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July 15, 2000

[Tarakayana: The Epic of the Stars is an intriguing site sent to me recently. I offer one quotation by means of example, but invite you to visit the site and look at it thoroughly.]

If the Earth's moon is a natural phenomenon, it's ideal placement and mass would make it the only such event that could ever be expected to occur throughout the entire history of the universe. The physics involved compel only one of two possible conclusions, either the Earth and Moon system is artificial or it is a naturally occurring coincidence that could hardly be expected to recur. If the latter is accepted, humankind is permanently alone in the cosmos; if the former is accepted, alien intelligence has sponsored the existence of sapience in this solar system.


July 12, 2000

Check out this site - new to me.


July, 2000

[The following letter has come to me and I have made the decision to post it. Frankly, I think the author is far less than credible, but in the interest of equity, thought I should give him his due. I do not take any personal responsibility (in any manner) for his views, and will post no other letters of this ilk from this author. Note: I put the paragraph breaks in, randomly more or less, and yes, he does get on to UFO's eventually - editor.]

I wish to say this about our President,

First, this man is in charge of the biggest nation in the entire world. Second, this man has done so many illegally acts, it will take 100 years just to compile them all together.

Third, and this is factual, as he has always said himself, " Go on the facts and only the facts."

Fact, we, as in my family, a Family of four, we have Police on video / on film, on our camcorders trying to run our car off the road, with my two minor children in the car with us, plus my wife is also severely disabled with MS, a neurological disease of the brain, the nerves, etc. and she was also in the car when these Police tried to murder us, but, we not only caught this on film/video but they then tried to run us off the road on many separate occasions we just want everyone to know the issues here. This all began because of a work injury, yes, a work injury! That is all.

But, my employer is the ROCKEFELLERS, or the IRON ORE MINES in Michigan, so when we began to fight for our Rights, to get doctors to stop lying on my medical reports, to get attorneys to sue the ROCKEFELLERS for deliberately hurting me at work, this is when our problems began as the cops do everything to cater to the Mines, in fact many of these cops work as Insurance Informants off duty for the mines, so when you get hurt at work, you have off duty cops watching you every minute of the day, and do know, they get paid Extremely well.

But, you ask what this has to do with BILL CLINTON, well I will tell you. When we were having all these problems with the police, as they did not want me to sue the mines, as they were telling everyone that i I sued the Mines, the Mines would be forced to shut down, which was a big Lie, as in 150 years the big Mines have NEVER been sued, they have made nothing but BIG profits for 150 years, and no company has ever been so fortunate to never be sued as this company but its no big secret why they have not been sued, now is it! In amy event, when we were then singled out by the police, we were also getting phone calls from yet other Police, yes, they would call late at night, then just sit on the phone breathing real hard, not speaking, not doing anything, just STALKING my wife, my two young sons, myself, but when we looked at our called ID station, there it was, a COP, yes, a cop on the phone, so we called the StatePolice to report this, but the state police refused to help us, to file a complaint, to do anything, but "Promised" they would file a complaint, then as we hung up, it was about 15 minutes later this "cop" calls back and STALKS my wife again, and again it was on the called ID station, but when we called the state police again, they again told us a complaint would be filed, that they would send a car the next day, But Never did.

Then, we went off the phone and this cop calls third time, yes, a third time and again STALKS my wife, my children, and these cops carry guns, they have phones in their cars, so was he just outside, in his car, in our driveway? In the road? What? we did not know, but again the State police refused to help us at all? They again "promised" to come the next day, to talk, but Never came, never filed the complaints as promised, never did anything, and did deny my wife, my two young children protection, due process, equal protection under the laws, that is a Constitutional right, but so is filing a report, a complaint, but they refused to do anything, that was 2 1/ 2 years ago now, and now it has gotten Much worse, so we then went to the FBI, yes, the FBI to report this cop who was now stalking us on the phone, as well as the STATE POLICE who refused us constitutional rights, civil rights, as well as a redress to our grievances, as stated in the constitution, but, when we had called the FBI, told them of our situation on the phone, that my wife had MS, that I have Lymphoma, or cancer, as well as 22 discs fused in my spine, they told us to come next week, on Monday, so when we went we took our camcorder to film yet more cops trying to run us off the road, on the way to talk to the FBI, yes, that is what we filmed, on the way to the FBI offices we filmed yet more cops trying to run our car off the road, so when we got to the FBI offices, my camcorder was still running, yes, so, we went up the very steep stairs, to the top of the stairs, which we have never in our lives ever been up a flight of stairs so steep, so narrow, so dark, but, once there, they had this big iron door, then they let us in, then, we were not there for no more than one minute, yes, one minute, you can even watch the video, and when we were there, they also informed us that they were filming this conversation, but I did not know that I was as well, so, when they began to pick a verbal fight with us, me, we were very surprised to put it mildly, they began by saying that I was writing letters to them about my "garage" but we do not, nor have we ever owned a garage, then when I told them this, it went worse, immediately, as they both began to scream at us, saying , " YOU have 10 seconds to get the Fu#@ out of "our" office or be thrown down the stairs" ! Then as we stood there dumbfounded, they screamed this again, then again, then told us, if you are not out of here in 10 Fu#@&*% seconds, you will be arrested without bail, and charged as well, now get the FU#@ out, and do not come back, ever! we, or I said a few words then we left, but, we were not at their offices for no more than one minute when they began all of this. we then went home and tried to call the attorneys in this area but they refused to talk to us? we did not know what was going on, but, this is a very small tightly knit community of so-called professionals, so our RIGHTS, our minor children's rights did not, do not matter, nor do ours, two severely disabled American Citizens!

So, we had no choice ut to write to others for help, like the attorney general, who Refused to respond to our letters at all, all of them, we sent everything certified or registered, then we wrote to Governor ENGLER, who also lied to us, did nothing, then lied some more, but so did all the others, like Bart Stupak, but it went on and on like this so we then went to JANET RENO, she is their "boss" , so, if she is their boss so to speak, then she has to defend our rights, but do know that handicappers are supposed to have more rights than others who are not handicapped, but, she then lied to us, refused to respond to our registered letters, so we them were Forced to go to someone higher than her, but who? we had to go to you guessed it, BILL CLINTON, so we, as in all of us, we began to write to him, to e-mail, to fax, to send letters, audio tapes describing all of this to him, we sent Many e-mails, to him and to A GORE, but then as we began this, we found out later that they were saying they were not getting any e-mails, which happened right when we began to send them all these e-mails, but we saved all of our e-mails, all our faxes, all of our letters to them both, but no one ever wrote back? Now, these are extremely serious charges, we told everyone we had/have the videos, that we can PROVE what we were saying, so then it got worse, we then had so many cops harassing us, stalking us it was truly frightening, but we fought on, we live in a Democracy do we not? We are guaranteed equal protection under the laws, are we not? But we also have to inform you of yet this True account, it was all documented extremely well. I had gone down to buy my son a deer hunting rifle, as in this state he was legal to hunt deer, a "tradition" in this state, its big up here, to hunt deer, so while in our home, in the Privacy of our home, we tried something new, I told my wife to "play along" , she did, then I sat at home, in my house, in privacy and told my wife I was going to buy a rifle to shoot the police with, but we were also audio taping this, so we could then prove what we were doing, so, I then left a bit later to go get this "new rifle" but, when I got to the sport shop, there were at least 8 cop car all around me! No lie, and I did catch this on video, as we have learned, we cannot go anywhere without our camcorders, so when I got done filming this, I went in, the clerk was shaking he was so frightened, so I bought this rifle, paid with it with our credit card, then they told me they would sight in the scope, I made sure to buy the BIGGEST scope I could, then went home to await a call when to pick up our new rifle. The next day they called, they said that the FBI, the US Marshals, the AFT, the Sheriff, the Michigan State Police, the city police, as well as "other governmental agencies" were at their store and would not allow us to have this rifle. Now, neither one of us have any criminal background, not at that time, not till they Entrapped me, but we were told NO, you Cannot have that rifle, but we had already paid for it with cash, or credit card, but they said no, the FBI, so the store violated both of our Constitutional rights, they even told us they FBI left it up to them!

So we did not get that rifle, just as we thought, that our home was bugged, they were doing this on our words, in the PRIVACY of our home, but we were only trying to find out if our home was bugged for sure. now, we have to tell you this, they also denied my wife, and she was also on the card, as a card holder as well, so they Segregated / discriminated against both of us, not just me, and as they have our phones bugged, tapped, you know everything is / was recorded on their audio tapes, but my attorney is working with them against me, to protect his buddies, others in this area who have also discriminated, lied to us, segregated, but its gone so far, no one will believe, that is what it was all about, can't anyone see this but us for God's sake!? Don't we all get the benefits of this Democracy?! Don't we get it? Hell no we are not, that is only in the books, not in this administration, not with RENO or AL Gore, or Bill CLINTON, and as it got worse, we then caught the FBI trying to run our car off the road, yes, the FBI or Government plates, we filmed everything, then they set me up, they entrapped me, to say I was nuts, that it was just me, that I was a nut, that we never had any videos, that it was just me making all this up, so they rushed me down to an insane asylum ILLEGALLY, denying me a writ of habeas corpus, and many other constitutional rights, in fact, they had me without an attorney for MONTHS, yes, so when they had then done all of this Illegally, I was at that time extremely ill from Infectious diseases in me, so could not fight back, they when they had destroyed my reputation, my families to their liking, they dropped all charges, yes, they dismissed everything, but are still using this excuse they CREATED to deny us Investigations, to do interviews with us, with our children, to watch the videos, then, then they came to our home and Illegally stole all of our guns, they had No search warrants, no seizure warrants, no descriptions, nothing, but came in with a fake piece of paper, which was nothing, it was the "complaint" they filed against me, nothing more, but my wife with MS, as well as it being CHRISTMAS MORNING, at 9:00 am in the morning, on Christmas day, she then let them in, as they told here it was a search warrant, but when they came, she was filming our two children get their Christmas gifts, and she just turned the camcorder over to the front door, whereby they both, the SHERIFF and the STATE POLICE, both of them were then caught in the act of Lying, violating our, her, our two sons constitutional rights again, but, they also stole our knife collection?

Then stole video tapes, tapes that proved my innocence, but, they knew this, they were more than aware my wife was disabled. Then stole our sons gifts that morning, yes, both of their brand new 22 rifles, as we live in a remote area, they both now love to go target practicing, and both wanted to practice to go, or get good enough to someday go to the Olympics, so we were trying to encourage this, as I used to be a great shot, but never had the money to pursue this dream, they had the chance, the Cops, prosecutor took that from them, they had their brand new guns, small caliber rifles stolen, both were extremely costly, were brand new, we put them on credit card, we are still paying on them and they have them, for two years now, this is ILLEGAL, this is discrimination/segregation. In fact, in the 7 years this has been ongoing, the Prosecutor has refused to even talk to us, to answer our letters, then they came into our home and stole these files, but we had more hidden elsewhere. Yes, they stole these files we had on the Prosecuting attorney who was / is discriminating against us all, as well as segregating, but not one attorney in this tiny area will even talk to us! So, when they left, so did ten thousand in our personal property, plus the video that Proved my Innocence on their charges, their Entrapment. But, when they then dropped the charges, the case, the closed it, they kept our guns, our means of protecting ourselves, yes, they then kept our property illegally, and again JANET RENO, BILL CLINTON, AL GORE nor anyone else would help us, in fact, no one ever even wrote back to us at all.

Then, with all this going on in our lives, it got worse, well, not worse in the fact it was bad, but worse in the fact no one would believe us, as when we would go out at night, in our back yard, we began to see and to film on video, UFO's, yes, UFO's. So, we then began to spot them all over, so we then began to film them, we did this for 3 years now, well, its been 2.5 years now, and its still ongoing, so we then got to the point we decided to sell some of these videos to get big named attorneys to help us, as we are desperate, we are poor, they have financially ruined us as well as everything else, so I then went on the computer, to talk to others about selling these films, but we were told by many they did not want to get in trouble with this democratic government, so we then asked e-bay if we could then auction our videos on their site, they said go ahead, we have lots of others doing the same, so we did, but about 4 days into our auction they pulled it, as we were told, they were getting to much pressure to get our video off the computer, as all know we do not lie, if we say we have something, you can take it to the bank we have it. But, the very day we were to put our videos up for auction, we got an e-mail telling me if I did this, I would be killed or hurt very badly, so I told them we were going forward. Then I had to go to town to get some supplies and that is when the POLICE then arrested me on the second set of trumped up charges, yes, but they did not just arrest this old cripple, no, they had at least 10 cars, blocked off a freeway, the main highway in this area, then 6 cops beat on me savagely, yes, 6 of them, they then broke my spine, my left hip I believe, as well as ribs, but as no doctor will treat me, due to how big this is now, I do not know how bad I truly am, and as my court appointed attorney has now lied to me, refused to do his job, what he promised, we do not know what to do, who to go to, or how to proceed, but, then they hurried up and ran our auction to the judge, then they cried that once again I am NUTS because we are trying to sell this video as it shows a UFO hovering above this old deserted AFB (air force base) in GWINN MICHIGAN, then a missile was fired at it, then a Stealth BOMBER flew over it and as I then filmed this stealth Bomber, we then caught 7 (SEVEN) other UFO "S fly over, under, around and by this Stealth Bomber, yes, its all on film, but because I tried to sell this, to make some money to get big named attorneys, as these small town attorneys will not go up against their buddies, they then ordered a competency hearing, against me, and again, there were 800 others on e-bay selling UFO materials, not just me, but are they then brought into court to see if they are nuts, its just to slander me, us again, to destroy us further, our videos, our children, and we do have what we claim on the videos, PLUS MUCH MORE, this is a fact! we now ask this, we need help, we cannot find anyone in this democratic regime to help us and we are now asking for your help to get justice, as we do not feel this is fair, just, or justice is being served here.

They have accused me of crimes that I did not commit, in fact, they set this all up, they being the Michigan State police, Bart Stupak as well as Clinton, and we can Prove this, this was all done to get rid of me, our evidences, then while the 6 cops beat on me, others came to my home, when I was being beaten savagely and they then crawled like snakes through our windows into our home, then forced my wife out of her home, my two children as well, then locked the doors, closed the blinds, then stole all our videos we had of them, these very cops trying to run our car off the road, yes, they also stole much more, they stole audio tapes that I had as a daily journal or daily diary, but stole at least 500 videos we had of yet more UFO's, yes, they are now holding them illegally, so we cannot sell them to get big named attorneys to help us, this is COMMUNISM People, we ask for you help. Then when my wife was outside in her own yard, they had a cop follow her all over, he kept grabbing her, forcing her to sit down, to keep away from the windows, she had bruises up and down her arms, and I am mad, they broke my back then at the jail, tried to entrap me AGAIN, and yet my court appointed attorney refused to file cross claims, counter claims, to file for Police Brutality against a cripple, as I have 22 discs fused in my spine, as well as heart disease, kidney failure, etc. But, now we ask for your help, if you can write to journalists to help us, if you want, please do come watch these UFO films, as they got 700 videos and audio's, but we have more, they did not get everything, in fact, we do have films yet of the police trying to run our car off the road, I believe, but we are to frightened to go get them, the videos we have in hiding.

we also ask that if you do call, or e-mail, to be sure its us, as they did get federal judges to put line blocks on our phones, they did have AT&T do many illegal acts as well, as well as KILLING 4 of our dogs now, yes, they murdered 4 of them to frighten us, to intimidate, to stalk, this goes to my employer as well, as the Informants they hired did stalk, trespass, lied on Police reports repeatedly, then wrote letters saying he was going to kill us all, them the police destroyed these letters, is this, that not felony, destruction of evidences, but CLINTON and Reno did nothing? We are, RON,SANDY,DILLON,RYLEE THORNE rt. 1 box 423-D Negaunee MI 49866 Please go to Amazon. com to see our auction, to get our address, phone number, but do know now, the FBI is monitoring our phones, our computer, mail, etc., and do know, if you write, I will write back, and we do not swear to others, that is someone else doing that to us, we do not know how they do this, but we do not do it. In fact, they have done things to us so bizarre we do not want to even speak of them, this is your/our democratic government in action. To everyone who reads this please do know this, we have not gotten an e-mail on our computer in over a week since putting our auction item up on We have not received no phone calls? Our phone also rings real funny now/Our computer will not sign on to the Internet any higher than 19 thousand baud's? While others get on ay 56k and have less powerful computers than ours, and, we did have a 600 speed computer, but all we ever get on our modem is 19 baud's, then when I went into the modem, to change it, as soon as I changed the modem, it went right back to 19 thousand baud's, so I kept doing this then the phone rang, it was the police? Yes, the police, we had this on our called speaker phone, so everyone in the house listened in on this call, then they told me to stop FU#@&*% with the modem or I would be arrested!

Yes, this is what we have to deal with daily, but, we want everyone to know, this could happen to you if you go to work, get hurt, then fight for basic rights, that is all we/I ever did, we to fight for basic rights. Please, if you do not believe, then come here, sit down, watch our videos, we have nothing to hide, in fact, we told many (thousand's) in our home town to come watch our UFO videos but everyone was to afraid, of the films to even watch them, so, you please think about this, we have what we say, come watch if you want, listen to the truth of BILL CLINTON, AL GORE, then read all of our letters to them for help, to RENO, to HYDE, Bob BARR, to the others in Washington we wrote to for help for 5 years now or more then you will know for sure we do not lie. But we ask you to help us with these corrupt police who THINK they are above the laws, who set me up, they moved a state cop across the street from us, we knew this, then for 2 years they stalked us, intimidated us, put my family under undo stress, did slander us, defamed us so no one would then buy our videos of the UFO's, then they also lied on police reports, falsified police reports, lied to us, to my wife, to my children, then their own dog tore their garbage open and when my wife went out to clean their mess off of our land, she found our mail in their garbage, yes, our mail was in their garbage, with their babies pampers stuck on our mail, and I caught their older daughter right in our mail box on video, then the police come and steal all of this evidence, but, we have more of that, as we have COPIES as well, so now if they delete one second and we catch them, then its again destruction of felony criminal evidences of ours against them, as they did already to us.

Again, we are in a bad situation, they want us dead, we ask for your help, this could be you, someone you love, our children grew up being spied on by a sick perverted neighbor, he sexually assaulted his own daughter, then they hire this sick man to watch my family, and they had the goods on him, as he and his son just burned a skidder, a logging skidder, then bragged to me they did this, when we were talking, but when I told the police, that is when they truly began to use him against us. we want all to know now, this is all true, we can and will prove to anyone all we claim, but if you want to watch these UFO videos, then do come out, we will let anyone sit down and watch them we wish all to know this, we have UFO's on video splitting into two separate parts, then they come back together again, but, we did not "just" film this on one date, No, we filmed this happen on two separate dates, on live camcorder, but, we want you to know that we also have other videos of UFO's doing other feats as well, like one UFO that drops down out of another UFO then does a hovering for awhile, in the air, then zips off into a fast direction away from the original craft, then it stops, then Implodes, but, this is not all we caught, we caught PLENTY, but most of our films our footage was then STOLEN ILLEGALLY by this Democratic Government? No people, this is wrong, we worked our asses off for 3 years to get these shots, we went out in the cold, in the rain, in -30 below zero weather, we went at night, at 4:00 A.M. in the morning, then to do this for 3 years to have it all stolen because of these cops, these crooked PROSECUTORS, so they can steal our work, the work of me, my children, we sunk thousands of dollars into this, about 50 thousand, then all the time, freezing hands, then to hold onto this for 3 year's while they tried to get it illegally, then to get it they Entrap me, have 6 cops beat on me while 7 others come to my home, then Crawl in through the windows, then steal all of our work, our copyrights to these videos, to 10 years of PROOF / EVIDENCES against these crooks, politicians who lied to us, denied us rights, due process under the same laws they are also "supposed' to obey, then they lie, slander us, me, my two fine children, my wife who is so honest, so nieve that everyone just loves her because she is so nice, so nieve, so simply nice.

But they had to steal from us as we, no, I learned how to communicate with them, the Aliens, yes, its true, my family knows this, we know this, but why is it taking you so hard to learn what this Government knew years ago? we are asking for help, we have to get our videos back as they are ours, not theirs, they did not take them, we/I did, we went out, we contacted the Alien craft, they came to us, not them, now they want our videos to make a UFO museum here, in this area, from our films, but we ask you to help us, as if they steal from us, you are next, they are but Thieves, criminals, we ask for your help please, we would do the same for any one of you, but now they know we have more films, so you know they will be back to steal then all, that is how GREEDY they are, and we want our rights, our rights to make money back, they stole that right from us, this is America, the land of Opportunity, but when you have something they want, they come and steal it, now we cannot get an attorney to fight for us, as the FBI has them all frightened, so, will you help us, the people of this great nation? My family did nothing wrong, we were lied to, entrapped, they stole from us, tried to kill us to get these films, then when they did not do this, they broke my back, beat me, then terrorized my wife, my family and are now holding my / our films Illegally, we ask for your help. 906-475-5586 rt. 1 box 423-D CO rd MU 60, Negaunee Michigan, 49866 and if you do not believe, then you come here, when you go, you will believe, we do not lie, we do not have to! Truly, RON THORNE 6/16/2000.


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