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IN HONOR OF THE TRAGEDY OF TERRORISM 9-11-2001. Click the Liberty Unites Banner above to help!

Adam is still not doing too terrific but, I have put Adam's Garth moment back up. It now has a link to pictures of his room!

Please pray for our country and do whatever you can to help. Remember, they don't call us the UNITED States for nothing!!

I have 5 kids (3 boys and 2 girls)ranging in age from 15 to 5. Ryan is my oldest; then Adam (my special angel); next is Alex (he's a begining model-see link to his site), my oldest daughter, Bria; and my littlest boorgerling, Brittani.

Myself, as well as my children were deeply affected by the acts of 9/11/01 and the healing continues...NEVER FORGET

It is in relfection of these events and the emotions that follow that we offer the following:

Ryan wrote the following poem after we visited Ground Zero and the Pentagon this summer.

9/11: A Year Later (A poem for the New Yorker’s)

By : Ryan Kierl (9/3/02)

A year has passed since that terrible day

When thousands of voices faded away

Among the debris and amongst the rubble,

Was often heard a feeble mumble

People cried as people died

Others just let out a disgusted sigh

Some fell to questioning knees

Asking “God…give an answer, please”

Some screamed, just to hear a sound

As the two mighty giants fell to the ground

Even though steel and stone collided with violence

There was still a worldly silence

Then the building known for defense the best

Suddenly and easily became defense-less

And for the Heroes of Flight 93

Your sacrifices avoided tragedy

Fearlessly they stood their ground

As the heroes, the terrorists and the plane crashed down

Now from that day on

All Americans share a special bond

Our hearts alike, our minds the same

We look down at evil with rage and shame

But there is one group that took it the most

With no great feat to boast

They’ve helped us realize what family and friends are

Whether they are near, or very, very far

They helped us unite as one, under one flag

Whether we wear a suit or a rag

The ones who stayed tried and true

Therefore New York…my heart goes out to You

Alex asks that everyone continue to believe in America and it's government.

Brittani would like everyone to say a prayer for the familes of all affected by this. "Whenever I feel scared, I will say a prayer."

Though Adam cannot express it, I am confident, he just wants peace and comfort for all people involved.

Bria offers this poem she wrote on 9/11/01:

Tuesday September 11,2001

Something bad has happened today.

To some buildings in a way

Lot's of people were badly hurt

Three buildings turned into dirt

Even though it was very bad

Some people were not very sad

So I pray

In God we trust

I can only offer my heart and prayers, but I ask that everyone remember the following:

Treasure what you have

Bless what you receive

Cherish today

Love one another

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