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Frequently Asked Question

Q.) Do you have a Mac Version?

A.) No, its only for PC

Q.) Will you make a Mac Version?

A.) Most likely not.

Q.) Is it for Windows?

A.) Yes, Version 3.50 is for Windows.

Q.) Do you have a DOS version?

A.) Yes, Version 1.20 is for DOS.

Q.) Do you have the Pokémon sounds?

A.) Yes, in Version 3.50.

Q.) I downloaded Version 3.50, now what?

A.) Just run Pokedex.exe

Q.) How do I run the DOS version?

A.) You run it by pokedex.bat

Q.) Where are all the Pokémon in the DOS version?

A.) In the DOS version you have to enter all the Pokémon yourself, but in the Windows version they're all there.

Q.) Can I help with the inputing of the Pokémon data in the DOS version?

A.) Yes, if you think you did a good job then send your pokedex.sav to me and I will use your info in the next DOS Pokédex version.

Q.) Why does it say "redo from start" sometimes when I enter the description in the DOS version?

A.) Currently when you enter the description you can't use commas.

Q.) How do I sort my Pokémon in the DOS version?

A.) Open pokedex.sav with notepad or a text editor and put the Pokémon in the order you want.

Q.) Are there any other Pokédex programs?

A.) Yes there are, but some cost money and the free ones usually aren't that good. We are completely free and people say we are one of the best.