...although, I always tend to be away from people, and not get to know them, so I don't have to deal with them...once I found somebody who I care about more than myself.....and that person leaves me.....I feel more alone than ever...but yeah..just ignore me...this is one of those boring paragraphs on my site, which no one really wants to read....but..I feel like writing it down...maybe 2 minutes later...I'll come back and earase the whole paragraph, but believe me...right now, I feel like telling this to you all. I'm happy for those of you who kept reading my boring website...I feel kindda sorry for you guys must've been bored to death...but just read it to make me happy...thank you...Wait! Did you ask about life??? Sorry, you're asking the wrong person!!! That's not my department...I'm a screwed up, loser, so you might wanna start talking to someone ELSE! I dunno anything...better not to ask questions from me...all I know that I know you wouldn't get the answers to your questions from't talk to me, don't ask me...not this time...try me again in twenty years...

Ok, so I got my REPORT CARD!!! (which is NOT a card!! If you didn't know that..) Well, I wish I never got it! First of all, that famous math teacher of mine gave me a B-!! I always got max. points on my homeworks and got A's (sometimes B) on tests! How could I got a B- then?? Well, he explained it..with a comment note on my report card... and that says....STUDENT IS NOT! That's just not fair!!! Just because I don't talk, I get a B-??? Ha! Die! Then comes ROP Food Service, which is of course, A. Then comes, Science which is also A. I know, I say "wow, she's so smart! I wish I would