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Spiritual Resume

I was about 11 or 12 years old when I realised I was different, at that time I lived on my mother’s ranch and frequently found myself talking to the horses, calming them, helping them to accept riders without the need for harsh ‘breaking’ techniques and finding sources of ailments. I also found that people would come to me with problems and I would have answers for them. Over the years my powers grew and developed though I tried to subdue them with drugs and alcohol. However these addictions allowed me an insight into that part of human character and allows me to help people with substance abuse related problems. These days I can counsel people on a wide range of issues, always seeking insight through my guides and through the wisdom imparted by the Gods, helping me to direct people in their healing. It is not I who heal, it is the individual who heals themselves, I am merely a signpost, a guide, in the journey towards wholeness. I also still work with animals, and I find great joy and satisfaction in helping our fellow creatures.

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