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  .:Cardiovascular     Fitness:.        
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  .:July Calendar:.
  .:Your Muscles:.
  .:The Food Guide Pyramid:.


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      Hi my name is Liz and I'm doing this for a Pe Final I hope you guys like it and This is what I have Learned in intro to fitness For the year on 2002/2003.
- .:Here are some Facts about Proper/Improper Stretches:..-            Proper Stretches are: Upper body and Torso Stretch, Neck Stretch, Triceps Stretch, Chest and biceps Stretch, Shoulder Stretch, Lower back Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Groin Stretch, Calf Stretch, Shin Stretch.

Improper Stretches are: Head Circles, Arm Circles, Plow, Sitting Quadriceps, Four-Count Toe Touch, Hurdle Stretch, Deep Knee Bends.











Liz Greene