Party Pics

Lisas/Jenns Party

Palmer likes his manly drinks
Yay! Second ever drinking party at my house!
Ben Whyte is attractive
Here is a guy we met at the arena who was very lonely; so naturally we took a picture with him
First party pic at Lisa's
Mooner is picking up
I break tons of rules
Brian Mackay everyone!
Lucky basterd! Undy receives his first ever BJ
Everyone hates me
They don't hate me anymore
Whos drunk?
YES! Red T-bars!
The Cambridge girls (NOTE- Kate in the red punched me in the face and just didn't care)
Nice puppies
Corey Stoddart holding it down
Ben and Goose skankin it up
Hey! thats me skankin
Jenn from Cambridge learns to skank
I hate Darcy Palmer
Check out this sweet hat
Goose is a chick magnet
Another group pic
Gauthier likes his liquor
Hey! somehow we got to Jenn's house; and there's Skip a bop bop bop!
Don't mess with the 6 of spades yo
I don't remember having this picture taken
Nor this