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Pegasus at Work

The following images show Pegasus at work in the homeland. It's very interesting to be around him when he's working his spiritual magick in and around the stone circles.

Don at Clava

Clava is a group of 'cairns' in the valley below Culloden Battlefield near Inverness. It has been dated to 2,500 BC


Dunadd is an Iron Age fort in Kilmartin Glen south of Oban in Argyll. It was later used as the headquarters for the Dalriada kingdom in Celtic times. Though Pegasus really didn't do much whilst he was there, he certainly enjoyed wondering around his old stamping ground!!


Kintraw is another neolithic site in Argyll - the county is littered with them! It was raining heavily when we visited, but Pegasus did his usual wonder around & communicate with the spirits of the place. But unlike Lady Glassary Wood further down in Kilmartin, there was no need for ceremony.