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Moving Around

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Moving Around
The info that you'll find bellow introduces you to control.. NOTE THAT: the control shown here is a Play Station Analog control, therefore, if you have a controller that does not have the joysticks the controls are a lot different.

  • The X button on your control executes a command
  • The [square] button on your control skips a command
  • the O button cancels any commands that you have made
  • the [triangular] button displays the menu

  • the right analog control is not used during play...
  • the left analog button selects commands on the menu and moves Aya around, guess what! On the other standard control you have to press the circle button and the directional buttons to run!
  • if you don't use the analog mode you'll just have to use the directional buttons to move around and do all the stuff that you do with the joystick!