WeLcOme tO pLasTikS.

How's My HTMLing?
Non-Suck ass? Suck ass?
_____plastiks. And she wants someone to save her!@
Sunday-August 17-1:06PM
[edit] I took the change the name of my site thingy off, Ish annoying [/edit] Well, yeah so my site STILL needs work. I'm lazy, what did you expect, my site to just be done overnight. Ha-ha. That's funny. Now shut up. Well, i have added a navigational box, oh and you dirty bastards can't steal my shit anymore! Not like my last site where you could just waltz right in and steal my pics! GO AHEAD! RIGHT CLICK! I DARE YOU! Well yeah, and you can now change the title of my page to your liking, that way if I make it really dirty and you little kids don't want your mommy nd daddy to see, you can change it to some shit like, "Happy land" or just plain ol', "Bri's cute lil' webby" how dorky? Well yeah, i do plan on putting other stuff on it. remember i'm lazy, i dont' like to do alot of work in one day...it wears me out. There ish a cricket soemwhere in my room for your information. It's driving me insane.
Sunday-August 10-9:26PM
4 more days till my b-day, well 3 if you don't count the actual day! yayness! <3 heh. I hope you all like the background and stuff,cause i have a feeling that it's going to be up for a while.Oh and don't forget to tag me! Okay for those of you who don't know what that means, there is a tag board it's like diagonal from my blog, so now you get the joy of posting a comment in it. Yep...*fades*
Sunday-August 10-8:53PM
So nice to know i know how to do this. This is the second time i've done this! GUR! I swear my computer sucks major goat ass! Well in the words of shannon it'd be GOAT BALLS Anyways, back to the subject! I was sitting here letting the feeling of satisfaction of a site well done sink in, when all of a sudden i THOUGHT i hit the "SHIFT" button when really i hit the "ENTER" button causing all my stuff to erase, so i had to start from scratch, TIME NUMBER 2!. Wow, now i realize why web signers are so mad when their shit comes up missing. Well i was mad, and upset, so i guess you could say i had mixed feelings. But Anyways,I've learned my lesson about having my hands on the keyboard when NOT typing. Leaving them on the keyboard like that can only lead to one thing......DISASTER I know this probably won't be the first time i erase everything on my layout, i imagine there will be others. Till next time...
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