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SCHOOLS: Ever thought of making recipe books or put student's own stories into print to fund your school projects. Parents will love the keepsake. GRANDPARENTS: Put down all your memories, your childhood, your life up to now, let them cherish that book with all those wonderful stories of you. PARENTS: You may think the stories of your youth, or those bedtime stories , mean nothing of importance, but when you are not around those very memories will be a part of them forever, a part of their heritage ,close to their heart. DAUGHTER/SONS: Your imagination-like J.K.Rowling who wrote Harry Potter, made a single mother on welfare very rich and famous. You have to believe, and it will come true. Don't let anything get in the way of your imagination. BUSINESSES: Make a profile of your business. Sell your product. Make your thoughts their thoughts. Make them think you are what they need. TEENAGERS/CHILDREN: Tell your parents, friends, how much they mean to you with a book of drawings, poems, or stories. You always were good at cartoons and the stories and peoms you wrote will show your talent and skill. TEACHERS: The time is now to write down your ideas , that could inspire and educate a person. Books travel well,bringing the wonders of the world to everyone. Brighten a life,with your knowledge.Help the mind.Educate the soul. YOU: Scripts of plays-Fiction-Poems-Arts-Crafts-Recipes-Children's Stories- Jokes-History-Music-Cartoons-Animal Stories-Computers- the imagination is endless. You were enthusiastic about your ideas once , now they are in some box or draw collecting dust . Whether you make one book just for you and your family, or a thousand they will be treasures to those who love you and maybe an inspiration to those who don't know you, and fill their world with beauty. IMAGINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KNOWLEDGE. FOR KNOWLEDGE IS LIMITED. WHILE IMAGINATION EMBRACES THE ENTIRE WORLD. Albert Einstien.
