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After 12 long years, I have returned. 12 years is a long time for any website to randomly go dark with no updates. I'm sure everyone that frequented this site from way back then have long since moved on, especially since the message board is currently gone. I wouldn't blame them. For those that wonder why I would return after 12 years in the dark, the reality is, I never meant to leave. Allow me to explain;

You see I inherited Fists of the Dragon from a couple of my online pals. In those days, I was a wee teenager. They had decided to move on to Yahoo's now defunct Geocities website-maker-thing, and left this site up to me to run. (Ironically, Geocities is long gone but good ol' Angelfire here is, uh... kepping the fire going I guess!) So anywho, I employed my best friends to help me moderate this page. One of them, Lewis who went by Broly here, decided to make his own RPG and then copied the code from this page onto his own page and by doing that, he overwrote this whole index page which I had to painstakingly rewrite from scratch.

But then the real nail in the coffin, the whole reason the site went dark was due to my pal Zac. Zac, for some reason or another, decided to change the site's password. No reason. He just did. And THEN he FORGOT the freakin' password he had JUST SET. And just like that, our thriving little RPG went dark. I tried for a solid year to guess the password that Zac forgot and eventually I lost the URL to the site since I started trying less and less, and then Google nor Yahoo were any help at finding it again.

So there I was, 12 years later, laying in bed messing on my phone while my wife watched her little movie and BAM! Found the website again! Then just for giggles, I started guessing the password again. The first few attempts were as futile now, but then bingo. Guessed it right. I couldn't believe it. 12 freaking years and now I'm back. Perhaps once I get some spare time, I will restart this RPG and maybe, just maybe, we can rebuild it to its former glory together. Feel free to send me a Join Email. And enjoy my old welcome text.

Welcome! Welcome to Fists of the Dragon! This was and still is the heart and soul of FOD, mainly because this is the site that started it all. In this RPG, any and all anime characters are accepted. True, by reading the rules and stuff, you would think it is primarily strictly Dragonball. However, let me tell you that this is not true. On the contrary, any character from any anime is accepted. If that character has special abilities and whatnot that the rules do not state, please email them to me and I will gladly add them to the rules and stuff. Just remember to follow the rules and have fun!

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