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The Petz Files presents..

Hello! I'm Nettie, the secretary here at The Petz Files. This is the consultation room, where helpful hints can be found, as well as our consultant Dana. (She's the owner!) If you have any pet peeves or questions about your Petz and/or the've come to the right place! She can help you with any of your petz problems. Just click on the email and send a message stating the problem. She can also supply free babysitting services, and find a home for any unwanted petz. Just send the petz via-email, and it will appear on the adopt-a-petz page here at The Petz Files. Thanks!ICQ me! My # is 28393256, under nickname "Mau Mau"

Tips on Petz

Kittenz and Puppiez

If you feed your petz at a young age with milk, be sure not to feed them it when they are an will make them fat as they age.

Love at First Sight

When you have gotten your dogz or catz to breed, its best not to switch or seperate the original pair. If you keep them mates for life, you will get repeat breeds efficiantly and quickly.

Much Ado about Furballs!

Did you kitty have an accident? Did you find a furball, leave it, just to find it the next day still there? Here's a simple solution. Clear a space on your self in the toybox, then place the furball in the supply self, and "go to" the toybox. Place the furball in the toybox and 'viola! The Furball is GONE!

A Bug's Life: A look at cockroaches

Eek! What are those things running about in the kitchen! C..C..C..COCKROACHES! Don't panic, these little fellows won't do any harm, even if they do point to dirtyness and germs. Your petz don't seem to mind them, they just toss them about as if they were mice. But, if they do bother you that much, just give them a good spray with the flea spray-and they will leave you alone..for now. Oh, and don't forget to put ALL the food away (water bowls too..) or else the little critters will have a reason to return.

The Main Page
Hexed Petz
My Petz
LitterBoxes and Fire Hydrants
